Ouvrages et articles selon l’ordre alphabćtiąue des autears 45

517    Sauneron, Serge. Un village nubien fortifie sur la rive orientale de Ouadi

es-Sebou’a. Bulletin de Rinstitut franęais d'archeologie orientale, t. LXIII, Le Caire, 1965, p. 161-167.

518    Sauneron, Serge; Yoyotte, Jean. La campagne nubienne de Psammetiąue

II. Bulletin de rinstitut franęais d'archeologie orientale, t. 50, Le Caire, 1952.

519    Sauneron, Serge; Stierlin, Henri. Derniers temples d'Egypte: Edfou et

Philae. Lausanne, Editions du Chene, 1975.

520    Save-Soderbergh, Torgny. The Nubian kingdom of the second inter-

mediate period. Kush, vol. IV, Khartoum, 1956, p. 54-61. 1 dessin.

521    Save-Soderbergh, Torgny. The paintings in the tomb of Djehuti-hetep

at Debeira. Kush, vol. VIII, Khartoum, 1960, p. 25-44. 12 dessins et 6 pl. photographiąues.

522    Save-Soderbergh, Torgny. Preliminary report of the Scandinavian Joint

Expedition, Archaeological Survey between Faras and Gemai, January-March 1961. Kush, vol. X, Khartoum, 1962, p. 76-105.

4    cartes, 9 fig., 11 pl. de photos.

523    Save-Soderbergh,    Torgny. Preliminary report of the Scandinavian Joint

Expedition,    Archaeological    Investigations    between    Faras    and

Gemai, November 1961 - March 1962. Kush, vol. XI, Khartoum,

1963,    p. 47-69. 8 fig. et 6 pl. photographiąues.

524    Save-Soderbergh, Torgny. The tomb of the prince of the Teh-khet,

Amenemhet, Kush, vol. XI, Khartoum, 1963, p. 159-174. 8 fig.,

5    pl. photographiąues.

525    Save-Soderbergh, Torgny. Preliminary report of the Scandinavian Joint

Expedition,    Archaeological    Investigations    between    Faras    and

Gemai, November 1962 - March 1963, Kush, vol. XII, Khartoum,

1964,    p. 19-39. 9 fig., 5 pl. photographiąues.

526    Save-Soderbergh, Torgny. Preliminary report of the Scandinavian Joint

Expedition,    Archaeological    Investigations    between    Faras    and

Gemai, November 1963 - March 1964. Kush, voI. XV, Khartoum, 1967-1968. 35 p., 13 fig., 9 pl. photographiąues.

527    Save-Soderbergh, Torgny. Die Akkulturation der nubischen C-Gruppe

im Neuen Reich. Zeitschrift der Deutschen Morgenlandischen Ge-sellschaft, Supplementa I, XVII. Deutscher Orientalistentag vom 21. bis 27. Juli 1968. Wiesbaden, 1969, p. 12-20.

528    Save-S5derbergh, Torgny. The excavations carried out by the Scan-

dinavian Joint Expedition in Sudanese Nubia. Kunst und Geschichte Nubiens in christlicher Zeit (ed., E. Dinkler), Recklinghausen, 1970, p. 219-244.

529    Save-Soderbergh, Torgny. International salvage archaeology, some

organizational and technical aspects of the Nubian campaign. Annales Acad. Reg. Scient. Upsaliensis, 15-16/1971-72, p. 116-140.


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