
email Client [N-C0UNT-U8] An email client is a program that receives, sends and Stores email on a Computer, klient poczty elektronicznej

encoding [N-UNCOUNT-U1] Encoding is the act of changing data so that no one can read it until it is changed again. kodowanie

expansion cards [N-COUNT-U3] Expansion cards are extra Circuit boards that are used to increase the functions of a Computer, karty rozszerzenia

exposure [N-COUNT-U10] An exposure is the length of time film is open to light when taking a picture. czas naświetlania, ekspozycja

fan [N-COUNT-U9] A fan moves cool air onto Computer components inside the case. wiatrak

FAQs [N-COUNT-U15] FAQs (Frequently Asked Ouestions) are a set of questions and answers provided on a website to give users information they commonly want to know. często zadawane pytania

field [N-COUNT-U11] A field is a category in a database that holds a particular type of information. pole (w bazie danych)

folder [N-COUNT-U6] A folder holds and organizes files and documents on a Computer, folder, katalog

font [N-COUNT-U7] Font is the style of the typed characters on a document. czcionka

format [N-COUNT-U7] A format is a file type. Different file formats might not work in different programs. format

formatting [N-UNCOUNT-U7] Formatting is the design of the words on a document. formatowanie

formula [N-COUNT-U11] A formula is any mathematical calculation that you perform in a spreadsheet. formuła, wzór

function [N-COUNT-U11] A function is a mathematical instruction that performs a specific calculation in a spreadsheet, such as adding a set of values. funkcja

functionality [N-COUNT-U12] Functionality is the ability of different elements of a website to work together. funkcjonalność

graphic Communications [N-UNCOUNT-U13] Graphic Communications is the study of sending and receiving visual messages. komunikacja wizualna

graphic editing program [N-COUNT-U10] A graphic editing program is a Computer program that lets you change different aspects of an image, program do edycji obrazu

Graphical User Interface [N-COUNT-U6] A graphical user interface (GUI) is an operating system that uses icons to represent programs and files and allow users to access to them. graficzny interfejs użytkownika

graphics [N-COUNT-U10] Graphics are images on a Computer, in a book or magazine, etc. grafika

handheld PC [N-COUNT-U2] A handheld PC is a Computer that is smaller, slower and less powerful than a laptop and is used to browse the Internet and check email, komputer podręczny

hard drive [N-COUNT-U3] A hard drive Stores data electronically. twardy dysk

hardware [N-COUNT-U1] Hardware refers to the physical parts of a Computer, sprzęt komputerowy

heat sink [N-COUNT-U3J A heat sink transfers heat away from nearby components of a Computer, radiator (urządzenie odprowadzające ciepło z elementu, z którym się styka, do otoczenia)

HTML [N-UNCOUNT-U9] HTML (Hypertext Markup Language) is a Computer language that is used to construct web sites on the Internet, hipertekstowy język znaczników (język do tworzenia stron www)



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