AMGnr 11/2014

AMGnr 11/2014

in my mind that research was only with pipettes in the laboratory. I always said I would never get involved. And I always said that I wouldn’t choose pediatrics for a specialty. Until I accidentally stum-bled upon Pediatrie Oncology. You will get from this university exactly what you invest into it and sometimes those in-vestments will take you by surprise.

You just might start liking the one thing you said you never would. So... try... ask...search.

Rule #2 - take advantage of the fun-damentais. Everyone wants to get into the hospital, start clinical rotations, scrub into surgery, but pay attention to these next 3 years of your basie Sciences, for they will only help you later.

Too many times during practical class-es are we asked the question “why” -why does something happen? Take advantage and learn how to explain yourself and defend your answers.

Rule #3 - leave jealousy at the door. True confidence has no room for envy. You are great, all of you are great and it is time for all of you to accept that you are great. Take a look around, some of you will do better than others with grades, some with clinical skills, some will be able to memorize text-books by reading it once, others will fili their entire wali with flashcards and diagrams. It is all OK. It doesn’t matter how you get to the end, as long as you get there without pushing others down. For in the end, by oath, we are all entitled to help each other, so why not start now.

Fourth rule - a wise friend once told me - if you study you will pass, if you don't study you will not pass. Funny, simple but true. There will be countless sleepless nights, endless topics you won’t understand, frustration and confusion, you literally will forget your left from your right, and you might even have one or a few failures, but keep trying. You are starting this school because you wanted a new challenge. A challenge with a huge reward. Don’t fali into despair if you need to study lon-ger than your fiat matę, or if you didn’t pass something and your colleagues did. We all have our own strengths and weak-nesses. This time is about finding out what works for you, and how to apply it.

My finał rule will have to be - enjoy the little things in life, because 6 years from now you will realize they were big things. Make room for fun in your studies. Go to the beach, go to the pub, for a walk, to the cinema, out for ice cream. Travel around, or simply just read a book or talk with a friend on the phone. Don’t let others make you feel guilty for taking a break. Don’t dwell and worry when you don’t need to. There is plenty of time to worry, worry tomorrow! Another wise friend once told me... let futurę Gabi worry about it. And I repeat this quote to this day.

Work hard, but mostly importantly... enjoy yourselves. In 6 years from now when you meet again receiving your diploma, you will remember the paths you had to take to reach this place. Once again, welcome class of 2020! On behalf of myself and students from older years we wish you the best of luck.


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