Unit 10 Progress test B

progress test
Unit 10
Svendsen. There are now ten donkey farms in the
UK and Ireland but the largest is in Sidmouth
1 Read the text.
in the south-west of England where there are
currently 400 donkeys being looked after.
The donkeys that find a good life at the sanctuary
have not all been neglected. Some come from caring
Read about two animal sanctuaries in the south of
homes but because of a change in the owner s
circumstances cannot be kept any longer and are
Monkey World
taken in by the sanctuary.
Just outside Poole in Dorset there is a sanctuary
The Donkey Sanctuary is also involved in major
that has become famous throughout the world. It
projects across the world to give free medical
is called Monkey World and was set up in 1987
treatment and advice to those people whose
by Jim and Alison Cronin to provide rehabilitation
livelihood depends on their donkeys so that their
and a home for chimpanzees that had been badly
animals have a better and healthier working life.
In addition to this, it investigates possible cases
Today this 65 acre sanctuary is home to 150
of animal abuse in many countries, in the tourist
primates from fifteen different species including
industry, festivals and markets.
65 chimps from ten different countries. These
The Donkey Sanctuary depends on donations
chimps were originally taken from Africa for use
to keep going but its Sidmouth centre does not
in laboratories, circuses and the tourist trade. The
charge an admission fee and is open every day of
majority had been used as photographic props
the year. Visitors can see the donkeys and also
on beaches. Tourists are encouraged to have their
enjoy the wonderful countryside they now live in.
photographs taken with the 
cute little monkeys
on their shoulders, not knowing how badly these
small primates have been treated. The baby 2 Which sanctuary, MW (Monkey World), DS
chimps are usually dressed up in children s clothes (Donkey Sanctuary) or B (both) ...
and forced to perform and when they become
1 doesn t cost to visit?
adult and start to get more aggressive, they are
frequently kept calm with drugs. Many of the 2 rescues animals that have been used as tourist
chimps rescued by Monkey World arrived with a
drug dependency.
3 sometimes deals with animals in good
Monkey World is a sanctuary for these animals
but another of its missions is to increase awareness
4 works with people in different countries?
of the plight of young monkeys like these
worldwide. At the centre visitors can see how the
5 saves animals used in medical experiments?
monkeys are benefiting from their life in natural
surroundings and also learn about the animals and
Mark /10
the dangers they have been through. It is possible
to adopt a monkey by giving a donation to the
sanctuary and gain free access to the centre for a
3 Choose the correct answers.
Donkey Sanctuary
Donkeys are used all round the world to help
1 Hunters often kill animals for their .
mankind. They transport heavy loads and even
A feathers B fur C shells
give children rides on the beach. However, many
2 There were dirty marks all over the carpet from
of these animals are neglected and 12,000 of them
have been cared for by the Donkey Sanctuary the dog s .
since it was started in 1969 by Dr Elisabeth D
A claws B paws C hooves
Photocopiable © Oxford University Press Matura Solutions Upper-Intermediate Tests 1
progress test
Unit 10
3 In China they have a soup made from sharks
5 Complete the sentences with the correct form
A fins B wings C knuckles
of can, could or be able to and the verbs in
4 I don t like eating octopus because you can
see the on the plate!
1 My mum insists that my brother
A claws B fins C tentacles
(speak) when he was only
5 After the cat tried to catch the bird, there were
eleven months old but I don t believe her!
all over the grass.
2 If I
A feathers B fur C whiskers
(speak) French, I would have taken the job
6 Birds eat snails by cracking open their
3 I (not find) Gina s
A whiskers B fangs C shells
number in the phone book. Do you know it?
Mark /6
4 I was lucky that I
(find) a good job last summer.
4 Complete the sentence with the correct form of
5 (you
the words in the box.
contact) Pamela yet?
cow dog rat bee snake cat
6 (drive) means that I
kitten wolf whale
don t have to depend on other people for
1 A pack of attacked a man in
the forest last winter.
7 If you work in a museum you must
(answer) questions about
2 Luckily we heard the hissing
local history.
before we stepped on it.
8 In the future people
3 The children had a of a time at
(travel) above the roads as well as on them.
the Theme Park.
Mark /8
4 Dad s in the house because
he forgot to get mum a birthday present.
6 Complete the sentences with all, that or what.
5 Paul won t come now. You ll be waiting until
the come home! 1 I m sorry, I ve eaten I can!
6 Who let the out of the bag? 2 is difficult is answering the questions
The party was supposed to be a secret. in such a short time.
7 The buzzed loudly when we 3 I m concerned she didn t come to me
tried to go near them. with her problems.
8 A lot of people I know have moved out of the 4 The worrying thing is climate change
city to get away from the race. is happening so fast.
9 Jen s cat has had and we re 5 I know about the row is that they
getting one at the weekend. aren t speaking to each other now.
Mark /9
6 she said made me realise how
unhappy she is.
7 I know my dad thinks about my
behaviour is important.
Mark /7
Photocopiable © Oxford University Press Matura Solutions Upper-Intermediate Tests 2
progress test
Unit 10
7 4.10 Listen to two people talking about pets.
Are the sentences true or false?
1 The female speaker is not looking
forward to walking the dog. T / F
2 The female speaker took good care of
her goldfish. T / F
3 It was the cat s fault the mice got out. T / F
4 The male speaker s mother changed
her mind about buying an iguana. T / F
5 Iguanas are small lizards. T / F
Mark /10
8 Imagine it is the year 2090. An animal which is
common today has become endangered. Write
about the animal. Use the writing guide to help
Paragraph 1: Introduce the animal.
Paragraph 2: Describe its physical appearance.
Paragraph 3: Describe its behaviour.
Paragraph 4: Give the reasons why it is
Paragraph 5: Describe the conservation efforts
being made.
Mark /10
Total /60
Photocopiable © Oxford University Press Matura Solutions Upper-Intermediate Tests 3


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