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The financial result is a basie measure of the efficiency of doing business. To effectively manage financial results, information on the elements affecting this form and change is essential. This information is information about income and expenses. People who are outsiders, and are interested in information about the financial position, results of operations and changes in financial position of the entity are doomed to the use of this information, which will provide them the entity. Synthetic collection of elements of the financial results is the financial statement. The task of the financial statements of a business entity is to inform interested stakeholders and people of financial position, about the results of operations and changes in financial position of the entity. The amendment to the Accounting Act introduced the concept of micro units and a new simplified model of financial statements for these types of units. This change is intended to bring the detail of the information presented in the financial statement to the size of business. The financial statements of micro-entities are highly simplified. This results in a significant decrease in value of information on these statements. The problem that arises is the ability to meet the information needs of different recipients of such financial statements. The aim of this article is to undergo a brief analysis of the scope of the disclosure of the information contained in the financial statements micro entities and their use for the purpose of management.

Keywords: financial statements, micro unit, accounting.

DOI: 10.7862/rz.2014.hss.59

Przesłano do redakcji: październik 2014

Przyjęto do druku: grudzień 2014


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