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priorities and objectives (Anner 13). In teras of Nigerien research specialists, one agroeconomist and one agricultural meehanization specialist (animal traction) would be appolnted to be stationed at Konni; one animal production specialist* one forestry and three DRS/CES specialists would join the program to be stationed at Kolio* Tahoua and Zinder* One agrostology specialist and four researchers for generał pedological activities (soil cartography* soil physics and soil chemistry)* would be based at Niamey. Accordingly* Nigerien Staff would be increaaed over the five-year period by 8even new researchers and 14 technicians* The project would finance incremental salaries* yehicles* eąuipment and incremental operatIng costs*

3.28 Irrigated Crops. INRAN proposes to implement four research projects within the irrigated crop research program. The proposed project would complement the finance already available for the rice and soil/water management research programs (USAID) with financial support for the vegetable crops* fruit tree and datę palm projects* The proposed project would finance technical assistance support for the maraet gardening and fruit production research projects. The research programs would establish yarietal and cultural recornnendations for yegetable and fruit crops that would botb spread the season of harvesting and enable reliable production without recourae to conplez plant protection or irrigation regimes. The project would fund five new Nigerien research staff positions* These new recruits would be stationed at Kolio to work with senior researchers and receive on-the-job training. Al80 ten technicians would be hired for the program. The project would also finance equipment* vehicles and incremental operating costs*

(c) Training and Technical Assistance

3*29 Training* INRAN would recruit a ąualified Personnel Officer to prepare a Humań Resources Deyelopment Master Plan* The staff of the Univer8ity of Niamey and of the IPDR/ECE training center would provide advice and assistance in this task* The plan would contain detailed function descriptions according to the new INRAN organization* including a description of responsibilities and accountability* Profiles would be prepared* describing education, training, ezperience and other specific skills, reąuired to fulfill these functions* Staff would be eyaluated* followed by a skills gap anałysis through the matching of profiles and evaluations* The end of the ezercise would be a training program for ezisting staff; some dismissals; elear career paths; procedures for growtb promotion, including annual evaluatlon procedures and criteria for all categories of staff; and elear reeruitement for new staff* Laboratory technicians* tractor drivers* eąuipment operators and workshop staff would be tested to determine on-the-job training needs. Assurances were obtained at negotiations (para. 6.01) that the Humań Resources Deyelopment Master Plan would be prepared during the first year of the project*

3.30 Funds for overseas training are already available from various sources but they are often restricted in their applicability and* for ezample* do not allow research staff to familiarize themselyes with work at International or regional research centers or in neighboring countries* Moreoyer* such training it often inappropriate sińce it does not reflect the specific needs of the country and the research establishment* Therefore* to upgrade the technical and management skills of INRAN staff at all levels* the project would proyide funds fors (a) training in research management for the


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