


mim n s 11111

-Hutnicza im. Stanisława Staszica w Krakowie AGH University of Science and Technology

■ address: A. Mickiewicza Ave. 30 I 30-059 Kraków, Poland phone:+4812 617 5092,

+4812 617 4615 fax: +48 1 2 617 52 39



AGH University

of Science and Technology

My beautiful AGH UST memory

Raquel Perez Robles (Mexico): I Siudy at the IPN INational Mylechnic Institute). Studying in Kraków at ACH UST has helped me in my prolessional career, because Ido not go to classes on/y to accomplish altendance buldueto the des ire lor learning and opening my mind to the knowledge which is being provided to me. experience would not have been achiewd without SMILE - an exchange programme enhandng mobility between Latin America and Europę and without the help of prestiffous and highly valued ACH Unnersity of Science and Technology.

The memories ol etperiences in every dassroom, ol every trip or party I have had are unique momenls that I will neeer lorget because 'I leamed Irom my mistakes and I lieed my joys". I have met people ol dillerent nationalities, dillerent cultures and customs and in each of them, all parts ol the world could be found. We should care aboul this variety. But what I am most proud ol is that I found between these people some gpod friends lor Ule. Will I see them againi, I do not knowr but I will keep each of the joys I shared with them.

AGH University of Science and Technology is at present one of the oldest (established in 1913), 2 higgest, and best Polish technical unwersilies. O Contrary to its traditional name, the University has a wide portfolio of education, covering virtually all scientific issues related to technical or similar Sciences. The profile and scope of education as well as research at AGH UST is constantly changing and developing. as we are aspiring to be continually up to dale with

demands of the present times. We are following the requirements of dynamically changing labour market, dosely watching directions of changes in economy, administration and politics.

The mission of our university is up-to-date education of engineers who specialise in many branches of technology (offering 57 courses and over

200 specialisations). It is worth mentioning that many of AGH UST specialisations are unique and they have no counterparts in any other Polish universities. We want to preserve this uniqueness by combining knowledge of technology and atts, espedally sińce we employ highly qualified and internationally recognised Staff in many unique fields (environmental protection, enyironmental engineenng, underground renovation of historical monuments and archeometallurgy, multimedia and social communication, geotourism, management in specified industries, biomaterials and biomedical engineering).

Amost 37 000 students study in the 16 faculties. PhD courses are also conducted - there are almost 1 000 PhD students at AGH UST. 14 Faculties are authorized to confer the degree of Doctor of Science or Doctor of Philosophy.

ACH Univeisity of Science and Technology in Kraków is a university of modem technologies with great prospects for the futurę. A varied and attractive educational offer and innovative research in the fields strategie for the national economy are our true asset.

A wide scope of research conducted at the university is a result of the contemporary structure which has been shaped over the last 100 years; the development of the uniuersity units was connecJed with the dynamie development of economy of the countiy. Invariably, the ambition of ACH UST has been getting ahead of the present time, which results in many innovative Solutions in different areas. Today, the university comprises 16 faculties. Their research activity b connected with traditional, yet constantly developing branches of industry and economy (mining, drilling, metallurgy...), and with paiticular fields of Earth and technical Sciences (geology, geodesy, electrical engineering...). Well represented are also faculties conducting research in dynamically developing disciplines such as Computer science, telecommunications, and biomedical engineering, as well as faculties connected with the basie Sciences (mathematics, physics, geophysics, and sociology).

For years, the university has been regularly deveioping and modemising the scientific research base. In 2012, a new, modern building was completed and commissioned; it is equipped with unique technological and measurement devices, induding appaiatus working in the conditions of high deanness, in the so-called "dean room", with equipment designed for nanotechnology and materiał nonodiagnostics. AGH


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