ba partially fixed, łtt dynamie toading it due to ełastically mounted vt>rating machina* and it* conttraints include baam-iike stłffanart. The thaory yiald* tha aigenvalue* and modal tha pas of tha piata and stiffaners which compromiae tha tyttam. Tha solution itbatad on Galarkin'* method combi nad with u aa of spacłal polynomial seria* presanted by Kantorovich and Kryk>v.


Uae of LaGrange Multipliera with Polynomial Serie* for Dynamie Anałyasa of Conatrained Ratę*. Part II: LaGrange Mułtipiier*

G. Rosenhouse and E. Goldfracht Technion-lsrael Inst. of Tech., 32000 Haifa, Israel. J. Sound Vib.,_92_ (1), pp 95-106 (Jan 8. 1984) 4 figs. 2tables, 14 refs

Kay Word*: Plata*, Stiffenad plates

Th* eigenvalue*, modal rfwpes and re«>onte of conttrainad piata*, loadad by yibrating single dagraa of freedom machin ery. ara deriyed. Tha raaults for tha compłete tyttam ara obtainad by appfication of Lagranga equations and Lag rangę multipliers. Tha coafficlantt of th* solution ara found with tha aid of polynomial seria*. Tha w»riant* contidarad ara an unttiffanad and a baam-stiff ened piata.

piata and tha typa of fracture (brittie or ductile) was exam-inad utilizing a high speed photography technigue.


A Th ©or© tkał Analysi* of Transient Sound Radiation from a Oamped Circular Platę

A. Akay, M. Tokunaga. and M. Latcha Wayne State Univ.. Detroit. Ml 48202. J. Appl. Mech., Trans. ASME. 51 (1). pp 41-47 (Mar 1984) 4 figs. 25 refs

Kay Words: Plata*. Circular platet, Sound waves, Wave propagation, Impact excitation

A theoretical analytit of transient sound radiation from a clamped circular piata i* given uting a pressure impulsa rasponta method. The yibration reiponta of tha piata to a transient point force it obtainad. The modal pressure impuls* rasponta functions for tha piata ara derived from tha Rayleigh turfaca integral and numerically comroluted with tha modal acceleration radonie of tha piat*. The impuls* re-tponta functions ara ciosały retated to tha moda shapes and tha geometry of tha problem. They relate tha spatial domain to tha temporal do ma i n of tha pressure waves. The pressure impulta rasponta waveforms ara given for a number of piata modes and tha changes in tha waveforms with dittance from tha piata ara shown. Sound radiation due to forcad and free yibrations of tha piata ara discussad.


Emiaóon of Strea* Waye* During Fracture

P.S. Theocarisand H.G. Georgiadis The National Technical Univ. of Athens, 5 Heroes of Polytechnion Ave., Athens 624. Greece, J. Sound Vib., .92_(4), pp 517-528 (Feb 22. 1984) 10 figs. 1 table, 24 refs

Kay Word*: Platet, Fracture properties, Stre** waves. Elattic wava*

Emittion of both longitudinal and turfaca (Rayleigh) wavas during fracture of piata* under conditions of piane Kras* and piana ttrain wara studied axparimantally. The non-•Ouiltorated tensile strat* in th* fractured sactton of th* piat* craates an alattic w*ve, which travalt radially along tha piata at tha sound *>e*d. Moraovar, tha high surfac* daforma-tion around tha crack tłp, dua to tha high atrat* concantra-tion thara, propagatat at a turfaca wav* foliowing fracture of this zona, at th* r*spectiv* Rayleigh wev* ipaad with a efreular wavafront. Tha influenca of tha thicknast of tha


OaciUatory Instabiłitka Generated in a Double-Pin and Diac Undamped System: A Machaniem of Disc* Brake Squeał

S.W.E. Earlesand M.N.M. Badi

King's College. Strand. London. WC2. UK. IMechE.

Proc.. 1S8 (4). PP 43-50 (1984) 12 figs. 6 refs

Kay Wbrdt: Brakes (motion arresters). Noite generation, Dłtks

A dynamie analytit it presanted of a double-pin and disc system, which it undamped and hat linear characteristic*. A tałf-inducad oscillatory motion i* generated which can bacom* unstable for cartain combinationt of tha system'* paramater*. Oistinct changat from a quiet to a noisy ttat* ara obt*rvad on an *xp*rim*ntal tyttam; th* noisy State region* h*ving a good oorrelatłon with tha instability ragiont shown thaoretłcally. It it concludad that a kinematic eon-ttraint or gaometrically inducad elan of inttabilhy axitti thaoratically which asssntially deseribas th* machaniem of sgueal no i ta generation in ditc-braka*.


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