skanowanie0048 (9)

skanowanie0048 (9)

—    model text

—    culture and background of the target language

—    sound system

—    grammar

—    vocabulary exercises

wSm organisation and technical quality of the textbook.

This list of parameters clearly shows the position of language resources (grammar, sound system, and vocabulary) in relation to language skills (listening, speaking, writing, and reading).

The point is that the textbook contains the resources which provide the conditions for the development of the skills. The actual development, however, depends on factors outside the textbook (e.g. pupils" motivation, teacher’s approach, teaching conditions). The language resources as components of the language system are part of the teaching content and must be carefully examined by evaluators. The language skills, on the other hand, are the target skills that can be developed (in the conditions of school instruction) on the basis of these resources. As the skills are the aims of teaching and learning, they cannot be examined in the textbook, but skill developing exercises and the presentation of the language resources according to the demands of skill-development has to be evaluated.

Used sources

Cunningsworth, A. 1984. Evaluating and selecting EFL Teaching Materials.i London: Heinemann Educational Books.

Hrehovcik, T. 1984. Suggested Methodology for the assessment of Foreigń Language Textbooks. Der Text - seine Struktur und Funktion im, Fremdsprachenunterricht. Friedrich-Schiller-Universitat Jena, pp 94-100.1 Zujev, D.D. 1983. Shkolnyj ucebnik. Moskva: Pedagogika.

Brumfit, Ch. and J.T.Roberts. 1983. A Short In.troducti.on to Language and Language Teaching with a Comprehensive Glossary of Terms. London: Batsford Academic and Educational Ltd.

Pfeiffer, W. 1977. Sonie Problems of the Theory of Materiał Preparation for Foreign Language Teaching. Glottodidactica, IX.

Tucker, C.A. 1968. Evaluating Beginning Textbooks. English Teaching Forum, 5.


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