
This is a poser gang dedicated to seducing the most attractive women in Night City. The morę unobtainable she appears to be, the morę attractive a target she makes. They do not maintain any turf, and have no goals outside of seducing women.

They are generally harmless to anyone except the husbands and boyfriends of very attractive women in the city. Between parties, parades, drag races and way, way too much drinking, the Valentinos hang around the barrio under the watchful eyes of Santa Muerte.

One of Night City's largest gangs, the Valentinos are bound by a strong morał codę century-old traditions. Controlling swathes of predominantly Latino areas of Heywood, they treat values such as honor, justice, and brotherhood with deadly seriousness. Known for sporting and flaunting gold machetes around.

As a teenager Jackie joined Valentinos gang, butditched itafterafewyears when his mother found out. He always wanted to be his own master so eventually settled on a careeras mercenary.

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