Up�at 3 Teacher's Book podrecznik nauczyciela plus odpowiedzi ,testy,klucz answer key Page 135

Up�at 3 Teacher's Book podrecznik nauczyciela plus odpowiedzi ,testy,klucz answer key Page 135

2    1 -a I admitted breaking the window. 2-g I suggested having a break. 3-f I denied making the mess. 4-d I agreed to help. 5-e We managed to find the answer. 6-b She can't stand dancing.

3    1 So am I 2 So do I

3 Neither can I 4 I wasn't

5    I didrYt 6 I did

4    1 don't have to 2 have to 3 has to 4 mustrYt 5 don’t have to 6 doesrYt have to 7 mustn’t

5    1 You'd 2 better not 3 shouldn't 4 ought

6    1 We were fed up with the rain. 2 l'm tired of this musie. 3 Our cat is fascinated by snów. 4 Meg is responsible for the cooking. 5 Your

bag is similar to minę.

6    l’m scared of spiders.

Grammar (40 marks)

1 Complete the sentences with so or such (a/an) and the words in the box.

•    elear • clever • dishonest • famous

•    frightened • noisy

0    It was SUGłLdJsimouS crime that everyone had heard of it.

1    I was_that I htd under the bed.

2    She gave _ description the thief was caught.

3    The burglar was that the neighbour heard him.

4    They were_criminals they were never found.

5    The man was nobody beiieved him.

Marks .../5

2? Match the sentences (0-6) with the beginnings (a-g). Then complete the sentences.

0-c I refused to watch that programme.

0    'No. I won’t watch that programme.’

1    Tm the person who broke the window.’

2    4Let’s have a break.’

3    *No. I didn't make this mess.’

4    -Yes, OK. I’ll help.’

5    *lt was difficult. but we found the answer.'

6    ‘She never dances. She hates it.’

a)    I    admitted    .    e)    We managed__.

b)    She can’t stand    0    I denied___.

c)    I    refused_.    g)    I suggested

d)    I    agreed_.


3 Complete the conversations with so do /, neither did /, / am, t can’t. etc.

A: I thought the party last night was brilliant!

B: So did /. I had a great time. The only problem is. I’m really tired today.

A:1_! I want to go back to bed.

B:2_, but I cant.

A:3_. I've got too much homework.

A: I was bored with the film

B:4_. I enjoyed it. and I really liked the musie.

A:_. I thought it was awful. I didn’t like it at all!

B: Weil. •_. In fact. I’m going to see it agam.

Marks .../6

the correct form of have to.

0    You mustn 't take food into a swimming pool.

1    You pay for the concert. The tickets are free!

2    Police officers usually wear uniforms.

3    My dad v;orks a long way from home so he get up early every day.

4    You_ride your bike at night without llghts.

5    We can buy lunch at school so we take sandwiches.

6    Jack's just finished his exams so he do any homework.

7    Students_make phone calls in lesson time.

Marks ..77

5    Complete the advice. Write one word in each gap. Contractions count as one word.

0    You look tired. You should go home.

1    You ve got a temperaturę._better stay in


2    You’ve got a cold. You’d__go swimming.

3    Jack's unfit. He go everywhere by car.

4    lt's your friend s birthday tomorrow. You_to

get a card.

Marks ..JA

6    Rewrite the sentences. Use the adjectives and the correct preposition.

0    Prices in the USA and the UK are not the same. (different)

Prices in the USA are different from prices in the UK.

1    We were not happy, because of the ram. (fed up)

2    I don’t want to listen to this musie anymore. (tired)

3    Our cat thinks snów is really interesting. (fascinated)

4    Meg is the person who does the cooking. (responsible)

5    Your bag is like minę. (similar)

6    I think spiders are scary. (scared)

Marks .../6




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