Papśis Avulsos de Zoologia

and L. sdncoides suggesls that a temperaturę sex determination mechanism (TSD) couldbe the modę ofsex determination in tkese species. Populations of reptiles wilk TSD mechanisms may be moręprone to extinclion due to skewed sex ratios caused by increased temperatures in distw bed tropical forests.

Keywords: Leposoma annectans', L. nart oda ety!us, L. scincoides, Squamata, Gymnophthal midae.


Leposoma annectans Ruibal, 1952, was described from a female specimen inthe context ofarevisionary paper on some genera of South American gymnophthalmids (Ruibal, 1952). The hol otype andonly specimen known (DZ 790B; now MZUSP 7693) collected from “Baia, State of Bahia, Brazil”, was briefly diagnosed from congeneric species. Ruibal admitted its resemblance with Leposoma scincoides, at the time the only other Atlantic Forest species of Leposoma, but distinguished it from that species by its enlarged interparietal and by the presence of a smali scalę separating the third pair of postmentals from infralabials. Since then, there were no reports of additional specimens.

In a paper describing a new species of Leposoma from a relictual forest in northeastem Brazil (Leposoma batuńtensis), the status of Leposoma annectans was reevaluated (Rodrigues and Borges, 1997). After comparing the holotype of Leposoma annectans against a large series of specimens of Leposoma scincoides , Rodrigues and Borges concluded that the two taxa were identical and considered them synonymous. That decision was based on the absence of specimens showing the diagnostic features of Leposoma annectans . The occasional presence of a smali scalę separating the third pair of chinshields from infralabials in some examples of L. scincoides and the presence of an enlarged interparietal in sonę specimens provided additional support to synonymize both forms. Thosc features were sometimes present asymmetrically in the same individual. In a paper, describing another new Leposoma from the Atlantic Forests of State of Bahia (Leposoma nanodactylus), no further reference was madę to L. annectans (Rodrigues, 1997).

Recently, the RestaUna project was designed to investigate the comparative response of several biological groups facing forest fragmentation in the Northeastem Atlantic P-inforests. The core area selected for intensive field work is the remaining h. ..;icnts of Atlantic forest near Una in of State of Bahia. As a result of an ongoing survey of the herpetofau.ia, we obtained a sample of 166 Leposoma in pitfall traps. Although at first v* e considered all specimens to be examples of Leposoma scincoides, a detaiia 1 study revealed


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