skanuj0018 (241)

skanuj0018 (241)

10.5 Coronal Sections: IX and X

Quadrigeminal piąte, superior colliculus

Quadrigeminal piąte, inferior colliculus

Longitudinal cerebral fissure

Choroid plexus of lateral ventride

Corpus callosum, splenium







A Coronal section IX

The pineal gland, a control center for circadian rhythms, is here dis-played in fuli cross-section (contrast with the previous section; see also D, p. 299). Below it lies the quadrigeminal piąte, the dorsal part of the midbrain (notę its relationship to the brainstem axis). The larger inferior colliculi of the quadrigeminal piąte are morę prominent here than in the previous section (the inclination of the brainstem gives them a morę posterior location). The inferior colliculi are part of the auditory pathway, while the superior colliculi (morę clearly seen in the previous section) are part of the visual pathway. At the level of the cerebellum, the vermis can be identified as an unpaired midline structure. The only cerebellar nucleus visible at this level is the dentate nudeus, which is sur-rounded by the cerebellar white matter. The deep cerebral nuclei are no longer visible in the piane of this section.


geniculate body

B Quadrigeminal piąte (lamina tectfi Left posterior oblique view.


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