Up¾at 3 Teacher's Book podrecznik nauczyciela plus odpowiedzi ,testy,klucz answer key Page 108

Up¾at 3 Teacher's Book podrecznik nauczyciela plus odpowiedzi ,testy,klucz answer key Page 108

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•bicct Horribk gossip

Hi Carl

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a)    He just told me that it was someone from school. I his story is all round the school now.

I thought it would be a shock if you suddenly heard it from a complete stranger.

b)    Anyway, see you soon, and sorry again about the bad news.

c)    l'm really sorry about this, but I have to tell you something. Yesterday, I was talking to Steve and he told me that he'd heard some gossip about you.

d)    The gossip he heard was that you'd cheated in the Maths Marathon, that you had the answers from your parents. I asked Steve who had told him, but he didn't want to tell me.

e)    That's why I thought l'd tell you first.

I know it isn't true, but I have no idea what you can do about it. Maybe it's best to ignore it. I imagine it will blow over soon. I hope so.



poniższej ilustracji. Wybier

6    What should Carl do? Number the ideas in order (1= the best idea). Compare your ideas with other students.

•    Ignore the gossip and wait for it to stop.

•    Talk to Steve and ask him to stop gossiping.

•    Tell his parents about the gossip.

•    Discuss the situation with a teacher.

•    Put up a notice which says that the gossip isn't true.

Exam task

7    v 03 UsÅ‚yszysz dwukrotnie dialog. Zdecyduj, które zdania sÄ… zgodne z treÅ›ciÄ… nagrania (T), a które nie (F).

[t f 1 The head teacher already knows the gossip when he talks to Carl.

[T F 2 The head teacher believes some of the gossip.

IT, F 3 Jess and David were worried about gomg to see the head teacher.

T F 4 The people who started the gossip have written letters to Carl.

a)    We can see a man in his thirties or forties and a teenage boy The man is overweight with a shaved head and the boy has gol blond hair with a long fringe. The boy is talking to the man, explaining something and the man is listening carefully.

b)    This photo shows a teacher and a school boy The teacher is bald and skinny. The boy has got short light brown, spiky hair. They are talking and the boy is smiling. Behmd them is a shelf with some books and plants on it.

c)    In this picture there are two people. A boy is wearing a school unifcrm. He is looking at a man who is wearing a jacke: and tie. I think the man might be a teacher. Behind them are some bookshelves. The boy is listening to the man and looks worried.

Exam task

9    w UsÅ‚yszysz dwukrotnie cztery wypowiedzi.

Z podanych odpowiedzi a. b i c wybierz właściwą reakcję.

1    a) NI cali and remir.d you. if you like.

b)    NI tell you when t see you.

c)    Don't worry. I won t.

2    a) Just a moment. I II see.

b)    Could I speak to Brian, please?

c)    Yes, tell her that Sharon cailed.

3    a) Is Brian there?

b)    Can you give hin a message?

c)    Hang on. NI get nim.

4    a) Suzy speaks French very well.

b)    Yes. please. That would be great.

c)    Just a moment. NI get her.

10    Carl calls Jess to tell her what the head teacher told him. Wrlte and then roleplay the conversation.

(J Exam strategies and exercises - go to page 74 in the Language Builder. j


After you have elicitecl the answer to Exercise 5, ask Ss to match the headings with the correct paragraph in Jess's email.

Answers: 1 e 2c 3b 4a 5d

Exam task

7 Remind Ss to analyse the sentences before listening to the recording.

writing task in smali groups. Tell them to imagine they are Carl and they write a paragraph about what happened from his viewpoint. You may write the following questions on the board:

How did you feel when you heard the competition result?

Who told you about the gossip?

How did you feel when you heard it?

What did you do?

What happened in the end?

Ss may benefit from a brief revision of linkers to help them: build up a list on the board:

At first..., But later..., After that ..., In the end...

As feedback. ask some groups to read their paragraphs aloud.

Exam task


In this task type Ss have to choose one of the options as a reply to the recorded sentence. Advise Ss to read the options carefully before the recording starts.

9 3.04 To check the answers, play the recording again and ask individual Ss to give their responses.

Answer key

1 c 2 c 3 b 4 c


Further practice and guidance: go to page 75 in the Language Builder.

10 If you are short of time. set this task for homework.


Further practice and guidance: go to page 74 in the Language Builder.

6 Ask Ss what they would do if Carl were their friend. Elicit some ideas. Refer them to the five ideas provided Tell them they should justify their answers. Ss can work alone for a few minutes before comparing ideas with a partner.

Answer key

1 T 2 F (We all know that you won that competition fairly.) 3 F (Jess and David came to see me yesterday. They were worried about it.) 4 F (They are going to write letters ofapology.)

Exam task

8 Remind Ss to underline any wrong information.



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