5. Don’t usc hot water to wash your face.

6. Doo't lcavc makc-up on for the night.

Exercise 2

What suggestions would you havc for these clients?

1.    I get vcry lictle slccp I ncvcr go to bed before midmght.

2.    I am sometunes too dred to rcmove makc-up in the evcning.

3.    I don’t have tegular factals.

4. 1 usc ordinary soap to wash my face.

5. I don’t use any protecavc creams.

6. I don‘t appły any spcciaJ crcam to the arca around the cyes.

Exercise 3

Make surc what the clicnt cxpccts you to do. Follow the cxamplc.

1.    Do you want me to shape your eycbtows? Sball I shape your eycbtows?

2.    Do you want me to dnt your eyehshes?

3. Do you espect me to rcgulatc your eyebrows?

4. Do you wam me to ąpply some powder to your nose and chin?

5. Do you want me to csfoliate your dccollete?

6. Do you war.t me to massage your neck andshoulden?

Exercise 4

Complete the tcxt with the ptoper form and tensc of the vcibs given in brackets.

I.....t............modi attenoon to daily skin care. (mptrgm) However,

I.................. tłut my face is dry and coraed with fine wrinldes

(naatij nciut). I..................to act and improve my skin care. (Htadt).

A few days ago I..................an appoir.tment with a bcauty therapist

(makt) She..................much when she..................my skin but

latcr dunng the facial she..................me my face..................

do with better creams and regular homc and bcauty salon care. (not saj;

amttfst; till; urn) In her opinion my skin..................better and even

younga if I..................it properiy. (htk; tmt) I..................her

recommendations I think. (fo<Hem)

Exercise 5

Match Column A and Column B. Study the vocabuI»ry and usc it in the scntcnccs below.




a facial steamer


the skin of make-up and residue

to USC

the deanser into a creamy ladicr


the deanser with water

to imx

a wash cłoth in steanung water

to work

a smali amount of ckanscr into your hands

to massage

delłcatc circular motions

to usc

the face dry gendy


the lather mto a wet face

to pat

the face gently with lukcwarm water

You should cakc proper care of your face and r.cck every evcning be-forc going to bed. Ir won1! take you a Jot of orne, just soroe 10 minutes. However, if you want to sec effeets you must do i{ regulady. You be-

gm by c...................To do it propedy you an u..................

or just s..................and kecp it on your face for two or three min

utę*. The steam and beat will open the dogged pores. Ncxt, you must .................... m..................and w...................When it is


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