Spis treści 7

Iwona Kumor, Lucyna Poniatowska: Allowances for revaluation of receivables as an instrument of accounting policy shaping the Financial

result on example of WIG 30 companies from energy segment ............... 132

Irina Lukyanova, Maria Shkliarova: The accounting of biological assets

at agricultural enterprises: Belarusian local standards and IFRS.............. 147

Aleksandra Łakomiak: Accounting and taxation issues in branch of

horticultural producer groups.................................................................... 169

Przemysław Mućko: Circumstances of changes in the accounting macro-

policy for eąuity of independent public health care organizations.............    181

Wojciech A. Nowak: Public finance sector accounting as an industry

accounting.................................................................................................. 194

Anastazja Piekarska: Taxation of smali agricultural enterprises in the

Republic of Belarus.................................................................................... 207

Edward Pielichaty: The rules of bank accounting in the light of

Recommendation U.................................................................................... 216

Katarzyna Piotrowska:    Usefulness of the information reporting

of construction companies in liąuidation................................................... 228

Lucyna Poniatowska : Agricultural products and principles of their valuation

by Polish and international accounting regulations.................................... 240

Piotr Prewysz-Kwinto, Grażyna Voss: Intangible assets in Polish mining

industry....................................................................................................... 249

Paweł Rumniak: Brand as a company asset.................................................... 260

{Adrian Ryba|: Recording and valuation of biological assets in accordance

with International financial reporting standards - discussion article........    271

Tatiana Verezubova: Problems of accounting and taxation of Belarusian

insurance companies.................................................................................. 281

Edward Wiszniowski: A revolution or accounting normalization of

cooperative credit unions?.......................................................................... 295

Aneta Wszelaki: Tax issues in the creation of specific provisions in banks... 305 Katarzyna Żuk: Recognition and measurement in accounting of ready-made products and semi-finished products connected with the production of e-liquids to e-cigarettes ............................................................................. 318


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