Tests on stress distribution in reinforceć panels, by R.J. White and H.M. Antz. Journal of the aeronautical Sciences,

New York, Apr. 1936, v. 3, no* 6, p. 209-12*

Stressed-skin structures. Compression. tests of panels with tubu-lar stiffeners, by I.J. Gerard and B.G* Dickens. London,

H.M. Stat. off., 1936* (A.R.C. R* & M. no. 1830)

Skin deep (design and test data on stiffeners and stiffeneć sheets, as well as cylindrical structures), by J.S. Newell. Aviation, New York, Nov.-Dec. 1935, v. 34, no. 11-12, p. 18-20; 19-20.

Ober die festigkeit von rippen bei ruhender wechselnćer und

stossartiger belastung, von A* Thum und S. Berg. Zeitschrift des V.D.I., Berlin, Mar. 18, 1933, v. 77, no. 11, p. 281-87. (Abstract Journal of the R.A.S., London, Dec. 1933, p. 981)


Regulations and specifications for welded steelwork (stress dis-tributions, design, permissible stresses), by E.P.S. Gardner. Structural engineer, London, Feb., Dec. 1938, n.s., v. 16, p. 62-96; 471-83. diagrs., illus., tables.

Stress distribution in reinforcea panels, by Tung-Hua Lin. Journal of the aeronautical Sciences, New York, Nov. 1938, v. 6, no. 1, p. 24-26. diagrs., illus., tables.

Ober den kraftverlauf in l&ngs und quer versteiften schalen,

von H. Ebner und H. Kbller. Luftfahrtforschung, MUnchen und Berlin, Oct. 10, 1938, v. 15, no. 10-11, p. 527-42. illus., tables.

Die Spannungsverteilung in geschweissten stumpfstóssen, von Karl Jezek. Der Stahlbau, Berlin, July 15, 1938, v. 11, no. 14-15, p. 111-14. diagrs.

On the problem of stress distribution in ?/ide-flanged box beams, by E. Reissner. Journal of the aeronautical Sciences,

New York, June-July 1938, v. 5, no. 8-9, p. 295-99; 368.

• illus.

Distribution des tensions dans les caissons a faces principales en tóle ondulee, soumis h la flexion, par M. Mercier. Le Genie civil, paris, June 28, 1958, v. il2, no. 26, p. 539.

Factors of stress concentration of elastic stress (k), repeated stress (kf), and rupture (kr), by R.T. Roark. Product en-gineering, New York, Apr.-May, 1938, v. 9, no. 4-5, p. 153-56, 198-200. illus., tables.



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