G74 Counter Tapping Cycle

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\viewkind4\uc1\pard\qc\cf1\lang2057\b\f0\fs24 G74 Counter Tapping Cycle
\par \pard\cf0\b0\f1\fs20 G.... is defined as the canned cycle.
\par X.... Y.... is defined as the hole position, in absolute or incremental value.
\par Z.... is defined as the distance from the R point to the bottom of the hole in incremental mode, or the position of the hole bottom in absolute mode.
\par R.... is defined as the distance from the initial level to the R point level in incremental mode, or the position of the Z datum in relation to the R point level in absolute mode.
\par P.... is defined as the dwell time to be performed at the bottom of the hole (see the G\'d84 code for more details).
\par Q.... is defined as the cut-in distance value or shift value (Note - this is always specified as an incremental value).
\par K.... is defined as the number of repeats, for a series of holes. When not specified, K=1.
\par F.... is defined as the feedrate for machining.
\par \cf1\b\f0\fs24
\par \pard\qc\cf0\b0\fs16
\par \pard\fs20 Sequence of moves:
\par Op 1) Rapid position to X, Y and Z (the initial level).
\par Op 2) Rapid traverse to R point level.
\par Op 3) Feed to Z depth.
\par Op 4) Dwell P (time for spindle stop and start CCW direction).
\par Op 5) Feed to R point level.
\par Op 6) Dwell P (time for spindle stop and start CW direction).
\par If the G98 code is programmed within the cycle, the next move will be a rapid traverse to the Initial level. If the G99 code is programmed within the cycle, there will be no movement.
\par K.... is defined as the number of repeats, for a series of holes. When not specified, K=1.\fs16
\par }


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