Creating and Managing a Databasewith DBCA

Unlcss you spccified that only thc Oracle Databasc software should be installed. Oracle Universal Installer automatically runs Database Configuration Assistant (DBCA) after software installation is complete. DBCA then creates a database using the information you provided. If you do not create a starter database and later want to crcatc one. or to create additional databases. use DBCA.

DBCA also enables you to modify a database configuration, delete a database. and morę. This section describes the following DBCA tasks:

■Starting DBCA

■Creating a Database Using DBCA

■Changing the Configuration of a Database Using DBCA

■Deleting a Database Using DBCA

■Managing Templates with DBCA

■Managing PDBs

Online Help is available by clicking Help. It provides information that guides you in selectingconfigurat ionopt ions.


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