Customer Relationship Management in a fitness club 71

The client-instructor interactions can be noted down in the system in the history of interactions module. Such interactions have several important goals, for example to identify the clienfs training goals, the level of training motivation, causes of absence or lower activity in recent periods of time. The result of such interaction could be a proposal for the next meeting, a creation of a training plan or planning of body composition tests, etc. For the club the most important thing is to keep the client, so the morę regular interaction there is and the morę conscientious notes are taken down, the better the client knowledge among other instructors and the better the chance for a successful client care. The interaction process is presented in Figurę 3.

Client perspective

lnstructor perspective

Figurę 3. The client-gym instructor interaction process Source: own elaboration.

Figurę 4. Actions history with notes in the system Source: screenshot from the Perfect Gym.


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