26342 ss 013

26342 ss 013


Postał Pupil G. PRATCHETT (Bradford)

Is an Office Worker!

lmve tnsks nf the faet.

The Peculiarities of Musole Tissue.

Mliscle tissuc. Vi>ry liighly dereloped as it is. possess the peenlinr pnwer of rnnlrnct ing mul reln.\ing ia tlić* same

way as wottld nu Itulia ruhber band or piece of elnstic.

Tlicii again romes nu importu nt-elassifu atiou or dicisiou of the museular system, and one whi ii I want partienlarly to ilenl willi horę. Kuch m nscle is classified as eitlic-r vohmtary or imolim-lary, i.e.. thnse tlinl are eoiiseiously coiitrolled and tho.se tlint cannot eon-- iously I «• regulutcd. Xow. there shonld lii' a distmot dividing lino tliere, lmt iii these days of musclo contro!. the fnsoinnting stmly of wliicii is so much on the imreasc. mniiy nf tlie muscles whicli were ternied imoluniary are now fouml to l-e po.ssihle of coutrnł. But we run ouly doal hrnndly with the arerage haman muscular system.

Tlie true imoluntnry muscles nre the internal orgnns. sm-li as the and inteslines. <iver whicli we lerform their ne.-essnry and deliente nre morę or less unconscious

•• Stornach ” Muscles and “ Abdcminals."

One importom point arises herc. 1 have cery freqiiontly heard fellows retor tu the lemarkahle decolopinent of so-aml-so's stornach muscles. whicli. of eonr.se. they cannot see ot all. The.v are eonfiising the ahdominal group. siluatecl diic tlt licueałh the skin nnd <nvering the ahdomcu. witli ilu- muscles of the stornach. the irrogular euno-shaped ** foodhag " whicli is one of the priucipnl digestice organ* of the body. The muscles in tliis are purely incolnntnry. while tliose of the ubdomiiud group can he most liighly dereloped and bronglit ntuler per"i nnitrol. as ptwiously mentiimed.

Naturully, it i" in the truły voluntiu\v muscles flint we pliysi-al culturists take pec 1 inr interost. for it is by the intensire ctiltication and co-ordinatod empl ę1 ut of these tlint we arc eimbled lo perlonu grent fent< of physieal strength. The (omposition of these MIGHTY muscles of tlie hody ninkes nn iiiren-sting siady, but it must stilfiec* herc to noie tlint largo mul imtssiw as tliey urny l i-, rhey arc nil simdnrly and delicately eonstrneted. Tlie simplest description is tlint thi.'. cousist of l> mdles of libres. cuch ahout lin. long au<l ouly abont one łive-hniulredth of nu incli wide. uli interlaid and em-losed in wluU cna he descrihed as an •‘ciastu- skin,'* whieh holds them firmly together.

The Driving Fcrce.

The hmnnn system eontains mer l>one> aml there is neither n single bonę nur musele tlint is not ttsed to sonie extent ecery day by the nrerago indieidual.

Rut boues and muscles ouly roprosciit the bnlk of the hody; it is the blond eirciilatioii tliat |»rovides the working power mul the driring furce heliind it all is tlie lieart. 'lin* henrt Works unceasingly from birth mitil dentli pmuping

Vngt Thirtr,


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