/I. Wi. ua ho


hile the postolic Nunclo to Pol nd ls busy ; t Buch: rest t lleylatlng the distress of thous^nds of *ar refugees.l^r. lfredo Paclnl, Counsellor et the same Nuntlaturę,was recelyed durlng thls week ln prlyate eudlence by the Holy Frther, prlor to his dep: rture for ngers ln Fr nce v.hore the provlslonal . oilsh Government ls nov est bllshed. It ls no longer a secret th t His Hollness has been profoundly p< lned by reports 1. tely recelyed et the Vatlcr.n and 11 too completely con-fhacd, on the m.* rtyrs* fate reseryed once morę for his de r Pol nd,ln v,hose lnevlt::ble resurectlon he contlnues to count wlth cuch confld-ence. In His much publlshed dlscourse dellyored £t C> stel Gnndolfo on ieptember 30th to the Pollsh pllgrlrrs led lnto the F* therfs pres-ence by thelr mbessador and thelr Cardinal Prlmate one nsonth nfter the outbre* k of war, mllllons of Pollsh cethollcs ln merle1;, wlth r.ll sensitlve souls everywhere, henrtened t these words of Plus XIIs ".e    111 lso hope (notwithst ndlng many reasons to fear, reasons

c: uaed by the too wellknown desl&ns of the enemles of God) th t


or.thollc llfe will be *ible to contlnue cbundently fr- lthful; th* t you

111 be Ltols to c.rry on you rellglous servlces, those m nlfest: tlons of deyotlon to the holy Lucherlst ? nd homrge to the klngshlp of Christ of hich your cltles end the entlre country recently gr-ve such n*: gnlf-Icent evldence; thr t the cr.thollc press, Instltu tlons of oh rlty,

ocl* 1 worka *nd the te* ching of rellglon v.lll cnjoy the llberty vhlch ls thelr rlght." These modest hopes of the Holy Fether for the . oilsh people he tenderly loves h: ve been grossly decelved, we regret to announce,and the mlsglylngs hlch sooomprnled them abundrntely Justlf-led. The new ye r wlth ltfs fr 11 but refreshlng prtelfle of pe> ce 5*3 brlngs us from Warsaw and Cracoy, fron. Pomer nla, Posnr.n rnd fllesla almost & 11 y the t.le of destltutlon und ulstructlon t.nd lnf; ray of 11


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