

If you're willing

to lose your job tomorrow

to a technically-trained man,

tum the page, mister

Muny of tlie men eurienlly on the Street are I herc for u reason. “As many as 8 out of 10 are dead-estimates the chief ongineer of a medium* sized IMiiladelphia firm; the problem is to find the livc ones. —from ELECTRONICS MAGAZfNE

If youYc interested in an honest-to-goodness carcer in the vigor-ous young clcctronics industry. hcrc*s how you can step ahead of job-compctition. movc up to a better job. carn morę moncy. AND BE SURĘ OF HOLDING YOUR TECHNICAL JOB. EVEN WHEN THE “DEADWOOD” IS BEING CLEANED OUT.

The “how** is advanccd, Professional home study cducation in Electronic Enginccring Technology including AUTOMATION, INSTR U M EN T ATI ON. INDUSTRIAL ELECTRONICS. AERONAUTICAL ELECTRONICS. GUIDED MISSILES. SER VOMECH AN ISMS. COMPUTERS. ASTRONAUTICS. TELEM ETER ING. COMMUNICATIONS. MANUFACTUR-ING. You don’1 have to be a college graduatc. You do havc to be willing to study—at home. You can do ii whilc holding down a full-timc job.

Thousands have. Since 1927 CR El has pro-    I

vidcd alert young men with the technical knowlcdgc that leads to morę responsibility. morę job security, morę moncy. And CREI has constantly kept pace with the rapid cx-pansion and progress in clcctronic achicvc-ment.

Remcmber thi*: CREI starts with funda-mcntals and takes you along at your own speed. You are not held back by a class. not pushed to kccp up with others. You set your own pace. CREI instructors guide you through the lesson materiał and gradc your written work pcrsonally. You master the fundamcntals. then get into morę advanccd phases of clectronics enginccring principlcs and practicc. Finally you may clect education in highly spccializcd principlcs of electronic engineering tcchnology as applied to guidcd missilcs. servomcchanisms. radar, computcrs. telemctcring. automation. instru-mentation and other applications.

Ocfober. 1959

Look at this partial listing of organizations that recommcnd CREI courses for their own personncl: United Air Lines. Canadian Broadcasting Corp.. Trans-Canada Airlines. The Martin Co., Columbia Broadcasting System. All-Amcrica Cablcs and Radio. Inc., Gatcs Radio Co.. Canadair Ltd.. Fedcral Electric Corp.. and U.S. Information Agcncy (Voice of America).

Whafs the ne.xt step? Certuinly get morę Information tlutn we can cram into one page. Fili out and mail the coupon helów to-dav. or write Capitol Radio Enginccring Institnte. Dcpt. IIIOF3224 lótli St.. N.W.. Washington 10. D. C.

CREI ALSO OFFERS RESIDENCE SCIIOOI. COURSES at the same high technical level in Washington. D. C. Classes start at regular intcrvals. Oualificd residcncc school graduates ern dcgrcc. “Associate in Applied Science” in 27 months. You can qualify for CREI home study advanced technical education if you havc had clcctronic training. or cxpcricncc in clcctronics— and realize the need of a high lcvcl technical knowlcdgc to make good in the better clcctronic jobs. (Electronics cxpcricncc is not rcquircd for admission to CREI Residcncc School.)


Complet* course; covers all electronic phoses of outomotion. Special •mphasis on thooty, funclioning, ond applicotioas of torvomtchanitmt and computtrt. Alto nofoworthy: lattons on machino control. instru-montaflon, dota procossing, and telemetry. A "must" for engineers and technicians seeking to enter this fascinoting bronch of electronic tech-nology.

i ’i r

To obtoin fost, immediote servic* ond to avoid deloy, it is necessory that the following informotion be filled in:

Employed By........

Typ* of Present Work


Yrs. High School


Electronics Experi*nc*




Capitol Radio Engineering Institute

ECPD Accredited Technical ln»tiH»t« Curricula • Founded 1927 Oept. 1110F, 3224 Sixte«nth Sf.. N.W., Washington 10, D. C.

Please »end m* your courte outline ond FREE illustroted 54-page book "Insuronce for Your Futur* in the New World of Electronics" . . . describing opportunities ond CREI home study courses in Practicol Electronic Engineering Technology.

/■Licrtr /□ Rodor, Servo ond Computer Engineering CHECK    ł    Technology    1 ,

FIELO OF ;H Electronic Engineering Technology    1

GREATESÓU Communications Engineering Technology IK1TFDCCT f C Yelewision Engineering Technology INltKtoT \ □ Aeronauticol Electronic Engineering Technology O Automation ond Industriol Electronics Engineering Technology

Name ..................................Ag*........


City...........................Zonę. .. .State........

Check: □ Home Study □ Residenc* School Q Koreon Yeteran


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