Łaska G., 2015, Badania terenowe w ocenie walorów przyrodniczych szaty roślinnej wybranych dolin rzecznych na Wysoczyźnie Białostockiej. Problemy Ekologii Krajobrazu, T. XXXIX, 45-58.

Badania terenowe w ocenie walorów przyrodniczych szaty roślinnej wybranych dolin rzecznych na Wysoczyźnie Białostockiej

Field studies in the evaluation of natural values of vegetation of selected river valleys in the Białystok Upland

Grażyna Łaska

Katedra Ochrony i Kształtowania Środowiska Politechnika Białostocka ul. Wiejska 45a, 15-351 Białystok e-mail: g.laska@pb.edu.pl

Abstract: The study was aimed to demonstrate the important role of field studies and to present their methodological procedures, including environmental inventory, cartographic and phytosociological studies combined with numerical syntaxsonomy, methods of wetland habitats valuation and GIS methods. The study of vegetation of selected river valleys, including Słoja River valley, Plaska River valley, Czarna River valley and Biała River valley in the Upland Białystok, was conducted in 2008-2013.

In the field, the cartographic and of plant communities and floristic variation followed by habitat identification of the plant patches were conducted. In the cartographic study, two methods were employed: the topographic one and the method of diffuse points with the use of phytosociological releves. The methods of numerical syntaxonomy (program MVSP Plus) were employed to identify and classify the phytosociological releves of the studied communities. In the numerical syntaxsonomy, two methods were employed: the methods of cluster analysis and Principal Cluster Analysis (PCA). The natural values of vegetation were evaluated by the method of wetland habitats evaluation, according to J. Oświt (2000).

The temporal and spatial variations in the vegetation of selected river valleys and their distribution were analysed by GIS and statistical methods. The GIS programme Geomedia Professional 6.1 and Statistica 10 package were used. Spatial analyses allowed for constructing digital maps of ranges of communities and thematic layers of natural values of particular plant communities, dependent on the mean index of evaluation. Statistical programmes were used to establish spatial correlation between the mean index of evaluation and the distance of particular plant communities from the river bed.

Słowa kluczowe, inwentaryzacja przyrodnicza, badania kartograficzne, badania fitosocjologiczne, syntaksonomia numeryczna, metody GIS, waloryzacja

Keywords: environmental inventory, cartographic studies, phytosociological studies, numerical syntaxsonomy, GIS methods, environmental assessment


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