A. Biernat-Jarka, P. Tuka

(10.5%) and primary education (9.9%). Almost half of the respondents came from house-holds composed of 3-4 persons (49.3%), and a slightly sinaller group were respondents who came from households composed of 5-6 persons (30.1%) and 1-2 persons (16.6%). Only 4% of the respondents represented households composed of 7 and morę people. Among the respondents, in eveiy fifth household (19%) there were no children, and in every fourth (26.2%) there was only one child. while in 36% of the households there were two children. In nearly 19% of the households there were three or morę children. In total, there were 16.9% of household without any freehold, or perpetual usufruct of, land. The other households owned freehold land or perpetual usufruct. Nearly 1/3 of the respondents had farms with an area ranging from 5 to 10 ha. A slightly smaller group were respondents w ho owned fanns w ith an area ranging from 2 to 5 ha (26.6%) and from 10 to 15 ha (17.8%). The smallest farms, up to 2 ha, were owned by 12.1% of the total number of respondents, and the largest farms, i.e. over 50 ha - by less tlian 1%. In the survey. the average monthly income per person in the household over the last year was adopted as the indicator of income amount. Four income categories were distinguished:

•    below PLN 500;

•    from PLN 501 to 700;

•    from PLN 701 to 1,400;

•    above PLN 1,401.

The largest group were respondents from households with the average monthly income per person over the last year ranging from PLN 701 to 1,400 (34.7%), and the smallest group - with the average monthly income per person over the last year above PLN 1,401 (12%). Inevery third household. thegross income per person ranged between PLN 501-700. and nearly in eveiy fifth - the monthly income per person amounted to less tlian PLN 500 (Table 1).

Table 1. The amount of income generated by surveyed households

Income categoiy

Number of households

Structure (%)

Below PLN 500



PLN 501-700



PLN 701-1 400



Above PLN 1 401



No response




1 000


Source: Authors’ own study based on surveys.

Given the declared income of households. the largest group of respondents w ere from households in which the main source of income was the sale of farm produce (36.9%) (Table 2). Regular employment (other tlian self-employment) was the main source of income of 35.8% of the surveyed households. Disability or retirement pension was the only source of income for almost eveiy tenth household. Just over 5% of respondents declared that they eamed their living with the income from self-employment, which is a very Iow percentage. In the futurę, this sliare should increase with the continuing sup-port of entrepreneursliip in raral areas and farmers seeking additional sources of income

Acta Sci. Pol.


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