110 Ouvrages et articles classes selon les matićres traitees

634    Presedo Velo, F.; Blanco Caro; Pellicer Catalan. La necrópolis de Mirmad

(Argin sur, Nubia). Memorias de la Misión Arąueológica en Nubia, vol. XI, Madrid, 1970. 132 p., 6 pl.

635    Hewes, Gordon W. Gezira Dabarosa: Report of the University of

Colorado Nubian Expedition, 1962-63 season. Kush, XII, Khar-toum, 1964, p. 174-187.

6 Rive ouest: Bouhen, Kor, Abousir, Abd el Qadir

636    Emery, Walter B. A preliminary report on the excavations at Buhen.

Kush, VII, Khartoum, 1959, p. 7-14.

637    Emery, Walter B. A preliminary report on the excavations of the Egypt

Exploration Society at Buhen, 1958-59. Kush, VIII, Khartoum,

1960,    p. 7-10.

638    Emery, Walter B. A preliminary report on the excavations of the Egypt

Exploration Society at Buhen, 1959-1960. Kush, IX, Khartoum,

1961,    p. 81-86.

639    Emery, Walter B. Egypt Exploration Society: A preliminary report on

the excavations at Buhen, 1960-61. Kush, X, Khartoum, 1962,

p. 106-108.

640    Emery, Walter B. Egypt Exploration Society: Preliminary report on the

excavations at Buhen. Kush, XI, Khartoum, 1963, p. 116-120.

641    Emery, Walter B. Egypt Exploration Society: Preliminary report on the

work at Buhen, 1962-1963. Kush, XII, Khartoum, 1964, p. 43-46.

642    Caminos, Ricardo A. The new kingdom temples of Buhen. Egypt Explo-

ration Society, Archaeological Survey of Egypt, 33rd and 34th Memoirs, Londres, 1975.

643    Smith, Harry S.; et al. Excavations at Buhen, directed by W. B. Emery,

vol. II. The fortress of Buhen: The inscriptions. Egypt Exploration Society, 48th Excavation Memoir. A paraitre.

644    Smith, Harry S. The rock inscriptions of Buhen. Journal of Egyptian

archaeology, 58, Londres, 1972, p. 43-82. 7 pl.

645    Smith, Harry S. Kor: Report on the excavations of the Egypt Explora-

tion Society at Kor, 1965. Kush, XIV, Khartoum, 1966, p. 187-243.

646    Chittick, H. N. Antiąuities of the Batn el Hajjar. Kush, voI. V, Khartoum,

1957, p. 42-48.

647    Neskovi5, J.; Medić, M. Sheikh Abd el Qadir. Zbornik Zaśtite Spomenika

Kulturę, XVI, 1965, p. 51 et suiv.

648    Needler, Winifred. A rock drawing on Gebel Sheikh Suliman (near Wadi

Halfa) showingascorpionandhumanfigures. Journal of the American Research Center in Egypt, vol. VI, Le Caire, 1967, p. 87-91.

649    Hofmann, Ingę. Zu den sogennanten Denkmalern der Konige Skorpion

und Dr am Jebel Sheikh Suliman (Nubien). Bibliotheca Orientalis, vol. XXVIII, Leyde, 1971, p. 308-309.


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