The Role ofllie European Feed Industry...

•    Respect of land rights

•    Respect for smali scalę and traditional land use

•    Rural communities and migration

•    Water as a key resource

•    Soil as a key resource

•    Protection of biodiversity

•    Responsible use of agrochemicals

Opinions on the benefits and risks of biotechnology and GMO’s vary greatly. There-fore RTRS will not promote the production, processing or trading of either genetically modified or non-genetically modified soy.

Genetically Modified Organisms (GMO’s) in Animal Feed

The feed industry recognises the potential benefits of the GM-biotechnology. GM-biotechnology can realise increased production, lesser use of agrochemicals and deve-lopment of functional feed- and food products. Until now only by-products of genetically modified products are used to produce animal feed. At the other side risks can occur also. Therefore a extended scientific risk analyses by independent authorities of each new product is necessary before approval. An intensive communication program is needed to improve public information and acceptance.

In spite of a careful authorisation procedurę consumers in Europę are very hesitating about GM-products. This has cultivated by some NGO’s who suggest elear negative impact of the use of GM-products in the feed and food.

Due to the BSE-crisis the use of animal proteins for farm animal is fully banned in Europę sińce January 2000. Alternative sources for protein-rich animal feedstuffs are available through soybean meal, corn gluten feed ( CGF) and distillers dried grains (DDG). CGF and DDG are excellent protein -rich sources for cattle feeding. Soybean and soybean meal are important protein sources for the rest of the livestock. The EU is heavily depended on imports of these feeding stuffs. Due to the EU-climatic and agronomie conditions the selfsufficient ratę of this protein-rich products is only 23%. The import of CGF in 2005 was 2.5 million tons, of DDG 0.72 min tons and of soybean meal 33,6 min tons (including imported soybeans). The EU-import of this soybean meals origins to nearly 100% ffom the USA (2,6 ml. ton ), Brazil (17.2 min ton) and Argentina ( 12.0 min ton). Maize and maize products consist of 20% of GM-origin and the soybean products consist of 90% of GM origin.

The EU doesn’t accept authorisation of GM-products by non-EU countries. Every new GM event has to be analysed by the European Food Safety Authority (EFSA) on safety for health and environment. Finally the European government has to approve the event for entrance on the European market.

There are 3 different thresholds in the control on GMO’s in the EU:

-    Non-EU authorised products: 0% ( zero-tolerance)

-    Products under EU-approval procedurę: 0.5%

-    EU authorised products: 0.9%

Based on the Regulations (EC) No. 1829/2003 and 1830/2003 feed operators are obliged to label all feed produced from GMO’s as soon as they pass the threshold. Transparency and traceability is reąuired in all stages of placing in the market.

Although the industry was already faced in the past with the negative trade impact on feed materiał supply as a result of the growing gap between worldwide approvals

Medicina Yeterinaria 7(4) 2008


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