Application MS Access for Surveying Computations 95

Fig. 8. The surveying network adjustment window - an external application has been chosen to execute the adjustment

The module that executes the surveying network adjustment consists of prop-erly organized procedures and functions, mutually connected with regard to vari-ous relations, thus making the adjustment calculation with appropriate checks possible. Figurę 9 shows a fragment of the module, containing a codę of a procedurę of adjustment options choice and a procedurę of extemal application choice. The adjustment results are displayed on a monitor and saved into text files (Fig. 10) for a presumptive further use. The coordinates of adjusted points can be added to the database resource; as new points or as actualized values of coordinates and errors of points already stored.

Dlm stAppName Aa Stnng

stAppNaire - "c:\skl.exe” Cali Shell(scAppName, 1)

Bł «d_pi:osn:o»_zewnęc c zny_C licie: nsgBox Ecc.Descripcion

Pcivate Sub opc3e_o'ollcz_AfcerDpdate ()

Fig. 9. Window with the codę executing the surveying network adjustment (a fragment)


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