74 Aleksandra Leśniewska

managed by instructor. The heart ratę of everv participant is registered and visualized on screen as shown below (Figurę 6).

Group HR monitoring is a huge asset to the group training, as the instructor can adjust the training intensity and ratę to the physical potential of every single participant. The maximum number of people the Suunto software can support is over 70. To evaluate the session effect, some personal data need to be input in the program, for example name, nick name, the datę of birth, gender, maximum heart ratę (max HR), weight, height, level of activity and e-mail address (Figurę 7).

Figurę 8. Report sent via e-mail after the training session by Suunto Source: [http://www.cycling-online.com/Equipment/Suunto_Fitness_Solution].

This system helps improve the training effectiveness but also improve the group motivation. A signal from the belt put around the chest goes to the Team Pod receiver where special software registers and visualizes the training intensity and conseąuently sends a summary report via e-mail (from feedback@suunto.com) to the participant when the training is over. The report comprises the following information: session datę, duration, energy consumption, training effect (on the five-point scalę), heart ratę (peak and average HR) as broken down into five training zones (easy, moderate, hard, very hard and maximal) as well as some indications for the next sessions. A report example is presented in Figurę 8.


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