
Consider Phlebas

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Gimishin Foug, breathless, late as usual, sizeably pregnant, and
who just happened to be a
great-great-great-great-great-great-grandniece of Perosteck Balveda
(as well as a budding poet), arrived on board the General Systems
Vehicle an hour after the rest of her family.  The
vehicle had picked them up from the remote planet in the greater
Cloud where they'd been holidaying, and was due to take them and a
few hundred other people to the vast new System class GSV
Determinist, which would shortly be making the crossing
from the Clouds to the main galaxy.

Foug was less interested in the journey itself than in the craft
she would be travelling on.  She hadn't encountered a
System class before, and secretly hoped the scale of the vessel,
with its many separate components riding suspended inside a bubble
of air two hundred kilometres long, and its complement of six
billion souls, would provide her with some new
inspiration.  She was excited at the idea, and
preoccupied with her new size and responsibility, but she
remembered, if a little late, to be polite as she arrived on board
the much smaller Range class vehicle.

'I'm sorry, we haven't been introduced,' she said as she
disembarked from the module in a gently lit
Smallbay.  She was talking to a remote drone which was
helping her with her baggage.  'I'm Foug.  What
are you called?'

'I am the Bora Horza Gobuchul,' the ship said, through
the drone.

'That's a weird name.  How did you end up calling
yourself that?'

The remote drone dipped one front corner slightly, its
equivalent of a shrug.  'It's a long story...'

Gimishin Foug shrugged.

'I like long stories.'


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