Home Office

Mr Grzegorz Kuśnierz The Beaufoy 39 Black Prince Road London SE11 6JJ

The Capital Buildlng


L3 9PP



Web ww,QQtf.uk/uk-visas-lmmlQrglion

Our Ref Your Ref

Datę 07 August 2018

Dear Mr Kuśnierz

Thank you for submitting the enclosed documents in support of your application for British citizenship. Ali the information has been noted and we will not need to see them again.

I am pleased to say that the application has been successful and you will shortly receive a letter inviting you to attend a citizenship ceremony. When you attend a ceremony you will be presented with a certificate of British citizenship.

Please notę, this letter is not an invitation to a ceremony. You should not contact your Local Authority until you have received your invitation. If you have not received your invitation within the next 3 weeks, you should email us at Citizenship.Support (a)homeoffice.QSi.QQv.uk.

It is Home Office policy not to return a Life in the UK Pass Notification Letter where a person is granted British citizenship. In accordance with this policy, your Pass Notification Letter has been retained.

Yours sincerely,


Encs: 1 x POL ID card (.    /t1xPRcard(r    ) and other

various supporting documents

You can find details of how to contact us on our website at https://www.qov.uk/contact-ukvi.

When contacting us via email, please ensure the subject field contains your Home Office reference number, your surname and the name of the person _dealing with your application.__


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