Eve Savage [Destination Pleasure 02] Wicked In Wales (pdf)

Wicked In
Eve Savage
This is a work of fiction. Names, characters, places, and
incidents are either the product of the author s
imagination or are used fictitiously, and any resemblance
to actual persons living or dead, business establishments,
events, or locales, is entirely coincidental.
Wicked In Wales  Destination Pleasure Series
COPYRIGHT © 2007 by Eve Savage
All rights reserved. No part of this book may be used or
reproduced in any manner whatsoever without written
permission of the author or The Wild Rose Press except in
the case of brief quotations embodied in critical articles or
Contact Information: info@thewildrosepress.com
Cover Art by Angela Anderson
The Wild Rose Press
PO Box 706
Adams Basin, NY 14410-0706
Visit us at www.thewildrosepress.com
Publishing History
First Scarlet Rose Edition, July 2007
Published in the United States of America
To my husband and children - None of this is possible
without your love and support. I love you so much.
To my family - You never said it couldn't be done.
To the Mt. Helicon Muses - It's a privilege to be on this
trip with you as we follow our dreams.
Wicked in Wales
Wales, UK
 Can I buy a vowel?
Leia Weisman stared at the impossibly long name on
the train station sign hanging from the ceiling. The name
had to be at least forty letters long.  Llanfairpwllgwyng
oh, forget it. Where the hell am I?
Just her luck. The one day she decided to not
concentrate on business and actually go see the sights of
Wales, a strike stranded her in God-only-knew-where.
She fished for the map in her bag and laughed.  Lake
Chaubunagungamaug s got nothing on this place. Of
course, that was the short name for the lake where her
family had a summer home in Webster, Massachusetts.
The formal name had almost fifty letters.
Leia smiled, thinking about the lake. She missed it.
Amazing what working eighteen hour days for nine
months on a hotel project could do to you. She found the
map and studied it.
 Now, where am I?
A deep chuckle behind her interrupted her musings.
 You re in Llanfair PG. That s what the tourists call it at
least. The real name s a bit longer.
His soft Welsh accent ran like a shiver up Leia s
 I can see that. She turned and found herself staring
at a chest. A broad chest covered in a dark blue button-
down shirt tucked into faded jeans outlining a very
impressive package. Her mouth watered.
It was him.
The man had been on the train sitting across from
her. They d exchanged glances and smiles as friendly
strangers do. Once during the trip from Colwyn Bay he d
leaned over Leia to grab a paper someone left on the seat.
Eve Savage
His arm had grazed her breast, and lightning danced
across her skin.
He d smelled wonderful. Clean. Fresh. Masculine. A
bit like pine. It took everything she had to not bury her
nose in his neck and breathe him in. Her breasts had
tightened, and her nipples were so hard she was sure they
were about to break through her bra.
He was a walking porn movie. Sex oozed from every
pore. His casual stance by the train sign belied the
strength she saw in the tanned arms showing from under
rolled up sleeves. The worn denim molded to thighs as big
as a tree trunks. Were they as tanned as his arms? She d
give up her favorite Marc Jacobs purse to have a glimpse.
Okay, more than a glimpse.
How long had it been since she d had sex? Far too
 Like what you see, love?
 Oh, yeah, she said on a moan. The bulge in his
jeans twitched. Leia s eyes widened, and heat rose up her
cheeks. She never stared at a man s crotch. But she could
stare at this one forever. Especially if it kept growing
right in front of her eyes.
It was kind of nice to know she wasn t the only one
afflicted with lust at first sight.
She pulled her gaze up to see the vein in his neck
pulse and resisted the urge to lick him and discover what
he would taste like.
Her mother would have a coronary to know her
younger daughter was practically salivating in a train
station over a man.
She really needed to get a love life, as her best friend,
Ariel, constantly reminded her.
Okay, a sex life.
A long, hard, throbbing sex life.
Maybe he d be willing to apply for the job? Mystery
man was certainly well equipped.
Dong! A loud clock chime pulled her out of a fantasy
of the two of them naked and sweaty, breaking a law of
physics or two.
 Huh? What? The train fumes must ve melted her
brain. Leia crossed her arms in front of her breasts,
caught her bottom lip between her teeth and set her gaze
Wicked In Wales
firmly on his.
His crystal grey eyes twinkled back at her as he
smiled.  I said,  You can try talking to him, but he s not
very good at conversation. 
Leia laughed.  Well, I m sure there are quite a few
things he s very good at.
Did she really just say that? Out loud?
His mouth took on a wicked slant as he touched a
finger to her cheek.  Maybe you ll find out for yourself
Was he serious?
The rapid pulse of her blood and in her clit told her
she was totally serious. Her panties were wet, her nipples
ached, and it was all she could do to stand up straight.
This had to be the most bizarre conversation of her
life. Awesome.
That smile of his could melt steel. And there was
nothing wrong with some harmless flirting.  Maybe I will.
My place is a bit far from here. Looks like we ll have to go
to yours.
 Ready when you are.
Yeah, right. Men like him didn t seriously flirt with
women like her. She was too tall. Too ballsy. Too career
oriented. Not particularly skinny. The realization threw a
bucket of water on her hormones.
He must ve noticed her change in demeanor because
he smiled and hooked a finger on a pocket of his jeans.
 Um, you looked a little lost. Can I help you find
Oh, boy, could he ever. Just give her a bed, a bottle of
champagne, some silk ties and an hour or four. His jaw
was shadowed in dark hair matching the close cropped
military haircut. To see into his eyes, Leia had to look up,
which made him well over six feet. She was five nine.
And in heels.
Another one of her mother s programmings. Always
look professional when you travel, Leia. You never know
into whom you might run.
Sure, Yoda.
 Thanks. I m sure I can find my way around. I was
going to Holyhead to see the sights, but the strike left me
here in&  She looked at the sign and decided to not even
Eve Savage
try the name again.  Here. It left me here.
Mr. Wonderful s full lips and straight white teeth,
coupled with the strong jaw, had her panties moist in a
Tamping down the lust rising from her crotch to her
nipples, Leia smiled and straightened her shoulders.
 Guess I ll just have to rent a car to get me there. Can you
point me in the right direction?
 Sorry, love. A strike means no transport of any kind.
Buses, taxis, hire cars. Nothing.
 Nothing? she said.  Great. I m stuck here.
His expression lost some of its friendliness.  This
happens to be my home town. There s nothing  stuck
about it here. It s a nice, quiet place.
Leia knew what she looked like, an arrogant
American wanting big cities and Big Macs.  I didn t mean
it like that. It s just I only have this weekend to travel
around before I have to go back to the States. She sighed.
 Oh, well. How long do these things usually last?
 In the UK, could be a day. Could be a week.
 Guess I better find a hotel room then. Leia held out
her hand.  It was nice exchanging sexual innuendo with
you. By the way, I m Leia.
A dark eyebrow cocked.  Leia?
She smiled.  I was born in 1977. Right after my dad
saw Star Wars for the fifth time. He insisted. In thirty-
four years of marriage, I think that s the only thing he s
ever gotten his way on.
 Leia. I m Maddock. His hand was warm as he shook
hers. After an eternity of gazing into his eyes and
desperately wanting to kiss him, she pulled her hand
away and turned from the panty-melting man.  I have to
But before she lost her courage, Leia spun back
around and covered his lips with hers.
Maddock s lips were warm and soft. So soft. He
opened his mouth a little, and his tongue licked over the
seam of her lips, demanding entrance.
Leia gave it willingly.
Maddock s tongue caressed hers, sending sparks
through her body. Her breasts were heavy. They ached
with want, and her pussy gushed. She wanted that hard
Wicked In Wales
cock inside her more than anything. To feel this powerful
man thrusting inside her body.
Strong arms went around her and crushed her to his
chest.  I ve wanted to kiss you since I first saw you.
Maddock nibbled her earlobe.
The tingles shooting from her neck, where he
nuzzled, to her center drained her brains. It didn t matter
at all. His kiss felt so good, so right.
Her hands glided over his shoulders and twined
around his neck. She stood on tiptoes to better drive her
tongue into his mouth and tease him. Her throbbing clit
demanded contact, and Leia found it with his hard penis.
It fit perfectly between her thighs. The rough denim of his
jeans forcing the linen of her skirt against her clit made
her crazy.
More. Her whole body wanted more.
Wanted to be filled with his cock and ride him
through the night. She wanted to feel those warm strong
hands on her tits. Plucking the nipples and teasing her
until she begged for him to come inside her pussy.  More.
Please more.
 Whatever you want, fy nghariad i. His voice
whispered against her ear.
This was crazy.
This was fucking fantastic.
Fucking? What was she doing? She might as well
have been naked and screwing Maddock in the train
station. In front of who knows how many people? People
who were no doubt staring and taking wagers on how fast
he could get her out of her bra.
Okay, so they probably weren t betting, but she could
imagine them watching.
With avid interest.
Leia stumbled back from his embrace. Mortification
chased away any lustful feelings coursing through her
blood.  Oh, God. Ohmigod.
She turned, grabbed her bags and fled to the only
safe place for a woman.
The ladies room.
Ariel would be so disappointed in her.
Leia walked faster. Thankfully her suitcase had
wheels. She so did not need to fall on her ass while
Eve Savage
wrestling with a heavy suitcase, wearing uncomfortable
shoes and walking away from practically raping the most
gorgeous man ever.
Leia hurried into the ladies room and locked the
door. This was not like her. Who was the woman staring
back in the mirror?
Her mother s voice rang in her head. Such
inappropriate actions, Leia. Flirting with a man in such a
public display.
Flirting? She d almost ripped his shirt off and undone
his zipper with her teeth.
 Lei, Ariel s voice calling her by the abbreviated
nickname brought Leia up short.  I know you can hear
me. Pick up the damn phone.
Saved by the bell. Chuckling at her friend s
customized ring tone, Leia unclipped her cell from the tote
bag and flipped it open.  Hello?
 You are not going to believe what s going on. This
whole shoot could be ruined. My entire crew has the
stomach flu. The exasperation in Ariel s voice came
through loud and clear even though she was in Saudi
Arabia, supposedly filming an episode for her travel show.
Leia leaned back against the counter glad to forget
her behavior for a minute.  I m sure it won t be ruined.
They ll be better in a day or two, and the shoot will go just
fine. Trust me.
 We ll see. I m not holding my breath though. Unless
there s a sandstorm. Ariel s throaty laugh cheered Leia
up.  How goes it in Wales?
Leia sighed.  The hotel is nothing like what my
mother and grandfather want, but it s perfect for the
locale and exactly what I want to manage. I took two days
off to play only to have the trains go on strike. I m in a
town with a name longer than Lake Chaubuna-
gungamaug, and not only have I been openly staring at
the most-beautiful-man-I ve-ever-seen s crotch, I just
completely made out with him in the station lobby. Pretty
much the usual.
 Wow. You ve been busy. Your family will get over it.
It s your life not theirs. Sorry about the strike. Hooray
about the kiss. Are you gonna do it? Ariel asked, her
voice rising with excitement.
Wicked In Wales
 No. Yes. I really want to. He s so beautiful. But,
honestly, I ve never done anything like that in my life.
 Then it s high time you started.
Here we go.
 I m telling you, Lei. You need to get laid. She
laughed at her own joke.  And this is exactly what you
need. Have some fun, screw him blind. It s perfect. You
want to turn into your sister? Boring!
Leia could just see Ariel sitting cross-legged,
surrounded by sand dunes, ignoring the hundred plus
degree heat, examining her nails and telling Leia exactly
how to live her life. God, she loved her.
 It s only been six months. To hear you talk, I m a
spinster. Spinster? Oh, hell.
Twenty-nine years of being the good girl went right
out the smoky train station window. She was not her
mother, she was not her sister. She wanted fun and
excitement. Something to look back on when she was old
and grey.
 You know what? You re absolutely right. I m gonna
do it. I want him. I m gonna get him. Resolve
strengthened her voice.
 Excellent. I want all the details when I get back. Not
sure how long my satellite phone is going to work here,
but I wanted to check in.
 Thanks. Have fun in the desert. Be sure to watch
out for those handsome McSheik-y guys.
Ariel groaned.  That was terrible. And you watch
entirely too much TV.
 Shut up. It s the only social life I ve had for the last
six months.
 Whatever. Go get your man. I ll call when I m home.
Love ya.
Closing her phone, Leia looked in the mirror again. I
must be out of my mind.
She grabbed her bags, headed to the lobby and looked
He was gone.
Well, hell. Leia walked through the lobby and
stepped to the information counter to ask about hotels in
the area.
 There s only The Leek & Daffodil close enough to
Eve Savage
walk to. But I m sure they re booked up with the strike,
the cheerful man said. He smiled at something behind
her.  Oh look, what luck. Here s one of the owners now.
Maybe he can help you.
A large presence warmed her back. The sexual haze
she d just left surrounded her again.
The portly clerk came around the desk and pumped
Maddock s hand enthusiastically. A rapid conversation in
Welsh followed with much smiling and handshaking.
When Maddock winked at her, Leia s nipples beaded
The man shouldn t be allowed out in public. He was
too tempting, and it looked like he still wanted her, if his
tight pants were anything to go by.
Maybe she hadn t missed her chance after all.
Maddock Cyndyn was intrigued.
First a beautiful woman ogles him as though she
were going to eat him up. Then she knocks his socks off
with a kiss that leaves his cock hard and dripping and
runs off without even a  good-bye. Very interesting
Lovely Leia.
Her auburn hair was pulled into a sleek twist. The
eye makeup she wore accentuated her honey-gold eyes.
The pouty lips she chewed on when nervous were a dark
Maddock wanted to run his hands through her hair,
to taste those lips again.
Wanted them on his cock.
The fire of lust that shot through him when she d
turned around from the town sign grew to a conflagration
as she continued to stare. He never felt more like a piece
of meat in a butcher shop than at that moment. But if she
was shopping, he was more than ready to go home with
He said good-bye to the clerk and led Leia out the
door where they could talk in relative quiet. His hand felt
right on the small of her back.
Once through the doors, he took a deep breath of
Welsh air. The clean freshness of recent rain and the
beautiful green and grey hills of Anglesey welcomed him.
Wicked In Wales
For the past six months he d been with the Third
Battalion Royal Welsh stationed in Iraq. He was looking
forward to some much-deserved R and R before heading to
the Territorial Army Barracks in Colwyn Bay to assume
command of training.
It was good to be home.
Now to the curvy woman he wanted to take to bed.
 Still looking for a hotel room?
 Yes. The man inside said you own one. She
continued to chew that full bottom lip.
 I m an owner, but Iestyn runs it. I m never home to
help. He guided her left and walked down the main
village street of Llanfair PG. The shops were all busy with
the locals and tourists from the train. Maddock hated the
thought of yet another transport strike but knew the
influx of money into the economy was good.
 Do you think this will be okay? Her voice was
hesitant. This was not the strong sexual woman who d
kissed him like no tomorrow. Leia was nervous, and from
the way she gripped the luggage handle, he d say she was
 You can stay in my room. It s always empty unless
I m home. Before she could protest, he said,  Don t worry,
I ll sleep on the sofa. But I really hope you re interested in
finishing what we started back there.
 That was so totally out of character for me. I never
do anything like that.
 I ll count my lucky stars you decided to do it with
me. A woman like you needs an engagement ring and a
Welshman in your bed. Ever had one before?
She smiled up at him.  I don t kiss and tell.
He laughed and led her around back to a set of stairs
leading to his apartment over the garage. The stone house
had been left to the brothers when their mother died.
Iestyn had wanted to turn it into a bed and breakfast, and
Maddock saw no reason not to as long as his room was left
Leia looked up at him. Her pink tongue came out
through parted lips and licked her lower lip.
Maddock s cock came to full attention. Oh, man. He
was in sad shape. The more she talked, the more he
looked at her, the more he wanted her.
Eve Savage
 Who s Iestyn?
They walked up the wooden steps.  My brother. He
loves running the B & B. I m the silent partner.
Maddock put his duffel bag down and pulled out his
The door opened.  Not so silent, mrawd. You ve been
home for half an hour, and your little display is already
all over the village.
Maddock was pulled into a huge hug by his little
brother.  Croeso adref, fy mrawd. Welcome home, brother.
Iestyn turned to Leia.  You must be the lovely
American the entire village is talking about. He shook
her hand.
 That s me, all right. Leia didn t sound too happy
about that.
 Come in. Come in.
The group trooped into the small efficiency
 Thank you for having me here, Iestyn. Leia had
pasted a smile on her lovely face.
Maddock s heart melted at the sight.
 No worries. I ll leave you two alone. Just wanted to
welcome my mrawd home. He s been gone a long time.
Will we see you at teatime?
Maddock didn t miss the gleam in his brother s eyes.
Younger by three years, Iestyn had been trying to marry
him off for quite a while now, hoping if Maddock settled
down, he d stay in the village and help run the B & B.
 We ll try, he said noncommittally.
 Good. Good. We ll see you at tea then. Iestyn
usually didn t take no for an answer.  By the way, British
Rail was anxious to get this strike handled. It s over
already. But the trains won t start running until
tomorrow. I hope you enjoy your stay, Leia.
Iestyn winked at Maddock and closed the door
behind him.
 Wow. He s huge. A bear! Leia smiled at the closed
door.  But he s very nice.
Maddock watched her as she circled the small room.
She belonged in his bedroom. The puzzle pieces of his life
were suddenly fitting together. Falling into place.
Leia paused and stared at herself in the mirror. A
Wicked In Wales
determined look narrowed her amber eyes. She d come to
some type of decision.
Her gaze met his in the mirror.  I want you,
Maddock. I want to fuck you blind.
 Okay by me. He laughed and practically ran toward
 No. Wait.
Maddock caught her hand in his and placed it on his
cock.  I m so hard for you it hurts, Leia. There s not much
waiting I can do.
 I never acted like that in a train station, or
anywhere, before, but something about you sends me
absolutely out of control. She looked away.
 I m most definitely not sorry you did though. You re
beautiful and sexy, and if I don t get inside you soon, I m
going to explode. He tilted her chin up with a finger.
 Look at me, Leia. I want you. Desperately.
Confidence and laughter lit her eyes.  Desperately,
huh? Care to show me?
Maddock pounced then, pinning her to the wall next
to the dresser. She gasped as he covered her lips in a
forceful, demanding kiss. He was acting like an animal.
And didn t care. Biting and nibbling his way from her lips
to her neck, he moaned and ripped the jacket open,
shoving it down her arms trapping them at her sides.
 Hey. But her protest was weak as she took his
earlobe between her teeth and bit.
 I m too far gone now, fy nghariad i. His rock hard
dick was proof of that.
Maddock s hands wanted to be all over her skin.
Touching her. Caressing her. They started at her breasts.
Leia was truly gifted in that area. Wrapping one arm
around her waist, Maddock grabbed a firm tit in his hand
and bent his head, clamping his mouth over a silk-covered
nipple. His tongue lapped, and his teeth bit lightly
through the material.
Her moans went straight to his cock.  More.
Maddock smiled around the nipple and continued to
lick and suck. Breathy whimpers sounded softly in his
Rising, Maddock slanted his mouth over hers, his
tongue deep in her mouth. With one hard wrench, his
Eve Savage
hands tore the buttons apart on her blouse. The jacket
and now shredded blouse landed on the floor.
She was wearing a barely-there lace bra. Those
generous tits almost spilled completely free.
 Please don t ruin it. I love this bra. Leia closed her
hands protectively over her breasts.
 I won t, love. But I do want it off so I can suck your
pretty nipples. Reaching up, he tugged her hands away,
undid the back clasp and her breasts were free.
 Hardd. Beautiful.
Maddock pushed her further up the wall, clamped his
mouth on her neck and suckled. He was hard as steel and
ground himself into her.
He shifted his hold and licked his way from her neck
to her breasts. They were warm and delicious. Maddock
could have feasted on them all day. He loved breasts, and
hers were exquisite. They were large and soft. He licked
one pink nipple as he flicked a finger over the other.
She shivered and reached a hand for his belt buckle.
 I want you inside me. I want your cock in me. Please,
Maddock. Please. It s been so long. She was begging now.
 Not yet. I want to taste more of you. He didn t
believe his self control could take much more, but he had
to go down on her. Had to taste her sweetness.
Kissing his way down her body, Maddock knelt in
front of her. He lifted the short skirt to her waist. Her
panties were see-through they were so wet with juices. He
nuzzled her, inhaling deeply. She smelled of creamy
He loved peaches.
Gently, he kissed her thighs on either side of her
center. She trembled beneath his hands. Moving the
fabric aside, he licked slowly up her pussy.
Leia cried out.  Oh, yes. It feels so good. Lick me.
Moans of passion and rasping breaths barely
registered in his head.
Leia. He only concentrated on her pleasure. Her
cream coated his tongue as he flicked her clit and set up a
rhythm. He skimmed his hand up her thigh and inserted
two fingers into her dripping pussy. The muscles of her
vagina clamped down immediately. If they felt this good
on his fingers, he could imagine how they were going to
Wicked In Wales
feel on his dick.
Tight. Hot. Wet. His.
Fuck, he was in trouble.
Her juices flowed around his finger as he lashed her
clit with his tongue. She tossed her head back and forth
against the wall and gripped his shoulders so hard her
nails dug in despite the shirt he still wore. Her moans
were a jumble of words and sounds, making no sense to
him other than she was thoroughly enjoying him eating
her out and was about to come.
 Ahh. Just like that. Don t stop, she panted.  Don t
Her pussy clenched his fingers so tight he couldn t
move them if he wanted. And he didn t.
He never let up, licking and fingering her pussy
through her orgasm. Reaching up with his right hand, he
grabbed hold of a nipple and pinched it. Hard.
Leia came again on a shout and a wave of trembles
convulsing her body.
Reluctantly pulling his fingers out of her and kissing
the top of her slit one last time, Maddock slowly stood.
A wicked grin lit his mouth as he looked at her. Hair
mussed, eye makeup smudged, clothes in complete
disarray. She looked brilliant and well loved.
Golden eyes met his as she took hold of the hand that
had been inside her, brought it to her mouth and licked
his fingers clean.
 Rwy n dy garu di. Rydw i mor falch o fod adref. Mi wnes i
aros mor hir amdanat ti. His voice was a soft rumble.
Maddock s words thrilled Leia.
The Welsh language was beautiful, and his deep
voice rolled right over her to set her heart and clit
 I ll ask later what you just said. But now, it s your
turn. Leia fumbled the buckle on his belt and started to
stroke him through his jeans.
He closed his eyes and groaned.
Leia leaned up and bit his neck. She unbuttoned the
blue shirt, licking and kissing her way down his muscular
chest as more hot flesh was bared. A flat male nipple
proved more temptation than she could resist as she
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caught it between her teeth and bit him.
His hips jerked towards her.
Pushing him against the wall, she smiled.  Not so
fast, hot stuff. I want to have a taste, too.
 You re going to kill me.
 But you ll die happy. She shifted her hand back to
his buckle and finally got it undone.
Dragging his jeans down his long legs to pool at his
ankles, Leia got her first good look at Maddock s cock. It
was thick and almost reached his belly button. The
foreskin was supple to her touch when she finally stopped
staring and reached out to him. His penis bobbed in
welcome. With one hand cupping his velvet sac, Leia bent
forward and tasted the crimson crest.
Musky flavor exploded on her tongue as she licked
and sucked him into her mouth. Tugging gently at his
balls while setting up a rhythm on his shaft wrung more
groans out of this wonderfully sexual man in front of her.
His large hands fisted in her hair as his head lolled
back.  Oh, fuck. Just like that.
Slipping her tongue between his foreskin and penis
was the most erotic thing Leia had ever done. With one
hand she pulled the skin back and forth jerking him off in
her mouth.
His balls tightened in her other palm while his cock
grew impossibly harder, warning her of his impending
orgasm.  No. I want to be in you.
Maddock lifted her up from the floor, pinned her
against the wall again and kissed her deeply, plunging his
talented tongue into her mouth, tangling with hers.
Leia gasped as he pulled her flush to his moisture
covered body. His shaft pulsed strongly against her
mound.  I m going to fuck you, he whispered against her
ear.  My cock is going to pound into that pretty pussy and
make you scream for me.
He reached around to unzip her skirt, finally pulling
it down from her waist. With one hard wrench Maddock
tore her panties off. His big hand slid between them, and
she gasped as he touched her.
Holding her gaze with his, he plunged his cock deep
into her. The pressure was intense as he filled her pussy
with more than she d ever taken before.
Wicked In Wales
It was impossibly erotic.
Still pinning her with his gaze, he thrust and thrust.
His hips pistoning into her body.
 Fuck me. Fuck me, she cried out.
Using his massive strength, Maddock wrapped her
legs around his waist and moved them as one to the big
bed. He fell onto his back, leaving her straddling him and
in control.
Leia brought her knees forward and rode him. Long,
slow up strokes and short, quick down strokes. His
pulsing cock touched places in her she didn t know she
had. Nerve endings were on fire. Electricity sizzled
through her blood.
Her tits bounced with her rhythm, and he grabbed
hold with his large tanned hands. Flicking her nipples
with every moan coming from her throat.
 Scream for me. Let me hear you.
She exploded, shuddering with the force of her
orgasm, crying and pulsing wildly around him.
Maddock was unleashed, his control gone, and
pounded into her. He held her hips steady and moved
powerfully underneath her, starting another wave of
pleasure coursing through her.
He was big, and she d be hurting in the morning.
Well worth it, she thought as colors exploded in front of
her eyes and she came again.
With one final thrust, he came with her. The
explosion went on forever, until he shook and with a
shout, jetted hot streams of semen into her body.
Collapsing back on the bed, Maddock wrapped her in
his arms and brought her down with him.
Pulling the covers over them and snuggling into his
arms, Leia smiled.  Wow. That was incredible. I don t
think I ve ever come so hard in my life.
 I think I ve gone blind, he said, trailing his fingers
up and down her arm.
Leia breathed in his woodsy scent as she kissed his
 Hang on, I ve forgotten something. Maddock leaned
over and grabbed a small box from his jeans pocket.
 You ve waited long enough for this.
Leia s breath caught in her throat as he took her
Eve Savage
right hand and placed a beautiful emerald, diamond and
ruby ring on her finger.  Oh, Maddock. The colors of your
flag. It s so beautiful. Tears welled in her eyes.
 You already said yes a few months ago, and I m
sorry it took me so long to get your ring to you, but do you
think we should finally tell people we re engaged? His
grey eyes held laughter, but there was a serious note to
his voice.
 What? And ruin the village s impression that you ve
come home and turned into a lecherous rogue? She
laughed as he tickled the small of her back. Damn it all
that he knew her weak spot.  Okay. Yes, we can tell
Iestyn. We can tell Ariel. We can tell everyone! She
kissed him.
 You know the stranger on the train was an
incredible fantasy. One down, a hundred more to go. It
was a good idea, if I do say so myself.
 Arrogant ass. Of course, you ll say so. Laughing,
she rolled over on top of him.  I m so glad you re home. I
hated you being away for so long, and the emails every
day got harder to read. She smiled wickedly.  Regardless
of all the fantasies we passed back and forth in our
When he started to speak, she interrupted,  I know. I
know. It s the job. But I won t lie and say I m not glad
you re going to be home for a long time at the new
Barracks. Just in time for the hotel opening, too.
 If all our fantasies are like that, this is going to be a
long, happy, sexually fulfilling marriage, he said with a
leer and waggling eyebrows.
Leia kissed him soundly.  By the way, what did you
say earlier?
His deep laugh rumbled over her.  I said,  I love you.
I m so glad to be home. I waited so long for you. 
She sighed.  I ve even been practicing my Welsh for
the wedding. Rydw i n dy garu di hefyd. That means  I love
you, too and what I ve wanted to say since you got on the
train. Croeso adref, fy rhyfelwr annwyl i.
She melted as he looked at her with love glowing in
those crystal grey eyes.  Welcome home, my darling
Wicked In Wales
Author s Note: Leia s family summer home is at Lake
Chaubunagungamaug a small town near Webster,
Massachusetts. This is actually the short name for it. Its
formal name is Chargoggagoggmanchauggauggagogg-
chaubunagungamaugg and the small town boasts the
honor of having the longest name in the U.S. Maddock is
from Llanfair PG. This is also a shortened name, with the
formal version being Llanfairpwllgwyngyllgogerychwyrn-
drobwllllantysiliogogogoch. This village boasts the longest
town name in the U.K. It was serendipity when I
discovered this information and realized I had to reference
both towns in this story.
Also, any mistranslations of the Welsh language are
purely my fault. Eve


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