Paweł Mąkosa

Teachers participating in the survey conducted by the Ministry of Education in 2012 most often enumerated 'creative use of available sources of knowledge, the change of the market of traditional educational publishers, the development of creativity and skills as well as equalization of educational opportunities among the effects of the introduction of e-course books. Similar responses were given also by the pupils’20. The above data, although there is a need to verify them, constitute a very strong argument in favour of digital education and e-course books. The implementation of education objectives is, after all, the primaiy criterion for its evaluation. If the use of multimedia (which the digitization assumes) led to a considerable increase of its effectiveness, then the ąuestion conceming the legitimacy of its implementation should strongly be answered affirmatively. However, it tums out that not everyone shares such a view, as it will be presented below.

Not without significance is also the fact that e-course books will make pupils’ schoolbags much lighter. There will be no need to carry schoolbags that weigh several or even a dozen kilograms to school any morę. They will be replaced with a laptop or a tablet with loaded files21. Economic efficiency is an eąually importanat advantage of the digitization of education. According to the announcements madę by the Ministry of Education, course books prepared by it will be available for free and will be issued under licenses allowing free use of them. It is evident that the remaining publishers will not make their course books available for free, but it may be expected that their prices will drop significantly. If they were at an average price of applications available in Appstore or Android Market (several or dozen of Polish zlotys), the budget of an average Polish family would gain a lot of savings.

5. Risks arising from digital education

Making this reflection objective, apart from the advantages of digital education presented above, one needs to indicate the threats which it carries (with its implementation). Firstly, it should be mentioned that some people disagree with the theses presented above and treated as advantages of digital education. J. Morbitzer even claims that the fact that the Computer reduces the teacher’s workload and increases the level of education and that computers and the Internet are great tools for the eąualization of educational opportunities for young people should be treated as a myth22.

20    A. Satel. Men wprowadza bezpłatny e-podręcznik, as above.

21    Wydawnictwa cyfrowe zawsze tam, gdzie Ty. [online] [access on: 21.09.2013],

Available on: <https://sites.google.coin/sile/epodreczniki4in/>.

22    J. Moibitzer. O niektórych mitach komputerowej edukacji, [online] [access on: 21.09.2013], Available on: <http://www.tuo.agh.edu.pl/Mity.pdf>.


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