function fbsql list fields 5JRU3PAMBWEHAH4TN2EWHYHO6A4NB5AFUM4KKGI

fbsql_list_fieldsPodręcznik PHPPoprzedniNastępnyfbsql_list_fields (PHP 4 >= 4.0.6)fbsql_list_fields -- List FrontBase result fieldsDescriptionresource fbsql_list_fields (string database_name, string table_name, resource [link_identifier]) fbsql_list_fields() retrieves information about the given tablename. Arguments are the database name and the table name. A result pointer is returned which can be used with fbsql_field_flags(), fbsql_field_len(), fbsql_field_name(), and fbsql_field_type(). A result identifier is a positive integer. The function returns -1 if a error occurs. A string describing the error will be placed in $phperrmsg, and unless the function was called as @fbsql() then this error string will also be printed out. Przykład 1. fbsql_list_fields() example$link = fbsql_connect('localhost', 'myname', 'secret'); $fields = fbsql_list_fields("database1", "table1", $link); $columns = fbsql_num_fields($fields); for ($i = 0; $i < $columns; $i++) { echo fbsql_field_name($fields, $i) . "\n";; } The above example would produce the following output: field1 field2 field3 ... PoprzedniSpis treściNastępnyfbsql_list_dbsPoczątek rozdziałufbsql_list_tables


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