110208125611 bbc tews 4 chillax Nieznany

BBC Learning English

The English We Speak

8th February 2011



Wang Fei:

(Screaming) Ahhh!!


Wang Fei, are you ok?

Wang Fei:

(Screaming) No, no. Ahhh!!


What's wrong? What's wrong?

Wang Fei:

There's a big, green spider in the studio!


A spider? Oh, it's only a spider. Chillax!

Wang Fei:



Yes, chillax. I'll get the spiderâ€Åš Now, hold onâ€Åš Got it. Feel better?

Wang Fei:

Thanks, yes, much better. So Finn, what was that word you just said?


Chillax. It's a combination of two words. Can you guess them?

Wang Fei:

Chillâ€Åš andâ€Åš relax?


Chill and relax, yes. It means the same as chill or chill out or relax. So just now I told you to chillax, which means don't worry, relax.

Wang Fei:

Oh, I understand. So if I tell somebody to chillax it means, basically, to relax or to calm down?


That's right. That's one way we can use it. For example:


A: I'm so worried about going on my first date with Steven!

B: Chillax, it'll be ok. I'm sure you'll have a nice time.


You could also just say, I want to chillax or I'm chillaxing.

The English We Speak

© British Broadcasting Corporation 2011

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Wang Fei:



A: What are you doing tonight?

B: Nothing special, just going to chillax at home.

Wang Fei:

So does chillax mean exactly the same as chill out and relax?


Well the meaning is the same, but chillax is a newer expression, so you probably won't hear it as much.

Wang Fei:

Great. So by the way Finn, where did you put that spider?


The spider?

Wang Fei:

Yes, the big, green spider.


Oh, erm, the spider. I can't remember. I think I left it on the desk.

Wang Fei:

Really? Then what is that big, green thing climbing up your neck?


Eh? What? Ahhh!!

Wang Fei:

Ha ha. Finn, chillax! I was just kidding.


Very funny Wang Fei. Bye for now.

Wang Fei:


The English We Speak

© British Broadcasting Corporation 2011

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