Seven Success Secrets of Hypnotism

Seven Success Secrets of
Hypnotism Practice
Many misconceptions about success you let the office helper do it, you are losing
persist in this work and hopefully I can help business. Your office helper does not
you clear your mind so that you might understand the nature of your work, even if
maximize your effectiveness. it is someone close to you. You are the only
one who fully understands what you do and
The first prerequisite for success is a
your methods of operation. You should take
four letter word: "W.O.R.K." But hard work
as many phone calls as you possibly can.
alone is not enough if you work without
There will come a time when you will be too
knowledge or without an awareness of what
busy to answer the phone and you may have
your efforts are producing. Everyone here is
to let someone else answer for you.
obviously willing and interested in doing the
work and no one here believes that if you Your main concern is to turn the inquiry
pray or chant enough affirmations that bags into an appointment for the first session.
of money will fall from the sky in front of
When they ask, "Can hypnosis help me
with my problem?" I reply, "The first step is
for you to come in for a session and in that
time I will test you to determine your level
of response. I will discuss your problems
and goals and at the end of that time I will
tell you if hypnosis is indicated for you, how
long it will take and what the cost of the
The first session begins with the
program will be."
telephone call. All of you are educated
enough not to use terms such as "patient" or
"cure" or "treatment". We don't have any # 2
patients and we don't treat anyone. We are a
hypnotism center - I am speaking to those of
Once the client arrives I spend the first
you who are not licensed in the healing arts.
fifteen minutes allowing them to present
This is a hypnotism center and we give
their problem and completing the intake
self-hypnosis, group and private hypnosis
form. Then I say to them, "How can I help
sessions. We use hypnosis as an educational
you today?" and they begin to tell me their
process to help clients deal with certain
goals, problems and motivations.
If you learn the art of intense listening,
In the early part of my career, I did
you are likely to discover the problem in the
almost all of the phone answering. If you are
first five minutes. During the intake
beginning your career and you feel that you
interview I interact, I communicate, I ask
are too important to answer your phone and
questions, I clarify and I feed back. When
you are using the process correctly, the client "Well, we sat in chairs and he said
will come to know several things, in the first everyone put your hands together, press
Fifteen minutes. them tightly together, and now they are
stuck. Try to pull your hands apart,' and I
One: that you are not just hearing them,
was the only one who did. So he dismissed
but you are listening and focusing your full
awareness and conscious attention upon
them. Respond to that by saying, "It is difficult
to relax enough to concentrate on those ideas
Two: they become aware that you are
in front of a group of people, especially if
analyzing, interpreting and evaluating by the
you are a little anxious that you might be
feed back that you give them ... "I hear you
asked to do something silly."
saying," or "I understand that," or "it seems
as if," then they can confirm, deny or Suppose they say, "Oh, yes, I went up
correct. "Oh, I didn't mean it that way, what on the stage in a night club and the last thing
I am really saying is..." or "Oh, yes, that's I remember is being told to try to pull my
right." hands apart and the next thing I knew it was
an hour later. When I went back to my seat,
Three: as they become aware that you
they told me I sang, and danced and did
are relating to them in a therapeutic process,
funny things while on the stage."
your rapport is being developed in the
non-hypnotic interview. They become You now have additional information.
convinced that you are interested in them You know they went into a deep trance
and care about them, you devoted your full easily. If they say it was for therapeutic
attention to them and that you are really a purposes, again you ask, "Who was it?" and
very wise person. have them tell you all the details.
"Well, I went to the therapist and I felt
like I was floating on a cloud."
Store that because when you hypnotize
them, you will want to use it as feedback,
"Now you are getting that feeling of floating
on a cloud." Take everything they say of a
The first question is, "Have you ever
positive nature, about their previous
been hypnotized before today?" (implies that
hypnotic experience and feed it back to
they are about to be hypnotized.)
them. Why ask yourself, "What kind of
They will reply "Yes" or "No."
deepening techniques shall I use?" when
they have already told you.
If they answer "yes", ask "Was it for
therapeutic purposes or for entertainment, as
If they say to you, that they don't
in a night club?"
remember very much of what went on in the
therapist's office, again you have similar
They may answer, "Well, a friend hired
input of information. The key question at
a hypnotist to entertain at a party and he
this point is, "Was this beneficial to you. Did
hypnotized five or six others, but I didn't go
you get the results that you hoped for? - tell
me about it."
Ask for the details, say, "Will you tell
When they report positive results they
me about your lack of response?"
have told you, "I had a belief in hypnosis nothing to do with her values, which
and I tried it and it worked for me. includes her character attitudes, her religious
Therefore, here in this moment with you Mr. beliefs and her moral principles."
Hypnotist, I have a tremendously high
They often reply, "Oh, I never thought
mental expectancy. My imagination is
of it that way. I just thought they would tell
already excited. Don't expend a lot of time
me that I would not normally do anything
on me doing all of those preparatory things,
under hypnosis that I would not normally do
I've already told you my story. I went to a
and I would never normally get up in front
hypnotist and got good results."
of a crowd and sing a song."
Take one more step and say, "That is
Now you have communicated and you
wonderful. Now, tell me, do you remember
are into the process of re-education.
how you were hypnotized, what method was
When you ask, "Are you ready for me to
used, what can you tell me?" They will tell
hypnotize you?" you can get a great deal of
you whether it was someone who believes in
information from their answer.
swinging a watch or using flashing lights or
just what the experience was, or you might
"Well, if you think you can?" or maybe,
"O.K, good luck." or "Yes, I hope so." and
sometimes they may say to you, "No - I'm
"Have you ever been hypnotized?"
not ready!"
They reply, "No, I have never made an
"Alright, if you are not ready, tell me
effort to be hypnotized."
about it."
"Have you ever seen anyone
"I did not come today to get hypnotized.
I think I will just talk to you."
"Oh, yes. My friend was hypnotized on
"That's all right. You have reserved the
the stage, and - .
time and we can spend the Lime talking and
Now you have some input. "What did
I am not going to hypnotize you until you
you think of all that?"
tell me that you are ready for me to
"I just could never understand how she hypnotize you."
could get up there and sing a song. I know
They may say "No" just to test you to
her and she is quite shy. I could not figure
see what will happen and five minutes later
out if she was faking it or what."
they might say, "I am ready now... I was
This is an opportunity for re-education. anxious before, but now I feel more
You say, "The reason she was able to sing relaxed."
on stage, is that the critical factor of her
At this point, it is time to hypnotize this
conscious mind was temporarily closed
person using whatever methods that seem
down because she was in trance. The part of
appropriate to you. Whatever methods you
her mind that says, "you are making a fool of
use on that first session, I suggest that after
yourself, everyone is looking at you and you
the induction of trance, you begin a
should feel embarrassed," was silent.
relaxation process because you want to get
Because she did not hear that voice within,
the full discharge of accumulated tensions
she was able to do something that is quite
and make the First session the best session.
within the natural capacity of any human
In the first session there is no attempt at
being, to sing a song or do a dance. It had
therapy, at least, not in an observable way. "Well when I arrived home my husband
asked me, 'How did the hypnotism session
Many clients have said, "I went deepest,
go,' and I said, 'Well I am not sure."'
the very first time." What they mean is, "I
had stored so many accumulated physical "What do you mean, you are not sure?
and emotional tensions that when I Did you get hypnotized?"
discharged them, I got rid of a tremendous
"I don't think so!"
"You should know - were you
hypnotized or not?"
# 4
"Well, I don't think I was but the
TESTING THE SUBJECT hypnotist said I was."
"I don't care what the hypnotist said,
In the pre-hypnotic talk I ask, "Have
you should know. Did he lock your eyelids
you ever been hypnotized before?" The
answer is usually "No."
Then I ask, "Have you ever made an
effort to be hypnotized before today?"
"Well then, you weren't hypnotized.
How much did that cost you?"
Often they say, "Yes, several times, but
no one has ever hypnotized me."
"Fifty dollars."
Then I ask, "was it for entertainment or
"You didn't make another appointment,
did you?"
They reply, "I had a problem that I
wanted to deal with."
One of the measurements of your
"What kind of therapist was it that you
effectiveness is how many clients return
went to?" (This is very important because
after the first session. The first session is the
you want to find out if it were their neighbor
one where they should be convinced and the
who is a certified public accountant and does
rapport developed, so that the therapy is
hypnotism demonstrations as a hobby; or a
ready to begin.
psychologist or psychiatrist, whose
It is costs you a certain amount of time,
hypnotism skills are of ten the same as the
energy and money, to bring that client into
next door neighbors; or a trained
your office. If you only get paid for a single
hypnotherapist of experience and reputation
session, I doubt if you can recover the
in the community.)
amount that it cost you to get the client into
"Tell me exactly what happened."
the office.
"He talked to me for a while, then he
Open the yellow pages for any large city
said to sit in the reclining chair and close my
and start calling the hypnotists' listings.
eyes while he repeated, 'You are getting
From thirty to fifty percent of those listed
drowsy and sleepy and you are going deeper
are out of business. This happens because
and deeper into hypnosis.' He did that for
they place their ad five or six months before
quite a while, but I never went to sleep and I
the directory comes out, and less than a year
heard every word."
from ordering the ad they are no longer in
"Then what happened?"
Clients fail to return because they were the next step. You are going to bring the
left with the feeling that they were not conscious mind the realization of the trance
hypnotized. I met with a group of hypnotists state and you do that by giving three tests.
at the Hilton Hotel in Baltimore and one of An arm levitation, up to the chest, the chin
them said to me, "I really confuse them, or the head, and as the arm is lifting, you
when they walk out of my place they do not compound it with the second test, saying,
know if they have been hypnotized. I tell "As your arm is lifting, your eyes are locking
them that is part of the mental confusion closed and when you hand touches your
process." body, your eyelids will be locked so tightly
closed, the more you try to open them the
I thought to myself, "At least he has
tighter they are locking closed."
found a way to put a positive view on his
ineffectiveness." But, it still costs him At the same time, as the right arm is
money every day. coming up, use the second suggestion: "As
your right arm is lifting your left arm feels as
Over the years that I have been in this
though it is made of marble or stone or
work and heard these many stories, the
lead". Don't say that it IS made of stone,
question arises, why are the hypnotists
because it is not and you have to deal with
losing these clients. What is it that they are
what remains of a rational mind and you
failing to do? They are failing to test the
don't know how much that rational mind is
subject to bring to the conscious mind the
active. Use the subjunctive mood to state a
realization of the trance state. They don't test
condition contrary to fact which says, "your
because they are afraid that the client will
arm feels as if it is too heavy to lift."
not respond in the way that the hypnotist
believes appropriate and if they fail to Use this wording: "Your eyes have
respond, what will he do then? locked so tightly closed, the more you try to
open them, the tighter they are locking
Suppose he tells them that their eyelids
closed and at the same time, you arm feels as
are locked closed and they open them. He's
though it is made of marble, lead or stone, it
afraid that they will say "Hey, Charlie, you
feels as if it is far too heavy to lift." This
did not hypnotize me, you had better give
"rule of reversed mental effort" will generate
me my money back." That is not the way it
a successful result in virtually every case. By
works out, but that is the basis for the fear.
contrast, in his book New Master Course in
You can't be successful in any line of
Hypnosis, (The New Master Course in
endeavor when you operate from a
Hypnosis, Harry Arons, Power Publishers,
background of fear. You must always
1961), Harry Arons gives the wording for
operate from a background of feelings of
the arm catalepsy as follows:
competence. You will experience emotional
and psychic burnout because your fear and Your arm is outstretched before you,
anxiety will literally consume you. stiff and rigid like a bar of steel. You are
completely powerless to bend or lower it. In
fact the harder you try the more impossible it
is, because you are in hypnosis, you see, and
implicitly obedient to my every command.
You simply cannot lower your arm until I
Having completed the induction process
SAY that you can! "What you are doing here
and testing the subject, you are ready to take
is impressing forcibly upon the subject's
consciousness that he is indeed under you IF it were far too heavy to lift, in fact even
"hypnotic control" -else why can he not do the very thought of trying to lift it seems to
something so simple as lowering his arm? be more than you wish to deal with, at this
time. You may, if you wish to, make an
A suggestion may be made that a few
effort to lift your left arm. Now stop trying,
minutes after awakening he would become
relax and go deeper."
aware of a terrible itching sensation in his
back just between the shoulder blades, Now we have done the arm levitation,
where it would be difficult to scratch. the eye catalepsy and the heavy left arm
tests. It is important to utilize all these tests
"You will be very annoyed with this
so that you will get a response on at least
itching," you continue, "and will go into all
one of them. Any response to a single test is
sorts of contortions to scratch this spot, even
100% success. You have now finished the
rubbing your back against the wall and
tests and you must explain their response.
against articles of furniture. But nothing will
You say, "The feeling that you felt, as your
help. Finally, you will appeal for my help in
arm was lifting, that is the feeling of
the matter, because ONLY I will be able to
hypnosis. The feeling that you felt, as your
relieve this itching. I will simply snap my
eyelids seemed stuck, that is the feeling of
fingers twice and the itching will disappear
hypnosis. The feeling that you felt as your
instantly. This will convince you beyond the
left arm seemed so heavy, that is the feeling
shadow of a doubt that you are indeed under
of hypnosis. I call these responses the
feelings of hypnosis because you and I
This wording is guaranteed to produce a
know that there is no rational reason for your
high percentage of failures because:
right arm to feel lighter than your left. There
is no rational reason for your eyelids not to
A. it openly challenges the subjects
open instantly on the mere thought. There is
no rational reason for your left arm to feel
B. it tells the subject that he is "completely
heavier than your right.
powerless", "implicitly obedient to my
"In the hypnotic trance, the critical
every command",
factor of the conscious mind is temporarily
C. it mobilizes the subject's "fear of losing
relaxed. This is the part of your mind which
examines incoming ideas for their rational
content. Since that part of your mind is
D. it erodes the subject's dignity: "You will
relaxed because of trance, you don't have
go into all sorts of contortions to scratch
any inhibitions about responding to
this spot, even rubbing your back against
irrational ideas; such as your right arm is
the wall and on articles of furniture."
lighter than your left; or your left arm is
E. the overwhelming authoritarian style and
heavier than your right; or that your eyelids
conflict structured wording generates
are stuck. Your mind is not asking a
feelings of defiance from the subject.
question, or making a statement such as,
I urge you to avoid making these 'That's silly, my right arm feels the same as
mistakes. my left arm because that is the way it should
be. I could open my eyelids any Lime I
Now let's return to the correct wording
choose.' Because of this single change you
of these tests:
are able to accept ideas that are different
"Your left arm feels so heavy it feels AS
from your previous experience. relaxation, or a sleep of your nervous
"You might consider your mind to be
like a stereo system with speakers on either You have two more things to do. The
side. When I turn the balance control knob first one is to say; "Before I bring you up
all the way to the left, the music will pour from hypnosis, is there anything further you
out of the left speaker and the right speaker want to say to me, ask me or tell me."
will become silent. The speaker has not
Give them the option to give you
disappeared nor has the circuitry to the
information. They might give any number of
speaker disappeared, it is just temporarily
a variety of responses. Most times they will
passive or inactive. When I turn the balance
say "No."
control knob the other way, the left speaker
The second thing, done at the end of
becomes passive and quiet, and the right
each session of therapy, is to say, "Quickly
speaker is activated once again.
now, who do I remind you of"
"In the same way, one circuit, or one
You will get some very quick
part of your mind, 'the critical factor,' is now
information about the projections they put
temporarily relaxed, and this is the major
on you. "You remind me of my father."
change that occurs in the hypnotic state. This
is what enables you to accept good, positive,
"How am I like your father?"
beneficial and creative ideas that help you to
"Well he was a good friend, he was very
do the very things that you have set out to
understanding" or "You remind me of a
do. in a moment, I am going to bring you up
minister," or "a doctor," or "a school
from this trance and when I do, you are
going to have a much clearer understanding
of your trance state when you open your
I have had them say, "You remind me of
a judge."
"How am I like a judge?"
"Well, I think you are very
Probably that person had an experience
with a judge maybe when he was a juvenile
Be sure to give them these hypnotic
and now he is more understanding. it means
suggestions. "You are going to have a much
that I am an authority figure and I am linked
clearer understanding of the nature of
to some authority figure out of their
hypnosis when you open your eyes. You will
experience. The most unusual one was when
have a much clearer understanding than you
I said to a lady, "Who do I remind you of?"
ever had about the nature of your conscious
She replied, "You remind me of the
and subconscious mind. You will understand
that it is most likely you heard every word
that I said, even when you were in your I said, "How am I like the devil?"
trance. You will understand that you were
"Because the devil knows everything."
not asleep in the manner that you sleep at
I said, "Alright, I am going to count
night; that you experienced a wonderful state
from ten down to one and we are going back
of physical, mental and emotional
to a time that has to do with 'the devil knows Whatever their response, your answer is
everything"' always the same: "Tell me about it."
In the intake portion of her session, 1. You say, "Kind of surprised yourself?"
every time I fed back to her ("I hear you
saying...," or "In other words..."), she would
"Tell me about it."
say, "Oh, my God, how did you figure that
"Why, I really did not think I was
hypnotized, but then I felt my arm jerking up
Finally, she said, "You seem to know all
and when I went to open my eyes they did
about me." Now, she says that the devil
not open. My left arm just felt like it was
knows everything.
made of lead and I said, 'Hey, wait a minute,
In the age regression, she was less than
I must be hypnotized?"'
four years old and the family lived in a little
"You see, you got a conscious
house on the edge of town. Out behind the
realization of the trance state. "
house was a small thicket of trees with a
stream running through it.
2. "Kind of surprised yourself?"
She loved to go back there to play, but
"No. "
something happened to change things -
"Tell me about it."
perhaps a child was molested, or some
hobos were seen back there. One day,
"Well, I read in a book about how the
Mother said, "You are not to go back in the
arm came up and sure enough my arm came
woods any more," and when she asked,
up, just as I figured it would."
"Why Mommy?" she was told, "Because the
3. "Kind of surprised yourself didn't you?"
devil is living back there now and you know
the devil carries off bad little girls." A few "No."
days later she did something that Mother
"Tell me about it."
thought was naughty and Mother said, "If
"Well, I thought if I were hypnotized I
you don't stop being so naughty, the devil is
would not hear anything and I would feel
going to come right into this house, put you
like a zombie."
under his arm and carry you right out of
here." She asked, "Marna, if the devil is
Then ask, "What did you experience?"
back there in the woods, how does he know
"Oh, I just felt the relaxation and my
that I am naughty up here in the house?" Her
arm coming up and my eyes sort of stuck but
mother said, "The devil knows everything."
I heard a horn blow as a car went by
NEXT STEP: Terminate the trance.
"All right now, I am going to count from one
What you have done is to take them
to five and at the count of five your eyes are
from the place of basic misunderstanding to
wide open, you are calm, rested, relaxed,
a position of some understanding, and what
fully aware and feel wonderfully good." (See
you are doing is to send them home with one
the trance termination script.)
of two positions.
First thing I always say is, "Well, you
The first is, "Yes, I was hypnotized" or
kind of surprised yourself, didn't you?"
"I might have been, or, I'm just not quite
There are only three answers they can give:
"Yes," "No" or "What do you mean?"
When they get home, the "significant or methodology that you are using. Perhaps
other" says to them, "How did your session you can talk to some other hypnotherapists
with the hypnotist go?" who are getting better results. Check your
technique against theirs. The wording is so
They can say, "Oh great, I was
important that in my courses I place great
emphasis on it.
"Tell me all about it."
Every technique is given in full printed
"Well, I lay there and had the funniest
form, not just, "This is what you say," but
feeling, my arm rose up -. "
instructions to the hypnotist about what they
do and say, a discussion about it and then
"Oh great, made another appointment
actual practice of it in workshops, using the
didn't you?"
"Yeah, next week."
I have spent 35 years testing and
Or they can say, "I don't know if I was
perfecting the effectiveness of these scripts. I
hypnotized or not."
know that they work and they work every
"What do you mean you don't know,
what happened?"
I want you to build a series of successful
experiences while you are here because that
"I got feeling pretty relaxed, and he said
is what you came to me for. To learn how to
your arm is going to come up and my arm
be an effective hypnotist and you can be
came up. It was lifting, I don't know if I was
most effective when you are generating a
doing it, or what was happening and then he
good income.
said try to open your eyes, and they did not
open." They have something to describe to
Let's suppose you say, "Your eyelids are
the other interested person.
locked so tightly that the more you try to
open them, the more tightly they are locking
The other party will say, "You were
closed - now try to open them and find them
hypnotized. I can tell you right now you
locking tighter and tighter" and they open
were hypnotized."
their eyes and smile at you!
If you have not been doing that and you
Show no concern and say, "That's fine,
now begin to do so, it will add up to ten
close them down."
thousand dollars a year to your income
because your clients will return for that
No matter what a subject does, except to
second session. They will go home with the
become violent, you always say, "That's
imagination excited and they will tell
everyone, "I was hypnotized," and they will
If they have a need to disappoint you, or
be back for more.
work against you but you continually say
Now, what about your fears of being
"that's fine" to all of their responses, they
seen as an incompetent?
soon learn that they cannot disappoint you
by not doing what you suggest. Soon, they
Do you think, "If they do pop their
will give up; if everything is always "just
eyelids open, or don't lift their arm, will they
fine," they will stop resisting. When the
say, 'He is a poor hypnotist'?"
session is over, they may say, "Well I did
If you are not getting good results with
open my eyes."
these tests, you should examine the phrasing
Your reply is, "That's right, please close for payment.
your eyes, and open them again," and they
If you are in an institutional setting or
will open them.
clinic, billing is based on the old models of
Ask, "Is that the way you opened them a the physician and psychologist, and the
moment ago?" client is billed monthly. No matter how few
statements you have to send out it costs time
"No, but I opened them."
and money. If you want to send out forty or
"Yes, but it took you several seconds.
fifty statements, you must invest in the
The difference between the way you opened
forms, the ledger cards and the clerical labor
your eyes just now and the way you opened
to address them. All of these services add to
your eyes a moment ago, was the degree of
your costs.
hypnotic suggestion that you had accepted at
My question is, do you have clients who
that moment. Do you understand that
don't keep an appointment? How many
weeks did you have 24 appointments booked
Students, it is always the subject who is
on Monday morning and you said, "I am
confused or misinformed - it is impossible
going to have some income this week," but
for you to fail because you have a great body
at the end of the week twelve of the twenty
of knowledge and skills, which you apply
four had not shown up.
I have been in the work for thirty years,
When the subjects response is not as I
and completed 40,000 hours of clinical
would like it to be it is their failure to
hypnotherapy. I was always resentful when I
respond appropriately. If their arm did not
looked at the end of the week and I had "no
lift or their eyes did not lock and their left
shows" before I adopted the principle I am
arm did not get heavy. I just say:
about to explain to you.
"I think we need to talk a moment about
Printed on your appointment card is the
your unwillingness to respond. Just close
statement "Advance notice of a cancellation
your eyes and think about it now and see if
must be given at least 48 hours in advance or
you can come up with a few reasons why
a charge will be made." An hour before, or
you are exhibiting this unwillingness."
10 minutes after the appointment time, the
client calls and says, "I'm sorry I can't make
I never use the word resistance, that is a
it." About seventy per cent of them say, "My
very poor word. if I tell them that they are
car is broken down," or "There has been an
capable of generating resistance, it is liable
accident on the freeway." The other thirty
to generate more resistance so I tell them it
per cent say, "My child is sick and I have to
is their unwillingness to respond.
take her to the doctor." Or "My husband
took the car and he was supposed to be back
but he is not back yet."
Rarely do they tell you the real reason,
such as, "I had an unexpected expense last
week, I had to buy Jimmy football shoes,
and they are $68.00, so I thought and
thought how could I cut back on
Collecting your fees can be a great
expenditures this week and save $50.00."
problem because there are several models
They say. "My car is broken down". reasons that you alter your methods for
collecting money, and one way to do that is
The first reality of this practice is, of
by selling a block of time.
those who do it to you once, seventy-five per
cent will do it to you twice and of those who
do it to you twice, ninety-nine per cent will
do it to you three times because that is their
pattern of behavior.
The same principal applies when you
send statements, you get down to a few who
are always two to three months behind and
your office manager says, "I thought you
ought to see these three overdue accounts."
You look at them and say, "Mary Jones
owes me for three months! What is wrong
with that woman? I knock myself out doing
age regressions and twice I let her
appointments run over time. Why is she so
ungrateful that she is not paying me?"
Question: When Mary Jones walks in
for her appointment and you are aware of
her unpaid fees, do you have the quality of
caring to do your best work with her?
What you really feel like doing is to say,
"I work hard for you and give you the best
service, but you don't pay me the money and
you don't even try to explain why." Instead
you say, "That is not professional, so I won't
do that. "
The very same thing applies with the no
shows. After a client has missed two
appointments, unless you are booked months
ahead, it is unlikely you will charge them the
cancellation fee. You will say, "This was the
first time so I will let it go."
The second time you say, "It is not
really fair to charge money for something
they did not get, besides I could use that
time to work on my books." But when they
walk in the office, you are going to have a
resentful feeling that will interfere with the
maximum effectiveness of your therapy.
I am suggesting there are many, many


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