Up�at 3 Teacher's Book podrecznik nauczyciela plus odpowiedzi ,testy,klucz answer key Page 151

Up�at 3 Teacher's Book podrecznik nauczyciela plus odpowiedzi ,testy,klucz answer key Page 151

Answer Key Unit 1 Lesson 1A

b accept annoying believe brother clęyęr

ggnerous impatient inyite often serious

sociable talkatiyę unfriendly untjdy

Unit 2 Lesson 2B

b 1 paint, amazing, great. afraid. April, Saturday, play

2 like. violent, invite. why, time, diary, fire; write

Unit 3 Lesson 3C

b /x/ and, as. at, can, dad, exams, had. relax, that

/a:/answer, are, arguments, article, aunt, can't, class, father, party

Unit 4 Lesson 4A

a Can you te[l me the way to the hosoital. olease?

How do I get to the park?

Turn left and go straight on.

Unit 5 Lesson 5B

b Are we nearly r/]@e? No we’re nowHęrp near.

Lock! Her Hątj) isn’t really Ssh dear. don’t s@e.

Come and sit here. C/@e. Wfiąrp? On that c/10-?

b jł> Put the words in the correct lists. Then listen and check.

and answer are arguments article as at





dad exams father










Unit 1 Lesson 1A

Exercise 9 Word stress

a ot Listen and repeat.

doing people really friendly relaxed polite prefer forget visiting languages confident serious American tomorrow together remember

b ot Listen and underline the syllables that are stressed.

accept annoying believe brother clever generous impatient invite often serious sociable talkative unfriendly untidy

c 07 Listen and repeat. Then practise saying the sentences.

What are the friendly Americans doing?

My brother is confident and clever, but he’s really annoying.

Don’t forget to invite your brother tomorrow.

Unit 2 Lesson 2B

Exercise 6 /ei/ paint, /ai/ Ijke

a 2i Listen and repeat.

/ei/ paint /ai/ like

b 22 Listen. Is the sound 1 /ei/ or 2 /ai/? Listen again and repeat.

paint 1 like 2 amazing great violent invite afraid why April Saturday time diary tire write play

c 23 Listen and repeat. Then practise saying the sentences.

I’d like to invite you one day in April.

I m afraid I can’t play on Saturday.

What time did you write in your diary?

Unit 3 Lesson 3C

Exercise 8 /x/ can, /a:/ party

a 30 Listen and repeat.

/a:/ can    /a:/ party

c 37 Listen and repeat. Then practise saying the sentences.

Dad had an argument with my aunt.

Let’s relax and have a party.

I can‘t do the exam. but my father can.

Unit 4 Lesson 4A

Exercise 7 Sentence stress and rhythm

a i Listen and underline the words that are stressed. Then listen and repeat.

Can you t£l] me the way to the hospital. please? How do I get to the park?

Turn left and go straight on

b Practise saying the sentences. Replace the words in bold with the words in brackets.

Can you tell me the way to the hospital, please? (post office/music shop/library)

How do I get to the park? (bank/zoo/square)

Turn left and go straight on. (then turn right/ifs on the right)

Unit 5 Lesson 5B

Exercise 5 /ia/ wełre. /eo/ where


a 03

Listen and i















b w Underline the /ro/ sounds and circle the /ca/ sounds. Then listen and check.

A: Are we nearly there?

B: No. we’re nowhere near.

A: Look! Her hair isn't really tair!

B: Ssh. dear. Don't stare!

A: Come and sit here. Claire.

B: Where? On that chair?

c Practise the conversations in Exercise 5b in pairs.


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