20 Piotr Betlej

20 Piotr Betlej

■ 22%    27%

10% —E ~l    65%

exercises to solve - online exam exercises to solve - orał exam exercises to solve - written exam

choice and open questions - online exam choice and open ąuestions - orał exam choice and open ąuestions - written exani

open ąiestions - online exam open ąiestions - orał exam open ąiestions - written exam


71 % —% 0% 10% 20% 30% 40% 50% 60% 70% 80% 90% 100%

choice ąuestions - online exam choice ąuestions - orał exam 3%li choice ąuestions - written exam

■ the most preferred form ■ second choice fonn third choice form

Fig. 7. Students’ preferences for different form of evaluation related to question type

Source: Own research.

The survey results show that students are ready for e-exams. Majority of people believe that they are not morę stressful of difficult than traditional ones. Most students want online assessments to be implemented at their university. For most respondents e-exams may be an altemative form knowledge verification. It is the second choice form, just after traditional written exams.


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