The Modern Dispatch 062 Suddenly A Whiff of Gas

The Modern Dispatch
Suddenly... A Whiff of Gas!
By David Cheever
This issue of Modern Dispatch is another
example of Adamant Entertainment's
Suddenly...Encounters for the D20 Pulp line,
Thrilling Tales. Suddenly...Encounters
feature a brief encounter, a discussion of how
characters might interact with it, and an array of
elements you can introduce to further complicate
Content Manager:
the situation. You can use the supplement to
Thrilling Tales is Adamant Entertainment s
Charles Rice, Chris Davis
jumpstart a stalled situation or as a jumping off
line of pulp-genre gaming products for using
Layout: point for an entirely new adventure.
with Modern D20. The line features Advanced
Chris Davis
Classes representing the major pulp hero
This issue introduces another staple of pulp
archetypes, a Gamemaster s Guide, adventures
adventures - a sudden gas attack designed to
and supplements (including Suddenly...
impair or even silently kill. The characters must
Encounters, which features more encounters in
scramble to defeat this sudden and insidious 10
the style presented in this issue).
attack. Once the immediate threat of the gas has
passed they can look to assist innocent victims
and determine who was behind it.
Requires the use of the d20 Modern Roleplaying
Game, published by Wizards of the Coast, Inc.
The Set Up: At the conclusion of a
d20 Modern and Wizards of the Coast are
day's activities, the characters gather at a
trademarks of Wizards of the Coast, Inc. in the
neighborhood diner. Updates about the day's
United States and other countries and are used
activities are exchanged and the conversation
with permission.  d20 System and the  d20
flows easily. After a time the conversation moves
System logo are trademarks of Wizards of the
away from business and on to mutual interests
Coast, Inc. and are used according to the terms
and personal topics. Gradually the characters
of the d20 System License version 6.0. A copy
lose awareness of the other individuals in the
of this License can be found at www.wizards.
diner and events going on around them.
Suddenly...a whiff of gas!
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The Modern Dispatch
At times characters, especially when allowed to unconscious in the next few rounds. Allow to force the characters to make split second
assume some degree of control over the ongoing any player characters within the diner to hold decisions without any time for discussion
flow of the campaign, fall into a pattern of their breath for a number of rounds equal to or to plan a coordinated effort. You should
creating detailed plans for every encounter and their Constitution. After this period of time, allow them to communicate their reactions
attempting to micro-manage their environment. the character may attempt to continue holding to you without allowing them to coordinate
At these times the gamesmaster should remind their breath by making a Constitution check verbally with each other. Attempt to have the
them that they will never be in full in control (DC 10) every round. Each round, the DC of the characters demonstrate their basic strengths
of their destiny and the events proceeding Constitution check increases by 1. and weaknesses. Which characters will run and
around them. With every success comes a which will attempt to aid others in the diner?
bit of notoriety and life will seek them out in Remember that holding their breath will Who will attempt to take charge and either fail
unplanned ways. They will not be able to control preclude any form of communication other than or succeed? This is a situation in which they can
events as suddenly... passing written notes and body gestures. Any fail and not suffer any long-term consequences,
attempt to speak to each other will immediately but it should serve to remind them of their own
The Event: A loud crash draws the characters end that character's attempt to hold their mortality.
attention as a mechanical automaton crashes breath and in the following round they will fall
through a wall of the diner. A large cloud of dust unconscious from the effects of the gas. The
Things That Happen...
briefly obscures the metal man but as it clears gas although a lurid color is a simple, although
During the automaton's assault you can use the
the characters are able to make out the remnants strong, knockout gas and will cause no long-
following images:
of a large glass container built into the chest of term impairment to the characters.
the metal monster. A bilious yellow cloud leaks
1. The good-looking waitress who has been
from the container driven by fans mounted on Story Structure: This encounter is designed
the shoulders of the automaton. At this point the
characters begin to react.
D20 Event: A recommended stat block for
the automaton is included at the end of this
document. Throughout the encounter the
automaton will be attempting to penetrate further
into the diner and toward the target assigned
by its controller. Do not be afraid to move the
assault forward in real time even to the point of
allowing the characters to freeze in indecision or
squabble with each other.
The encounter starts with a surprise round,
which will allow the gas to overcome most
NPCs near the automaton and the rest will fall
Suddenly...a whiff of gas!
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The Modern Dispatch
serving the characters is quickly overcome This option will be most successful if the actions duel of wits with the characters and the public
by the gas and sprawls awkwardly on the of a player character toward other individuals at large he wishes to increase their anxiety by
floor spilling a large amount of small change have passed beyond the standards of good taste proclaiming his intentions to the world. In this
noisely across the floor. held by the majority of the group. It can serve as situation the automaton will move across the
a reminder of the heavy weight that they bear as diner amid a loud martial march coming from
2. The fans mounted on the shoulders of the public figures and object of attention. It can also speakers within the metal man. The target will
automaton blow food and papers across the be utilized to introduce new characters into the receive notice of a  Duel of Wits to end in their
diner adding to the confusion and . group. public embarrassment and the end of their life.
3. A couple in one of the corner booths Attention Seeking: The person controlling This option will work most effectively if
immediately embrace and indulge a heartfelt the automaton is seeking to gain notoriety the characters are publicly acknowledged as
and deep final kiss as the gas approaches. and attention for their own purpose or project. guardians or protectors of the inhabitants of
Dramatic and impulsive by nature the individual the city where they live. Anything less than
selects this method to announce his greatness a public acceptance of the challenge would
Encounter Goals and Variations: and glory to the world. The target of the serve to lower them in the eyes of the public
automaton will be a character or NPC employed and change the course of their activities. It can
The automaton is being directed by an individual as a newspaper reporter or columnist. The also be effective when the characters are not
outside of the diner toward a specific individual progress of the automaton across the diner will responsible at all for the events, which led up
inside the diner. The automaton, unless stopped be accompanied by a loud fanfare of music to the challenge. Unjustly accused or not they
by the characters, will approach that individual coming from speakers within the metal man. The are still forced to defend themselves or face the
and leave a hand-written message on or near target will receive a  Press Release extolling consequences.
them. If stopped before reaching the individual the genius of the automaton's creator and
or if the character manages to remain conscious, promising further revelations to astound all.
What Happens Next...
the automaton will throw the message toward
Eventually the characters will stop the
them as a final gesture before fleeing or This option will work best if the characters have
automaton or the device will complete its
shutting down entirely. The individual serving achieved a level of public notoriety and fame
delivery and flee. The characters, even if they
as the focus of the attack and the nature of the within the local community. Their hard-won
flee from the diner, will not see the controller of
individual controlling the automaton will be fame will be used in a cheap attempt to bolster
the automaton who must be the focus of their
determined by which of the suggested motives that of another individual. Soon or later the
future efforts. Several possible options for future
or variations is selected. characters will be forced into action simply to
actions by the characters are offered for each of
Unrequited Love: One of the characters or preserve their name and reputation.
the three basic situations.
another individual in the diner is the target of an
unrequited love. The automaton moves toward The Cut Direct: The person controlling the
Unrequited Love: Following the encounter the
this individual and lays a single rose and a automaton is using this very public event to
characters will need to determine the true source
brief poem of love beside them once they fall announce his intention of seeking revenge on
of the attack and begin to search for any possible
unconscious. In addition, the gas is scented with those who have personally harmed him or his
individuals behind the attack.
a perfume or cologne favored by the individual. associates. Before engaging in a no holds-barred
Suddenly...a whiff of gas!
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The Modern Dispatch
UL1) A former intimate friend of the heroically rescue their romantic interest. The fact that the characters were in the diner
targeted character has allowed envy and is only incidental.
jealousy to taint their relationship. Watching Attention Seeking: By the very nature of this
as the character's star continues to quickly sort of event, future episodes will continue to AS4) The automaton which crashed into
rise while remaining in obscurity has driven escalate in degree and seriousness as the need the diner is only one of several created for
the friend into increasingly irrational acts for ever more attention grows. The characters a large budget movie set to open in the near
to win back the love and attention of the will need to resolve this quickly to avoid having future. Although the entire scene was staged
character. The controller of the automaton innocents brought into danger and also to limit to generate publicity for the movie, the film
was hired and paid well for his services, but damage to their own reputations. company which owns the automaton will not
does not know the identity of his client. accept responsibility, claiming instead that it
AS1) The scorned lover of one of the was the action of a single crazed lover who
UL2) The builder and controller of the characters has approached a local publisher had access to the automaton.
automaton has a  fatal attraction for the who agreed to hire a local inventor to stage
targeted character. While the characters the event. His paper will have exclusive The Cut Direct: This encounter will only be
might possibly recognize the face on the photographs and the complete behind the the first in a series of ongoing events and lead
controller as someone they have seen scenes story of the scorned lover. The into a long-term rivalry between the characters
before, the characters have had no previous scorned lover will have their revenge in a and the group behind the assault. In true
interaction with the stalker. The stalker will most public way.  heroic fashion neither side will ever be truly
continue to step up the extravagance of the vanquished once and for all, but each will serve
gestures and eventually attempt to kidnap AS2) A rural inventor has decided to shake as a permanent thorn in the side of the other.
the character unless stopped. the dust of rural life from his shoes and
showcase his skills on a stage appropriate CD1) A large local paramilitary
UL3) A low-level assistant to famed to his stature. He has read of the characters organization, frustrated by the characters
inventor in the city has taken advantage in the papers and created this scene to gain several time in the past has seized upon this
of the inventor's visit to another city and publicity for his automaton. His next step opportunity to publicly display their new
purloined the automaton designed by his will be to offer his automaton and skills to hardware and collect a little payback at the
boss. While the characters are familiar with the police or local politicians in an attempt same time. As the characters deserve to
the inventor and his creations it seems very to serve the  good people of this fair city. suffer for a time before any  final solution ,
unlikely that he would be sending love notes automaton attacks on the characters will
with one of his automatons. AS3) A gang of bank robbers have stolen continue, gradually increasing in both
an automaton from an inventor in a distant the degree of violence and frequency. In
UL4) One of the characters is the actual city. In an attempt to divert attention from addition, as the organization hopes to raise
builder of the automaton. He has hired their real goal and to test the functioning of the fear level within the city bystanders and
an acquaintance unknown to the other the automaton they have created this scene. incidental victims will not be spared their
characters to stage to assault and deliver If the automaton was successful in knocking righteous fury.
a love note to his secret love. The gas is out the inhabitants of the diner and escaping,
designed to give the character a chance to their next step will be to rob a local bank. CD2) The son of an inventor investigated
Suddenly...a whiff of gas!
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The Modern Dispatch
by the characters has chosen this moment to CD3) A corrupt politician exposed by the studded with a multitude of flashing lights and
announce his intention to avenge the death crusading character with many friends still mechanical relays. The legs and appendages are
of his father. Although his father committed employed by the local police is seeking in pairs equally spaced around the body of the
suicide in a very public manner, the son is revenge by destroying the reputation of the automaton.
convinced that the characters drove him to characters. Rather than attempt to kill them
it. As his revenge is intensely personal, great he wishes to have them publicly disgraced Automaton: CR 5; Large construct; HD
lengths will be taken to ensure that none and rendered impotent in the public eye. 6d10+20; hp 55; Mas -; Init -1; Spd 25 ft;
but the characters receive any permanent Every attempt will be made to make them Defense 14 (-1 Size, +5 equipment), touch 9,
harm, but the frequency of the attacks and pariahs among the public by destroying flatfooted 14; BAB +4; Grp +15; Atk
encounters will sharply increase and serve people and property in the vicinity of the +8 melee (1D4+7 nonlethal, 3 pincers) or +8
to frustrate any other plans the characters characters, but their lives will not be taken melee (1D3+7 nonlethal, probe); FS 10 ft x 10
might have for that time in an attempt to unless by accident. ft; Reach 10 ft.; SQ construct traits; AL owner;
drive them to the same end as his father. SV Fort +0, Ref +0, Will +0; AP 0; Rep +0; Str
CD4) A group of rivals to the characters 24, Dex 11, Con -, Int 10, Wis 10, Cha 5.
have staged the entire event in an attempt
to discredit the characters in the public eye Locomotion: Multiple Legs (5)
and publicly humiliate them. The gloves Manipulators: Pincers (3), Probe (1)
are now off and it is open war between the Armor: Alumisteel Armor
groups. Every effort will be made to upstage Sensors: Class II Sensor System
and outshine the characters in any future Skill Software: Skill Chip Demolitions (8
endeavor that they undertake. ranks), Skill Chip Search (8 ranks)
Ability Upgrade: Dexterity Upgrade (+2) ;
Strength Upgrade (+4)
Character Information:
Accessories: Fire Extinguisher (modified to hold
and eject gas); AV Transmitter, Internal Storage
The description below supplies the capabilities
Unit, Speakers, Fans
and skills of the automaton. These abilities can
easily be modified to fit the needs of a specific
campaign or to better match the strengths of the
characters in your group.
The automaton is a large mechanical skeleton or
armature with four legs and four appendages (3
pincers and 1 probe). It stands about 66 inches
high with the four articulated legs making up the
bottom 46 inches of height and the body being
the top 20 inches. The body is spherical and
Suddenly...a whiff of gas!
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The Modern Dispatch
Open game license
5.Representation of Authority to Contribute: If You are contributing original 15 COPYRIGHT NOTICE
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Copyright 2000 Wizards of the Coast, Inc ( Wizards ). All Rights Reserved.
6.Notice of License Copyright: You must update the COPYRIGHT NOTICE Inc.; Authors Bill Slavicsek, Jeff Grubb, Rich Redman, Charles Ryan, based
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1. Definitions: (a) Contributors means the copyright and/or trademark
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Suddenly...a whiff of gas!
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