Spis treści 7

Stanisław Tkaczyk, Joanna Kuzincow: Life Cycle Management as a tool

of sustainable development......................................................................... 102

Grażyna Paulina Wójcik: The role of eco-management and audit scheme

in an organization^ actiyity........................................................................ 115

Part 2. Environmental responsibility in an organisation -further aspects

Mariusz Brykę, Beata Starzyńska: Humań Lean Green conception as the instrument of sustainability of organizational development oriented

towards the increase of its effectiveness..................................................... 136

Tomasz Brzozowski: Sustainable development of organization - practical

aspects......................................................................................................... 145

Eugenia Czernyszewicz, Katarzyna Kwiatkowska, Łukasz Kopiński: Environmental aspects included in the reąuirements of ąuality Systems

applied in horticulture................................................................................. 158

Aleksandra Heimowska: Packaging in harmony with an idea of sustainable

development................................................................................................ 173

Anna Jakubczak: Management of stakeholder relations in the implementation

process of environmental innovation in SMEs........................................... 189

Ewa Kastrau, Renata Sosnowska-Noworól, Zdzisław Woźniak: Economic,

ecological and social aspect of municipal waste recoveiy......................... 202

Zbigniew Kłos, Krzysztof Koper: On the eco-efficiency of products as one

of characteristics of sustainable development............................................ 214

Alina Matuszak-Flejszman: Role of communication with stakeholders in the

aspect of improvement of activities effects of environment organization.. 229 Agnieszka Panasiewicz: Environmental risk management in the process of

sustainable development............................................................................. 239

Part 3. Environmental responsibility stimulating

and adequate usuage of environmental resources

Bartosz Bartniczak: State aid as atool for supporting sustainable development

of organizations........................................................................................... 251

Wojciech Brocki: Responsible exploitation ofnatural resources on the example

offisheries................................................................................................... 266

Sylwia Dziedzic, Leszek Woźniak, Maciej Chrzanowski: Smart speciali-

sation as a way to sustainable development............................................... 279

Krzysztof Kud: Shaping the interaction human-environment in floodplains

of the San valley......................................................................................... 288

Michał Ptak: Environmentally harmful subsidies for energy.......................... 297


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