60252 skanuj0058 (24)

60252 skanuj0058 (24)

Marta Derek



Cultural tourism versus economic deyelopment: does Frombork make a liying of tourism?

Summary: The belief that development of tourism brings economic benefits is quite popular. The significance of this economic sector for local development is quite widely discussed in literaturę. Simultaneously it is often underlined, that it is just the mass tourism, mostly so-called “3S”, that brings the greatest benefits. In Poland this opinion is confirmed among the other things by an analysis of the financial situation of the touristic communes. The seaside communes, in which the mass tourism is developing the most, are undoubtedly in the best situation (Derek, 2005a). The opposition to the mass tourism is the ecotourism (Małek, 2003) or “the sustainable tourism” (Gołembski, 2002), which should mitigate the negative effects of the mass tourism minimizing its environmental, economic, and social costs (Kowalczyk, 2002). The conception of the sustainable tourism assumes integration of the touristic development with the local economic development, with the simultaneous respect for the environment and avoidance of its degradation (Gołembski, 2002). However the objectives of development of the sustainable tourism are very laudable, the question remains: can so understood tourism contribute to the regionai economic development? Can it bring economic benefits to the whole area (a commune, a region, a country) or only to the narrow group of people engaged in its development?

The belief that tourism is a universal remedy is also quite popular in Poland. Many local authorities make the tourist deyelopment one of the main


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