in the Statutes. The Sub-Commission hoped to be able to con-tinue its work on this particular point.

(5) The Sub-Commission proposed to discuss the ąuestion with Mr. Banister, and then to submit the draft of the Statutes to the last mecting of the Executive Committee.

In order to fix the datę of the last meeting of the Executivc Committee the said Committee passed on to a vote by a raising of hands, in order to know whether the 26 August, at 5 p.m. at Lausanne would be convenient.

This proposal was approved by the majority of the membcrs present.

The Chairman then passed on to the last item on the agenda, the qucstion of the dictionary.

Dr. von Moos reported on two questions discussed in Paris with some personalities of the U.A.T.I.:

(a)    the glossary;

(b)    the dictionary.

The glossary prepared in French, English and German was handed over to each member of the Conference. The glossary is to be reprinted with amendments and addenda the delegates would kindly submit to the International Committee not later than the 1 of December 1953. The reprinted glossary would then be handed over to the members together with the third volume of the Proceedings.

Mr. van Mierlo reported on the second question discussed at Paris (see detailed report: “Some rcmarks with respect to the compilation of a multi-lingual dictionary in the field of soil mechanics and foundation engineering”).

Mr. van Mierlo addcd that Unesco in generał is prepared to grant subsidies for covering the printing costs, whereas the intellectual work is voluntary.

Dr. von Moos stated that the printing costs of the new glossary would in any case be covered by the Swiss National Committee on one hand and by Unesco on the other. Therefore, the number of languages of the glossary could be extended to five.

After discussion, Mr. Rocha proposed to set up a permanent Committee responsible for dealing with the question of the dictionary.

The members of this commission would be the following:

Messrs. Dr. von Moos (Chairman)

Buisson Entrecanales van Mierlo Rocha Kjellman.

Messrs. Buisson and van Mierlo having not been in a posi-tion to accept the chairmanship of this Sub-Committee, Dr. von Moos accepted it provisionally.

Dr. von Moos promised to finish by all means the reprint of the glossary which would be issued as soon as possible.

The Chairman stated with pleasure that a permanent Committee would in futurę be responsible for all qucstions regard-ing the publication of the dictionary concerncd.

The Chairman then thanked all the delegates present for their active co-operation and declared the Mecting closed at 18.55.

Pour fixer la derniere reunion du Comite executif, on passe au vote a main levee; on propose le 26 aout, 17 heures, a Lausanne.

Cette proposition est acceptee a la majorite des membres.

Le President passe ensuite au dcrnier point a 1'ordre du jour, c’est-a-dirc la qucstion du dictionnaire.

Dr von Moos donnę connaissance de deux questions dis-cutees a Toccasion de sa rencontre a Paris avec des person-nalites de 1’U.A.T.I.:

a)    glossaire;

b)    dictionnaire.

Le glossaire prepare a ete remis k chaque membre du Con-gres (en franęais, anglais et allcmand). II sera reedite avcc les corrcctions et adjonctions que les delćgues voudront bien signa-ler au Comite suisse d’organisation avant le lcr decembre 1953. Ce glossaire reimprime sera remis avec le troisieme volume des proces-verbaux.

M. van Mierlo rapporte sur la seconde question traitee a Paris (voir rapport detaille: Quelques rcmarques ausujet delacom-position d’un dictionnaire multilingue en matićre de meca-nique des sols et des travaux de fondations.

M. van Mierlo ajoute qu’en principe TUnesco est prete a accorder une subvention pour les frais d’impression tandis quc le travail intellectuel sera benevole.

Dr von Moos communique quc les frais d’impression du nou-veau glossaire seront en tout cas couverts par le Comite National Suisse et 1’Unesco. Dans ces conditions, le nombre de langues du glossaire pourrait etre porte a cinq.

Apres discussion, M. Rocha propose de nommer une Commission permanente qui traitera la question du dictionnaire. Seront membres de cette Sous-Commission:

MM. Dr von Moos (president)

Buisson Entrecanales van Mierlo Rocha Kjellman.

MM. Buisson et van Mierlo ayant decline la presidence, le Dr von Moos Faccepte provisoirement.

Dr von Moos promet de terminer en tous les cas la reedition du glossaire, qui paraitra prochainement.

Le President constate avec satisfaction qu’une Commission permanente s’occupera dorenavant de toutes les questions ayant trait au dictionnaire, remercie tous les delćgues de leur active collaboration et declare la seance levee a 18.55.



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