
ÿþ[ J. angielski - Testy ] TEST 3 TEST 3 - odpowiedzi - 1. Your father is & & & & & handsome man. a/ a b/ very c/ the d/ not Good luck! 2. Are & & & & & any people there? a/ there b/ here c/ many d/ not 3. Why & & & & & your friends talk to you? Are they angry at you? a/ not b/ aren t c/ do not d/ don t 4. The boy is still & & & & & something on a piece of paper. a/ draw b/ draws c/ drawing d/ can draw 5. & & & & & learns Spanish at school. a/ Susan brother b/ Susan s brother c/ Susan brother s d/ They 6. I brush my & & & & & twice a day. a/ tooth b/ tooths c/ teeth d/ teeths 7.  & & & & &   I m from Ireland. a/ Where you are from? b/ Where does he come from? c/ Where are you from? d/ Where you from? 8.  Can I have some tea, please?  Yes, & & & & & . a/ here is tea b/ here you are c/ you do d/ thank you 9. My grandmother is seventy-two & & & & & a/ - b/ years c/ old d/ year old 10. TBumaczenie zdania:  Nie daj mu tego. brzmi: a/ Not give him it b/ Let s not give it to him c/ Don t give him it d/ Don t give it to him Copyright©


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