Making the Ghost of It

Making the Ghost of It @page { margin-bottom: 5.000000pt; margin-top: 5.000000pt; } Making the Ghost of It By Kerri Nelson Eternal Press A division of Damnation Books, LLC. P.O. Box 3931 Santa Rosa, CA 95402-9998 Making the Ghost of It by Kerri Nelson Digital ISBN: 978-1-61572-252-5 Print ISBN: 978-1-61572-253-2 Cover art by: Dawné Dominique Edited by: Carolyn Crowe Copyedited by: Sherri Good Copyright 2010 Kerri Nelson Printed in the United States of America Worldwide Electronic & Digital Rights 1st North American and UK Print Rights All rights reserved. No part of this book may be reproduced, scanned or distributed in any form, including digital and electronic or mechanical, including photocopying, recording, or by any information storage and retrieval system, without the prior written consent of the Publisher, except for brief quotes for use in reviews. This book is a work of fiction. Characters, names, places and incidents either are the product of the author’s imagination or are used fictitiously, and any resemblance to any actual persons, living or dead, events, or locales is entirely coincidental. To my daughter Brooke, whose courage and faith continue to inspire me daily. This book features several ghosts but specifically one of a young girl who died from diabetes related complications long before there was adequate medical care available. I wrote about this character because I have a daughter who suffers from juvenile diabetes. While I am forever grateful that she is living in a time of wonderful medical advances, I’m still reminded daily just how far we have to go to find a cure for this disease. Insulin is not a cure. It is merely a life support system for my daughter and many others like her. So, this book is not only dedicated to my daughterŚbut all of my author’s royalties from the sale of this book will go to benefit diabetes research for a cure. A sincere thank you for your purchase"you’ve made a difference in the lives of many. I hope you enjoy the story as well. Chapter One Riley Donovan had seen insanity before, but it never came in such an adorable package. He watched from his back porch as the woman next door swatted at gnats with a gloved hand. At first, he thought she was just fussing at the annoying little insects hovering around her face. Then, he saw her turn towards a seemingly invisible person and actually carry on a conversation. He took small sips out of his glass of iced tea and watched her closely. Her small frame crouched down on the ground as she tended to her flower bed, and her long golden hair was pulled back from her face. Even from this distance, he made out the particularly appealing shape of her nose and lips. She had a petite little frame but the attitude with which she spoke made her seem much larger. He shook his head as a grin formed on his own lips. He was getting a crush on the new neighbor, and she was talking to thin air. * * * * Avery Willow needed a new roommate. She lost her third one in as many months just yesterday. She thought Francine would be different. When she’d interviewed her, the woman seemed calm and easy-going enough. Unfortunately, when her bathroom faucet kept repeatedly turning on and off all by itself during the night, Francine packed her things and left. Now, Avery was back where she started once again. The main problem was that her house payment was due in another week and with all the new tenants moving out so abruptly, she hadn’t been able to collect much from any of them. She would have to start asking for a full month’s rent up front. That’s what she would do from now on and it would be totally nonrefundable. Charlie hovered behind her and going on and on about how she didn’t need a new roommate and that she should just give up on the search. She tried to ignore him and shoo him away like the pest he was, but he just wouldn’t shut up. Finally, she broke her own rule. She spoke to him out loud, in public and told him to knock it off. He seemed offended and hurt at her harsh rebuke and faded into the late afternoon sun. Just as Avery turned back to her gardening work, she caught a glimpse of movement out of the corner of her eye. She turned just in time to see the dark-haired stranger from next door step back inside his house. She felt a blush creep onto her cheeks as she wondered if he witnessed her talking to Charlie just now. Maybe he only stepped out for a moment and missed the whole thing. She almost convinced herself of that when she saw his back porch swing swaying rhythmically as it slowly came to a rest. Then she knew her neighbor saw her talking to a ghost. Chapter Two Avery fanned herself with an old issue of Cosmopolitan as she tried to concentrate on her new potential roommate. The young woman, who introduced herself as Renegade, was barely an adult herself, but she looked nice enough. Frankly, Avery couldn’t afford to be too choosy these days. The woman’s hair was cut in a close-cropped angled trim and colored midnight black. Her eyes sported the darkest of liner and her eyelashes poked at least two full inches past her eyelids. Avery tried not to stare at the multiple earrings running up the cartilage of the woman’s ears but she found it hard to look elsewhere. Rocki, perched on the arm of the antique straight-back chair that held Renegade, did not make it any easier. Every few minutes, Rocki leaned closer to the young woman and blew in her ear. The woman flicked at her earlobe every time Rocki did this, but otherwise seemed unfazed. Avery already pierced Rocki with her most punishing stern look, but she simply stuck her tongue out in response. These ghosts were making her life more difficult by the day. Of course they didn’t have to worry about such silly things as a house payment because they got to live here for free. Rocki was a young girl herself, about the age of ten, and on the cusp of becoming a lovely young lady when she’d passed away. It made Avery very sad to see a ghost so young. Her attention abruptly pulled back to the matter at hand when Renegade inserted three sticks of chewing gum into her mouth and started chomping loudly. śSo, is Renegade a family name?” Avery asked politely as she inched backwards into the sofa to gain as much distance between the gum-smacking mouth and herself as was physically possible. The girl shrugged and said, śNaw, my boyfriend Anarchy gave it to meŚhe calls me Rene for short.” śOh, that’s nice,” Avery said as she squinted at Rocki, who was now practically sitting in the lap of her guest. śSo, like when could I move in?” Rene asked, looking down at her Swiss Army–style watch. Avery felt a bead of sweat trickle down her back. The ghosts, out in full force today, had taken it upon themselves to tamper with the air conditioning unit as well as send Rocki in to pester the potential tenant. śWell, it could be as early as tomorrow, I guess,” she responded slowly. She wasn’t sure if she really wanted to invite this girl to stay in her home. śThat’s cool. I’ll get Anarchy to help me move my stuff in. What time should we be here?” Rene asked as she stood up. śUh, wellŚI do need to ask for a full month’s rent up front before you move in,” Avery said cautiously. At this new information, the girl paused and looked around the room as if surveying her surroundings for the first time. śI’ll have to see what I can come up with,” she finally said as she turned to leave. Avery walked her to the door and watched Rene jog towards a rusted-out car idling at the curb. A long-haired man with arms covered in tattoos waited at the wheel. He extended one ink-ridden arm out the window and waved at Avery as he pulled the car away. As the vehicle rumbled down the street, Avery noticed its tag read NGT MARE and a skull and crossbones bobbled from the trailer hitch. śI guess that was Anarchy,” Avery said to herself as she stepped back inside the house. Chapter Three Riley stood in his small, galley-style kitchen and stared at the plate of warm chocolate chip cookies he just removed from the oven. He couldn’t help but think it seemed silly to take cookies with him, but he felt he should make some sort of neighborly gesture. After all, the woman next door had lived there for almost a month now and he hadn’t bothered to so much as introduce himself. He could blame his lack of effort on work. After so many nights on at the clinic, he was enjoying the little quiet time he’d managed to grasp onto lately. Then, after watching her in the garden yesterday, he had the sneaking suspicion she might be in need of a friend. He’d also noticed a lot of guest activity took place in her home. The most recent visitor was the young, gothic-looking girl earlier this afternoon. He thought maybe she ran some sort of refuge for wayward girls or runaways. It was a nice idea, but they never seemed stayed long. This woman was definitely interesting, to say the least. Riley caught sight of her latest visitor as he returned from his errands. Today was his off day, but he spent the entire time running errands and doing chores. He needed a life in a big way. Whatever was going on with his new neighbor, he should be a gentleman and make her acquaintance. Plus, he couldn’t deny he wanted to get a closer look at her. He glanced at his watch and noted the hour was growing late. If he intended to stop by this evening, he needed to head on over. Reaching into a drawer, he extracted a roll of cellophane wrap and covered the plate of cookies. * * * * śWhat were you thinking, Charlie?” Avery grumbled to the ghost standing behind her. He mumbled something about stupid gadgets and kept hovering over her shoulder as she worked. She was crouched down in the furnace closet which was way too small, even for her petite body. She had crawled around in the limited space for over an hour now, and wasn’t making any progress at all. She was hot, tired, and growing more irritable by the second. śThey didn’t even have air conditioners during your time. What made you think you should tamper with it?” Avery continued to fuss at Charlie, who remained quiet for once. Charlie was the one to orchestrate the air conditioner stunt today, trying to make the house as uncomfortable as possible for her roommate interview. Of course, Charlie lived during Civil War time and wasn’t exactly up on the mechanics of a Rheem air conditioning unit circa the late twentieth century. Avery didn’t know much more about the cooling system than he did, but she was more than frustrated after a long day. She’d spent so much time searching for a new roommate to help with expenses that she wasn’t getting much actual work done around here. When she bought this historically significant property, she had every intention of restoring it a little at a time while she lived here. Then she planned on flipping it back into the market and making a small fortune. After all, it would be a totally original real estate listing. It wasn’t every day that you had the opportunity to buy the old Jekyll Island Infirmary. Chapter Four Avery rubbed her slick hands down the front of her jeans and tried to get a better grip on the wrench. She really had no clue how to repair this air conditioning unit, but she had to do something. She knew there was no way she’d get a repairman out here tonight, and she wasn’t looking forward to spending a night in this brutal Georgia heat without air. Just as she made one final attempt to budge the stubborn wrench, her moist hand slipped and bumped against the metal side of the unit. She jerked her hand back as if it were on fire. Then she saw the blood. śOuch!” she yelled out. There was no one there to hear her. Well, no one that could do anything about it anyway. Delilah came into view and peered down at the cut on Avery’s hand. śThat looks pretty bad,” the ghost said. Avery ignored her as she held the injured hand to her T-shirt and applied pressure. Suddenly, Charlie and Rocki checked out the new situation. All three of them chatted amongst themselves about Avery’s injury. Delilah thought she might need stitches and Rocki went on about how Avery ruined her shirt by getting icky blood all over it. Avery continued to give them the silent treatment as she abandoned her air conditioning repair and made her way to the kitchen. Just as she was about to step up to the sink, a knock sounded from the front door. She paused in mid-motion and listened. She wasn’t expecting anyone this evening, unless Rene had come back early. She hoped that wasn’t the case because she hadn’t decided what to do about that situation yet. The fickle ghosts forgot all about Avery’s injury as they raced towards the front of the house to inspect the new visitor. śSome friends you areŚ” Avery said as she followed suit. * * * * When the front door opened, Riley noticed two things about his neighbor immediately. One, her hand was bleeding profusely all over the front of her white shirt. Two, she was even more attractive up close. He grinned at her, putting on his best bedside-manner face. She stared back at him with a mix of mild interest and growing frustration. śI’m Riley Donovan. I live next door,” he said as he pointed towards his house. śIt’s nice to meet you, but this really isn’t a good time,” she said, looking down at her hand with concern. As she caught sight of the blood, she swooned a little. He reached out to steady her arm, and she looked up at him with a pale sheen to her face. He recognized the look. śCome on, you need to sit down.” He pushed his way through the door without invitation and led her to a nearby chair. She didn’t refuse the help and followed his direction easily. śJust take deep breaths and don’t look at your hand. I’m going to help you.” As soon as he said the words śdon’t look at your hand,” she did just thatŚand fainted. Chapter Five Avery opened her eyes and stared into four faces. Three of them she knew and one of them was a complete mystery. The three ghosts all looked on with major interest as the man gently pressed a wet washcloth to her forehead. She suddenly realized she didn’t know this strange man, who was in her house and touching her. She struggled to sit up and felt the room spin again. Her breathing quickened and her face flushed with color. śIt’s okay. Just lay back and it will pass in a minute. I’ve already treated the wound, and you’re going to be just fine.” His voice was melodic and soothing and despite her initial panic, she felt she should trust him. She took a couple of deep breaths and lifted her hand to examine it. Thankfully, all the ghoulish blood was gone, and her hand was wrapped in clean white bandages. It looked much better. As she tried to settle her nerves and remember what happened, the man began to speak. śI’m your next-door neighbor and I just so happen to be a doctor. It’s lucky I arrived when I did. That was a nasty cut.” śWhat happened?” she asked, as confusion fogged her brain. śYou fainted when you saw all that blood on your hand.” Images of opening the door and seeing the handsome stranger were starting to filter back into her mind now. She took a couple more calming breaths. śHe’s the best looking doctor I’ve ever seen.” Delilah chimed in from behind the sofa where she hovered. Avery tried to ignore her and resisted the impulse to give her a look. śI’ve never fainted in my entire life. I must be very lucky you were here to help me. Thank you, Dr. Donovan.” Avery managed to get the words out as she slowly felt her head begin to level to a normal zone. śPlease, call me Riley,” he said with a million-dollar smile. Avery thought he was extremely good-looking and exactly the kind of trouble she didn’t need. A smart man like this would catch on to her odd abilities way too quickly. Then, he’d actually have the capability to have her locked away forever. She needed to get him out of the house before the ghosts started pulling their pranks and stirring up trouble. śI don’t think he’s that good looking, personally.” Charlie made his thoughts known to the collective audience of ghosts. śI don’t like any doctors,” Rocki said and then wafted off into another area of the house. Avery tried again to sit up and this time she moved very slowly. Riley took her good arm and helped her. She smiled at him in return. śWas there something you needed?” she asked, remembering he’d shown up during her little crisis and she hadn’t found out why he came over in the first place. A brief look of confusion crossed his face, and he stood up and walked back out the front door. Avery watched him walk onto the front porch and felt utterly confused. She hadn’t meant to sound rude...particularly after he’d helped her with her injury. She just wanted to know if he’d come over for a certain purpose. Before she could call out to him, he returned bearing a large plate of cookies. His smile was even wider now as he extended the plate towards her, lifting the edge of the plastic wrap. She reached up and selected a cookie. She smelled they were freshly baked, and realized she hadn’t eaten any dinner tonight. That was probably why she fainted. śI baked those just for you,” he said, rocking back on his heels as if extremely proud of his culinary skills. śThank you, again,” she said. This man was full of surprises tonight, she thought as she took a bite of the cookie. It was chocolate chip with pecan and the most delicious thing she’d ever eaten. She finished off the cookie in only three bites. He watched and waited, as if making sure she enjoyed his offering. śAnother one?” he asked. She smiled tentatively and then grabbed two more cookies from the plate. śI’ll just set these down in the kitchen. I need to get you some orange juice. You need some juice after losing that blood.” His words trailed after him as he made his way to her kitchen, as if he were completely comfortable in this house. She wondered how long she was passed out. She felt another wave of embarrassment flow through her at the thought of the first impression she made on the handsome neighbor. śI love what you’ve done with the place,” Riley called out from the kitchen as he prepared her drink. Avery looked around and all she could see were half-finished projects everywhere. She’d started sanding down and stripping the floors to prepare a smooth surface for refinishing. Then she’d gotten interrupted with other projects around the house. Of course, she’d also been distracted on more than one occasion by the repeated need for roommate interviews. Restoring this home had become a challenge of epic proportions in a short amount of time. She sighed when she thought of all the time and money it would take to see the project through until the end. śThank you, but I’m really just getting started,” she said, accepting the glass of juice from her own refrigerator. He smiled warmly down at her as his eyes continued to roam about the house. śYes, I’ve been in here several times, before you bought it, of course.” śOh really?” she asked, slowly sipping the cold juice and beginning to feel more like herself again. śYeah, I grew up here on the island and the kids in the neighborhood always thought this place was haunted.” As his words reached her ears, Avery spewed the juice back out of her mouth in surprise. He’d certainly hit that nail on the head. śAre you okay?” he asked, reaching for a folded towel from the coffee table and handing it to her. śFine, sorryŚ” she said, feeling more like a flaming idiot than she could ever remember. śIn fact, I hear this place used to belong to the famous Joseph Pulitzer.” śYeah, I know him,” she said as she hurriedly mopped up the orange juice mess. He paused in his observations. She felt his eyes on her and she finally looked up to make eye contact with him. śYou know him? Wasn’t he a little before our time?” he asked with no lack of curiosity. Avery realized her mistake as she thought of the ornery ghost with a bad cigar habit that often left her home smelling of smoke from beyond the grave. śOh, I meantŚI know of himŚ” she said with a small smile. He accepted this and continued pointing out the improvements she’d made to the property and complimenting her overall on her handiwork. She was pleased by his attention to detail but was suddenly feeling very tired. She really just wanted to go to bed. After this latest incident, she didn’t think she’d have too much trouble falling asleep even with the lack of successful air conditioner repair. Chapter Six Riley noticed she looked tired and exited shortly after she finished her snack. He left her some clean gauze dressing pads and antibiotic cream he’d brought from home while she was passed out. After giving her some basic care instructions, he told her she should come by the clinic tomorrow so he could recheck the wound. He really wanted to tell her he just wished to see her again. He liked being around her. She was so different than all the other women on the island. She had a certain odd innocence about her and it intrigued him. What caught his attention the most was she didn’t seem the least bit interested in him. He really liked that, for some reason. It took the pressure off having to try and impress her. As he reached his own front porch, he looked back to see the lights shutting off throughout her house, marking the end to her exciting evening. That was when it occurred to him that he hadn’t even asked her name. * * * * Avery managed to make it through the night, despite the heat. She rose early in the morning and attempted to take a shower without getting her injured hand wet. When she stepped out of the shower, she wasn’t surprised to see Rocki sitting in the corner of the bathroom. She might be a decades-old ghost, but she was still a child and like most children, she sought constant attention from adults. śGood morning, Rocki,” Avery said as she wrapped a towel around her dripping wet hair. śThat doctor is not coming back here, is he?” she asked with a definite pout to her voice. śI’m not really sure,” Avery responded, thinking about how she might actually like to see śI don’t like doctors,” Rocki said in exasperation. śI know that, Rocki, but he can’t hurt you. You know that, right?” The ghost remained quiet. śAvery?” she asked. śYes?” Avery stopped applying lotion to her legs with her one good hand and looked over at Rocki. śWhy did I have to get sick? Why couldn’t those doctors help me?” Rocki asked her these same questions many times and Avery didn’t have an answer for her. She didn’t understand why children got sick either. It just didn’t seem fair. They were all so innocent and there was never a way to explain to them why they were chosen to bear these serious burdens at such a young age. From what Avery had been able to piece together from her conversations with Rocki, the young girl was born around the turn of the century. As a child of the early nineteen hundreds, many of the medical advances made during the twentieth century were not available to her. In Rocki’s case, Avery believed she’d suffered from juvenile diabetes. This disease causes a child’s body to kill off the good insulin-producing cells and prevents the pancreas from making insulin. Since synthetic insulin wasn’t discovered until the 1920’s, ten-year-old Rocki suffered with no known treatment. Avery could only imagine the pain and confusion Rocki and her parents felt when visiting doctor after doctor, all of who could do nothing to help her. śI wish things had been different for you,” Avery said, watching Rocki fade from her view. Sometimes living with ghosts was like having a family you couldn’t help. It was utterly heartbreaking. * * * * Dr. Riley Donovan wished he’d never come back to the island. Sometimes he didn’t understand why he’d been drawn back to this place. He grew up here and loved it as a child, but as a teenager counted down the days until he could leave this small town. He wanted to see the world and he knew it couldn’t be found in Jekyll Island, Georgia. Now, only fifteen years after he left, he was back running the island clinic and treating all the elderly people he knew as a child growing up. They were thrilled to have him here, but he was finding it more and more difficult each day to diagnose them with cancer and Alzheimer’s and other such maladies. He’d just sent Mrs. Thornbaker away with the news that her husband probably had only months to live, and that was with aggressive chemotherapy. It broke his heart and there was simply nothing he could do about it. It was on days like this one that he missed the hustle and bustle of the Atlanta emergency room where he’d been a top-rate trauma doctor. He still planned to go back, but he just couldn’t get away. The island had some force that kept him here. Perhaps that force was his mother. She was the only reason he was still here. After his father passed away, he came home for the funeral and planned to take his mother home to Atlanta with him. She refused and insisted he stay on here for a while. She convinced him the clinic was in dire need of a good doctor and it would be very rewarding for him. Now a year later he was still here, living in a small rental house and diagnosing his parents’ friends with terminal illnesses on almost a daily basis. Riley knew that death was a part of being a doctor, but it shouldn’t be the only part. He swiveled around in his desk chair and watched out the window as his petite neighbor made her way down the sidewalk towards the clinic. She was in conversation with someone that wasn’t there. This was the second time he’d witnessed her strange behavior. Perhaps, he should send her out for a psychiatric evaluation. Despite the oddness of the woman, Riley felt his heart leap with anticipation as she rounded the corner towards the clinic entrance. Chapter Seven Avery had to agree with Rocki. When it came to doctors, she’d rather just skip it, but she was scared to unwrap her hand and check the wound. She was more than a bit squeamish when it came to gore. She just couldn’t bring herself to deal with the aftermath of her wound after seeing all that blood last night. This morning, she found her white T-shirt soaking in some bleach-scented water inside her washing machine. Apparently, the good doctor not only made house calls and baked delicious cookies, but he also did the laundry. She smiled to herself as she thought of seeing the handsome Dr. Donovan again. śAvery Willow,” a nurse called from the doorway. Avery walked down the hall and into a white room with a sailboat motif adorning the walls. She perched on the edge of the paper-covered table to wait. The smell of rubbing alcohol and disinfectant spray assaulted her nostrils as her feet swung from the edge of the table. A soft knock sounded on the door, followed by the appearance of Dr. Donovan. Today, he was wearing a pair of blue surgical scrubs and a white lab coat. His stethoscope was draped around his neck and his face was full of smiles. She smiled back. Something about Riley Donovan made her feel good. śHow are you this morning?” he asked. śI’m hot,” she said as she watched his green eyes widen slightly in surprise. śI’m sorry?” he said, looking down at her file. Avery felt her face flush again, which happened a lot around this man. śOh, I mean, my air conditioner is broken at the house. I’ve been hot all morning, but I’m enjoying the refreshing air in your office.” As the words spilled from her lips, she felt like slapping her hand over her own mouth to prevent any more gibberish from spewing forth. He looked up from her file and smiled again. śI’d be happy to take a look at your air conditioner this evening, if you’d like.” śOh, noŚI couldn’t ask you to do thatŚyou’ve done enough already,” she said, holding up her bandaged hand in response. He sat on the wheeled stool and scooted towards her. śIt’s no trouble at all. That’s what neighbors are for, isn’t it?” He gently took her hand and unwrapped it. She turned her head away from his work and tried to think of something to say. Riley Donovan was breathtakingly handsome, and she couldn’t remember why she didn’t notice it more last night. She swallowed back her nerves. She’d spent so much of her life talking to ghosts that she sometimes found it impossible to talk to the living. śI’m Avery, by the way. I don’t think I properly introduced myself or thanked you for helping me out last night.” He remained quiet for a moment, and she slowly cut her eyes back towards her hand. It looked terrible. She felt her stomach turn for the worse, and she quickly looked back at the sailboat on the wall. śYes, I saw it on your file, Avery Willow. How long have you lived in the area?” he asked politely as he opened a drawer in the metal cabinet nearby. Small talkŚthis was good. This would help keep her mind off the fact that her hand was red and swollen and a jagged cut ran down her palm. śUmmŚwell, I just moved here a few months ago when I bought the house. I’m formerly from Louisiana.” śWhat made you decide to buy the house?” he asked as he rubbed something cold in the palm of her hand. She flinched slightly at the sensation. śI inherited an old home in the Garden District of New Orleans from my grandmother a few years ago. It was too big for just me, so I lived there while I restored it to its almost original condition. Then, I sold it for a huge profit. It turned out to be a lot of fun, so I did some research and discovered there was a market for this sort of thing.” Avery nearly jumped off the table when she felt a needle stick into the sensitive skin of her palm. She blew air slowly out of her mouth and continued to examine the blue wooden sailboat. śAh, so you’re planning to sell the old infirmary after you restore it, then?” He continued talking calmly as if he were not injecting her with something. śThat’s right,” she said. Warmth spread up her arm as the injection began to take effect. śSo, how much longer do you think it will take you to complete the restoration?” he asked, brushing his fingers against her hand and arm. He must have injected her with a numbing medication, because she felt a pressure sensation but no actual pain. śI’m not really sure. I’m having someŚcomplicationsŚ” she said, thinking of the family of ghosts that continued to make her life more difficult on a daily basis. śWhat kinds of complications?” he asked. śWellŚI can’t seem to find a roommate. I’d love to have someone who can help share with the living expenses while I complete my work, but none of them seem to last.” śAhŚso that explains the comings and goings of all the women in your home recently.” At that, Avery turned to look at him. She was surprised to see he was sewing her hand with a needle and thread and quickly looked away. She cleared her throat before speaking again. śYou’ve been watching me?” He chuckled softly under his breath. śNot exactlyŚbut yes, I’ve noticed a certain high traffic flow in the neighborhood developing over the past few weeks.” Avery felt embarrassed again. If he’d noticed her influx of company, she wondered if he’d also observed any of her other odd behaviors. śI hate to tell you thisŚ” he said, and her stomach fluttered with nervous anticipation. śYour hand will probably keep you from completing much work for a bit now too.” He finished and she heard the sound of tape ripping as he prepared to redress her wound. Avery breathed a sigh of relief. She thought he was going to say he knew she was insane and wanted to send her for a psych consult or something. She’d heard that very thing from another doctor not too many years ago. śI’ll manage,” she said, chancing yet another glance at her hand and seeing everything looked clean and neat again. śWell, at a minimum, you have to let me invite you over for dinner. You really shouldn’t get your hand wet for a couple more days anyway.” As the words reached her ears, Avery couldn’t stop the smile from spreading across her face. śI’ll also write you a prescription for an antibiotic. You’ll need to take it for about a week to prevent any infection.” She nodded and continued smiling. He stood up to leave and then turned to face her. She knew she must look sillyŚsitting here smiling at him after he’d just stitched up her hand, but she was excited about the prospect of spending more time with her new neighbor. śOne more thingŚ” he said, returning her smile. śYes?” she asked, feeling a new kind of flutter in her stomach. śHow long has it been since your last tetanus shot?” The smile left her face. Chapter Eight Riley Donovan was cooking dinner for his strange but lovely neighbor. As he peeled the carrots for a dinner salad, he thought of how nice it was to meet a new person. Of course, it didn’t hurt that she was small and cute and different than just about anyone he’d ever met. She sparked his curiosity in a way he hadn’t felt in a long time. He’d love to get to the bottom of this bit where she was constantly talking to herself. He planned to have fun discovering all there was to know about Avery Willow from southern Louisiana. The doorbell rang and he looked at his watch. She was right on time. He opened the door and found her standing there with one bandaged hand and one good hand holding a potted plant. śYou brought me flowers?” he said flirtatiously and watched as she blushed again. He already noticed several times how she embarrassed easily. He knew he should feel bad about teasing her, but he couldn’t resist it. śAh, wellŚI guess so. I grew this myself out in the garden,” she said, pushing the plant towards him. He took it and stepped back for her to enter. śWell, I love it. No one has ever brought me a potted plant before.” She walked past him and into the kitchen. She wore a yellow and white, knee-length sundress and he noted the color brought out the blonde of her hair. It flowed down her back with a natural wave. He hadn’t noticed this before because she kept it up in a practical ponytail most of the time. śWould you like something to drink?” he asked, motioning for her to take a seat at one of the kitchen bar stools. śJust a glass of ice water, please.” śThings still a bit too warm over at your place?” he asked as he scooped ice into a glass and filled it with filtered water from the tap. śYesŚbut I’ve called the repairman and he told me he’d be there first thing in the morning.” Riley added a slice of lemon to the side of her glass and handed the water to her across the bar. śWould the repairman happen to be Marcus Rinks?” He turned and hid his smile as he finished up slicing the carrots. śYes, do you know him?” she asked tentatively. śWell, let me warn you that Marcus has been on his way over to many homes first thing in the morning, but no one is ever sure which morning he’s actually referring to anymore.” He glanced back over his shoulder to see her gingerly sipping her glass of water as she pretended to look unconcerned. śOh, really?” she said nonchalantly. śYes, he has this memory issue and it seems to have gotten a bit worse over the years. He’ll probably remember it, but you may have already sold the house by the time he gets around to making an appearance.” The sound of ice tinkling in her glass was all that followed. śThe offer still stands, you know?” he said, turning and wiping his hands on the kitchen towel. śYou’ve done too much already, really.” śNonsense, we’ll go over and take a look at it after dinner. Okay?” he asked. She nodded and smiled shyly at him. śI appreciate it. How do you know about air conditioning repair anyway? They don’t teach that in medical school, do they?” He grinned as the words rolled off her tongue in a jumble. It was almost as if she held herself back from talking too much, and when she actually spoke, she couldn’t control the quantity of words. śNo, I didn’t learn that in medical school but my father was quite handy about town when I was growing up.” śOh, was your father an appliance repairman?” Riley peeked down inside the oven to check the status of the baked lasagna that was bubbling in the heat. śI guess you could say that. He was a frequent repairman for people’s souls.” When he looked back at her, the look of confusion on her pouting lips was enough to make him want to reach out and touch her smooth cheek. She was like a child living inside a beautiful woman’s body. He wondered if she’d been a loner all of her life. Maybe that was why she found it so hard to keep a roommate. Then again, it could have something to do with her always talking to herself. śHe was the town’s pastor for his entire adult life. He enjoyed helping people in any way he could.” She took another sip of her water. śSo, you grew up in the church?” Her question surprised him. He hadn’t really thought about his recent loss of faith until this very moment. His mother hadn’t been thrilled with his refusal to attend weekly services with her since his return. He’d just become so disparaged about the whole religion thing after seeing the sadness and violence and cruelty doctors had to deal with on a daily basis. He felt going to church would somehow make him even more jaded. śI didŚbut I’ve not been very active in recent years,” he admitted. She nodded and delicately fingered the lemon slice still perched on her glass. śMy grandmother made me go with her every Sunday, but I never really liked it.” Again, her words surprised him. He found that an odd thing to say. śWhy didn’t you like it?” Her eyes shot up from her glass to make contact with his and she struggled for the correct response. śThere are just a lot of things I don’t understand,” she finally replied. He knew how she felt. There were a lot of things he didn’t understand either. One of them was this beautiful, young woman having a lot of secrets in her life. He wasn’t sure how he knew it, but he knew she was hiding something big. * * * * Avery had to learn how to bite her tongue. That was exactly why she spent time alone these days. Whenever she tried to get close to people, she always said too much. She got tired of people looking at her as if she’d just escaped from the loony bin. Of course, she sometimes thought she might get more rest if she checked herself into one. The ghosts were driving her crazy this afternoon as she prepared for her dinner out with the doctor. Charlie didn’t want her to go because he didn’t trust the good doctor’s intentions. She always had to laugh at Charlie with his Southern accent and quaint old-world mannerisms. He must have been a true Southern gentleman back in the day as he was so possessive over Avery. She wondered if she’d ever be able to go on a date with him around. Then, on the opposite end of the spectrum was Delilah, who had been a nurse in the 1960’s here at the infirmary. She was giving Avery makeup and hair advice while she tried to straighten her unruly hair in front of the bathroom mirror. She was all about Avery making a play for the smoking-hot doctor, or so she called him. As if living with ghosts wasn’t enough of a challenge, each of them originating from such different eras was enough to drive anyone crazy. They often argued over the proper way of doing things and continuously bickered over how Avery should approach every situation. She’d finally gotten out of the house to enjoy seeing Riley again and get some peace and quiet from the ghost chatter for a while. She felt odd admitting to phoning a repairman for help with her air conditioner, but she was really hesitant to bring him back over to the house. She never knew when the ghosts would pull one of their stunts. They were master pranksters when it came to driving away roommates. There was simply no telling what they’d do to Riley if and when he came over. She was definitely nervous about that prospect, but she desperately needed her air conditioner repaired. She could smell the lasagna as she made her way down the hallway and back to the kitchen. She’d excused herself to the bathroom after her latest odd choice of words. She hadn’t meant to bring up her childhood in the church with her grandmother. In church, she first discovered she could see and communicate with ghosts and knew her life would be forever changed. As a child, she was frightened beyond belief and her fear aggravated her grandmother, who saw it as insolence and disrespect for the Lord. She didn’t have a problem with the Lord; it was the spirits whispering in her ear each and every week that terrified her. Chapter Nine After a delicious dinner, Avery and Riley walked back towards her home. Riley accompanied her with toolbox in hand, and Avery tried hard to contain her nerves over how the ghosts would react to his visit. śSo, since you’re under strict doctor’s orders not to do anything strenuous with that hand, how about I pick you up in the morning and we go for a walk on the beach and have a picnic for lunch.” Avery stopped walking and looked up at Riley. He was staring down at her with green eyes and a hopeful expression. It occurred to her that she really liked this man and that could be far more dangerous than him possibly discovering her secret ability. She’d let herself fall in love once before and it had ended badlyŚvery badly. śI’ve really been too much of a burden already, Riley. Seriously, I’m sure you have better things to do than to cook meals for me.” śHey.” He reached over with his index finger and lifted her chin. She looked up at him and felt herself start to get lost in his eyes again. śLet me worry about how much time I devote to you. Okay?” He smiled at her as the moonlight shone down behind him. śHe’s totally going to kiss her,” Delilah stage-whispered from somewhere nearby. śEw, gross,” Rocki chimed in from a nearby tree she liked to perch in. śHe’d better not,” Charlie said, as Avery felt his presence getting closer. She turned her head away from Riley and tried to shrug off the interference from her ghost family. He tucked his hand back in his blue jeans’ pocket, and they resumed their walk. As they reached the foot of her porch steps, he stopped and turned towards her again. śBesidesŚthe clinic is closed tomorrow. What She was just about to respond when she heard the sound of sniffles coming from the direction of her front door. śWhat’s that?” she asked as she stepped up onto her porch and gazed into the shadows near the stoop. śSounds like someone crying,” Riley said, starting up the steps. śWho’s there?” she asked, trying to see who was crying. Riley cut on his flashlight and shined it in the direction of the noise. Crouched down by the door was the young girl named Renegade. Tears drenched her face and her dark eyeliner ran down her cheeks, leaving streaks behind. śRene?” Avery asked as she pushed past Riley to make her way to the girl. śAre you okay?” The girl looked up at her, and Avery could see one eye was swollen and turning black and blue. Someone hit her. * * * * śWe tried to tell you she was here, but you were too busy ignoring us and making eyes at doctor boy,” Charlie taunted her from somewhere in the darkness. Avery wanted to tell him to hush up, but she had two live people here to deal with so she tried to ignore the commentary. śLet’s get her inside.” Riley interrupted her thoughts as he bent down and began to help the girl to her feet. As he touched her arm, she flinched as if his touch burnt her skin. śIt’s okay,” Avery said. śHe’s a doctor and he’ll help you.” Rene seemed reassured by her words and allowed Riley to help her up as Avery unlocked the door and pushed it open. She flipped on lights and led them towards the sofa where she fluffed some pillows for Rene to lean back on. śI need to take a look at that eye,” Riley said as he set the toolbox on the coffee table. śI’ll get some ice,” Avery said as she made her way to the kitchen in search of a soft towel to wrap some ice cubes in. Someone had hurt this girl, and Avery had a sneaking suspicion it was the creepy-looking boyfriend she saw yesterday. When Avery returned to the living room, Riley was gently pressing the bone above Rene’s eye and she was making a sharp hissing sound. She recognized the sound of pain and winced in empathy for the girl. Avery handed the ice pack to Riley. He pressed it to Rene’s eye and placed her hand over it gently. śI think you’ll be fine. Luckily, nothing is broken but you could have some eye damage from that hit.” Tears fell from Rene’s good eye as she leaned her head back and held the cold pack to her face. śYou want to tell us what happened?” Riley asked. The anger bubbling under the surface of his normally calm demeanor was a side of him Avery hadn’t seen before. Rene shook her head and closed her good eye like it would all go away if she didn’t have to look at anyone. śYou need to call the police and press charges. I know the sheriff personally. I can make the call for you,” Riley said as he stood up. śNo!” Rene almost shouted as her head shot up from the back of the sofa and she stared at him in pure fear. śIt’s okay. We don’t have to do anything tonight. You’ll stay here and we’ll figure this out tomorrow,” Avery chimed in to try and settle the situation. This significantly calmed Rene, and she returned to her semi-relaxed position on the sofa. śCan I speak to you a minute?” Riley asked as he motioned for Avery to step into the foyer with him. She patted Rene on the arm and then followed him out of the immediate area. śWe need to notify the authorities, Avery. Whoever did this needs to be picked up by the sheriff. We can’t have some creep out there beating up on young girls.” The passion for justice in his voice made Avery like him all the more. śI understand what you’re saying and you’re right, but we can’t traumatize her anymore tonight. It’s late and she needs to rest and feel safe. She can always press charges tomorrow. Can’t we just hold off until then?” It sounded reasonable to her. In fact, she used the same excuse once or twice in her past as well. The idea of facing it tomorrow always made things better. It would work well unless you didn’t actually follow through with your plans. Riley looked over her shoulder and seemed to consider her suggestion. śOkay, but we’re taking her to the sheriff’s office first thing in the morning. I’ll pick you both up at nine o’clock.” Avery nodded and smiled at him. śLet me take a quick look at this air conditioner and I’ll leave you ladies in peace,” he said and headed off to retrieve his tools. She took a deep breath and closed her eyes. She rarely took the time to pray anymore but now seemed like a great time to start. Chapter Ten Riley managed to get the air conditioner operating again, but he needed some parts to make the repair more permanent. He hoped his minor work would cool the house off enough for tonight anyway. After he finished, he bid the ladies good night and returned to his small bungalow. He felt irritable and uneasy about leaving the girl there without calling in the authorities. It was his sworn duty as a medical professional to report any such incident. Avery’s quickness to hide the truth bothered him, and he wondered if she’d dealt with a similar situation in the past. The girl was an adult, but she was very young, probably no more than nineteen at most. Nevertheless, it was truly up to her whether or not she wanted to press charges. He felt his temper flare up whenever he saw someone get hurt from being bullied by someone much larger and stronger. He’d seen so many cases of child and spouse abuse while working in the emergency room. There were way too many to count, and it never got easier to stomach. He knew better than to try taking the law into his own hands, but he got so angry knowing men were out there who would hurt a woman or child. Riley finished cleaning the kitchen and took out his frustration on scrubbing the counter tops and the interior of the oven. It seemed a ridiculous thing to do at almost midnight, but he needed some way to work off a little of his frustration. Seeing the young girl hurt was just another reason why he turned away from his faith more and more in recent years. With all the bad news doctors were faced with disclosing on a daily basis, it was a wonder any physicians could still keep their faith active and alive. He hadn’t really thought about it too much until he started telling Avery about his father. Duncan Donovan was a devout Christian man and took his religion seriously, as both a pastor and a father. Riley missed him terribly. He often wondered if he spent more time with him after becoming a doctor, perhaps his father could have shed some light on coping with the world’s misery without losing your faith in God. He would never know because he chose to distance himself from his parents after he left for college. He only made brief and infrequent trips home throughout the past decade, and he regretted it all the more since his father passed away. Riley shut off the lights and headed off to bed. He glanced over, one more time, at the old infirmary, which was now home to Avery and a wayward girl. All was dark and quiet and he hoped they were sleeping peacefully. He didn’t know if he’d be able to do the same. * * * * Avery stood at the guest room door and watched Rene sleeping. She’d checked on her about a dozen times throughout the night, and as the hour grew closer to dawn, she felt relieved they survived the night without further incident. After Riley left, she’d taken Rene upstairs and helped her change into one of her oversized T-shirts and some jogging shorts that fit well enough. They both had slender physiques but Rene was quite a bit taller and Avery’s small clothes looked odd on the girl. Rene appeared gracious and hadn’t minded the slightly awkward fit. Avery offered her some aspirin, and she took two of them along with a glass of orange juice and one of Riley’s leftover cookies. Avery had tucked her into a small day bed she’d furnished for her roommate, and the girl fell asleep instantly. Avery knew all too well the only thing you wanted to do after an emotional and violent encounter was to disappear into a dream world and try to forget. She looked over at the chair in the corner and noticed Delilah watching Rene in silence. She acted like the night watch for their overnight guest. Delilah was the least forthcoming of all the ghosts, and Avery didn’t know much about her life. She had a feeling she was much harder on herself in death than she had been in life. Avery didn’t say anything to the ghost. She just let her be and returned to her room. She sat on the edge of her bed, unable to sleep at all. Her mind was filled with too many memories. Memories of her past couple of days with Riley, which made her smile, and memories of her long-ago past that still haunted her worse than any ghost ever could. śSometimes we spend so much time holding onto the past that we can’t move on with our future,” a voice sounded from behind her. śSo said the ghost dwelling in this house since the Civil War,” Avery responded to Charlie’s words of wisdom. She teased him even though she knew his words were right on. She wondered if these ghosts could somehow read her mind. At times, they were so in tune with her it was scary. śWell, at least I knew what it was like to love. Back before I was killed in the war, I knew what it was like to have a truly righteous woman waiting for me to return and start a family. I only wish I could have done that. I’ll never stop feeling like I let her down.” Avery let out a deep breath and then lay back on her bed, pulling a pillow against her chest and trying her best to relax. śCharlie, we’ve talked about this before. You didn’t let her down. You died in a war and it wasn’t your fault. I’m sure she went on to lead a happy life, but she never let go of her love for you.” Charlie appeared beside Avery’s bed, but kept his back turned as he spoke. śHow do you know she never forgot me?” he asked, suddenly sounding like a small child instead of the twenty-something man he was at the time of his death. śBecause you never forget your first love,” Avery said. Avery stood at the window and watched the cars pass by. She’d managed to cover the bruises with makeup, but it still hurt to even open her mouth to chew. She knew she needed to leave. She knew she’d never be able to stop him from hurting her, but she stayed. She couldn’t seem to propel herself into action. She knew in her heart that if she stayed, he’d eventually go too far. Someday, maybe soon, he’d be too drunk and too rough and he would probably kill her. Later, she would wonder if she stayed because of this very fact. After all, if she were a ghost, then she wouldn’t have to worry about a life as a freak of nature anymore. When the phone call came from New Orleans with the news of her grandmother’s death, reality finally set in for Avery Willow. She finally packed her bags and left town. She never looked back but she never stopped thinking about the first man she ever loved. The same man who broke not only her heart but her body as well. Chapter Eleven A sound woke Riley from his sleep. He lay there and listened but felt disoriented. A glance at the clock told him he hadn’t been asleep long. He rolled over and waited, but heard no further sound. He thought maybe it was a dream, but he had a gut feeling something was happening. He always listened to his gut, and it was telling him to check out the situation. He rolled out of bed and pulled on his clothes. * * * * Avery drifted asleep rehashing painful memories of her life before moving to Georgia. She tried not to think of it, but with a young, frightened girl in the house it was impossible. She dreamt she dropped a glass on the kitchen floor and it shattered to pieces. It was one of her favorite glasses because it had the letter A painted on it in gold, and it was only one of few remaining in a set left by her grandmother. Since her grandmother’s name was Adelle, they shared the same first initialŚmaking the glass set all the more special. She rolled over in the bed, relieved to realize it was only a dream and the glasses were still safely tucked in the kitchen cabinet. She yawned and stretched and tried to close her eyes for a few more minutes of rest. That was when she heard footsteps on the stairs. * * * * After pulling on a pair of jeans and a white T-shirt, Riley peered out his window. He couldn’t see anything suspicious outside and was beginning to think it was just a cat or a raccoon in the garbage bin. Then he recalled it sounded like a car door slamming. He immediately thought of Avery and the young girl and wondered if Avery decided to take her somewhere. MaybeŚthe girl was stealing Avery’s car. The thought came to him like a flash, and he pushed through his back screen door and set off towards her house. * * * * Avery slipped from bed and felt the cold wood floor beneath her feet. She wondered if Rene was up in search of something to eat. Maybe she woke up and felt an appetite come early. Avery would try to prepare something for her, despite her own hand throbbing furiously under the bandages. Then, a thought occurred to her. What if Rene was trying to sneak out? Sometimes victims of violence worried it was their own fault and felt an urgent need to find their abuser and seek forgiveness. It was a crazy mentality that took over the mind of the abused but Avery could see it happening very easily with this girl. She had the impression from their meeting yesterday that the girl had been out on her own for some time now. Perhaps, the romantic attachment with this Anarchy guy was her first real adult relationship. Maybe she didn’t know what she would do without him and had second thoughts on running away from him. Avery quickened her step as she reached the upper hallway. She was going to try to talk Rene out of making the biggest mistake of her life. * * * * As Riley rounded the side of Avery’s house, he noticed a strange car parked just off the curb, behind the big oak tree. He didn’t recognize the car, but it didn’t look like it belonged and he hadn’t seen it when walking home earlier. Then, as he stepped up to the back door of her house, he saw it swung open into the kitchen. His mind went on red alert, and then he heard an ear-piercing scream come from inside the house. * * * * Avery was just about to head downstairs when she heard the cry from down the hall. It was Rene. She turned and ran towards the guest room. When she reached the door, she could not have been more surprised to see Rene on the floor. The man she saw in the car yesterday clenched Rene’s oversized T-shirt in one hand and grabbed a fistful of her short, black hair in the other. The girl screamed and the man pulled her towards the door. śLet her go!” Avery shouted and started towards the man. Just as she reached them, he lifted one meaty hand and hit Avery across the face. The blow caught her jaw and her eyes watered from the sheer pain. She stumbled backwards and lost her balance. Flailing her arm to seek purchase, she grabbed at the bed rail with her injured hand. Pain tore through her as the wounded hand bashed into the metal rail. śNo!” Rene cried as the brute struggled to pull her kicking and screaming out the bedroom door. śShut up! You’re coming with me!” he yelled in response. Avery tried to catch her breath and think of what to do next, but she felt as if she might be sick. Her mind whirred with thoughts of how she could get past them and to the phone to call for help. Just as the man reached the doorway and was about to pull Rene out into the stairwell, the lights flashed on and the windows began to rattle. The sound of something like a train whistle moaned through the house. Avery first thought it sounded exactly like a tornado. Then she realized all the ghosts were standing there in the room and the sheer force of their presence was pushing her down on the floor. She couldn’t budge a muscle. Charlie, Delilah, and Rocki stood only inches away from Rene and her attacker. They held hands and pursed their mouths in an oval shape. Avery had never seen anything like it. It was as if they were blowing air out to cause the loud whistling sound. Anarchy dropped Rene and put his hands out to ward off the strong wind bearing down on him. It pressed the flesh of his face backwards with such force it was distorting his features. śWhat the...” he wailed at the top of his lungs. He was truly, completely frightened. Avery was scared too but not of the ghostsŚonly of what they were going to do to this man. After a few moments, Charlie broke away from the female ghosts and approached Anarchy. He reached out and touched him, pushing him back against the wall and pinning him there about three feet off the floor. The man shrieked as if he’d been shot. Rene and Avery were both pressed down on the floor, watching the spectacle unfold around them. Riley reached the doorway and his eyes landed on Avery. He looked from her to Rene and then to the dangling man who was suspended off the floor and against the wall by an unseen force. Avery watched his face as he took in the scene. His look of confusion and fear was palpable, and she knew his life would never be the same. Chapter Twelve As the morning sun rose over Jekyll Island, three people sat together at the kitchen table in Riley’s bungalow. After the police had come and arrested Anarchy, Riley swept up the broken glass from Avery’s back door and covered the hole with a piece of cardboard and duct tape. Avery and Rene retreated to her room to find some clothes to wear, and then they locked up the house and made their way next door. They all sat in silence as the coffee brewed and Riley prepared a full breakfast of French toast and bacon. When he set the food down, everyone dug into the meal as if they hadn’t eaten in weeks. He watched Rene as she ate like a homeless person, and he felt a sincere compassion for the girl. He added a bowl of fresh fruit to the mix and watched her eyes widen in delight as she scarfed down juicy strawberries and plump grapes. He sat back and sipped his third cup of coffee, watching Avery’s eyes land on everything else in the room except for him. She was trying her level best not to make any eye contact with him. The secret of Avery Willow was far beyond that of an abusive past relationship. There was something utterly unexplainable, perhaps even something paranormal going on with her. It should have frightened him. After all, he was a man of science. He didn’t believe in such phenomena. He only believed in what could be explained with scientific proof. Why did he want to reach out and hold her? Why did he want to tell her it was going to be okay? Why did he want to know everything about what was going on with her so he could help her? Rene had witnessed the event also, but perhaps was too traumatized by her recent life events to give it any fair consideration. He didn’t know what Avery thought about all of this but he wanted to. He wanted to know everything. * * * * Avery felt very nervous with all the silence. Rene was lost in her enjoyment of the delicious breakfast foods and seemed rather unaffected by the recent night’s spectacle. Sometimes, young people could let unexplainable things go, not analyzing every detail. Particularly when you had spent time on the streetŚas she recognized in Rene. She bet the girl would never mention last night’s event with the ghosts. She could almost count on it, and if only Rene witnessed it, she wouldn’t be all that worried right now. The thing that bothered her was what Riley saw. She knew he was way too smart and inquisitive to just let something this major go. She avoided eye contact with him for this very reason. She had no idea how to explain what he witnessed. That isŚother than telling the truth. She really liked this man and telling him the truth would likely cause him to have her locked up in a mental ward, at best. At worst, he would never want to see her again and she feared that more than anything. She needed some time and space to think this through. After breakfast, she’d take Rene home and maybe they’d take a day trip away or something and she could get out of here. śWe’re still on for our picnic and beach trip, aren’t we?” he asked, as if tapping into her very thoughts. His comment so surprised her that she made contact with those amazing, green eyes. What she saw there was not disdain, mockery, or disgustŚshe saw hope. That was when she started to cry. * * * * The crying broke Rene out of her food fog, and she looked at Avery with concern. Avery shook her head at the girl as if to tell her not to worry. Riley handed her a box of tissue and she cried even more. She felt silly not being able to stop the foolish tears. Now she was making a spectacle out of herself. śI’ll be alright,” Rene said as she reached over and awkwardly patted Avery’s hand. Avery nodded, wiping away the tears with a tissue. śYou’ll be alright too,” Riley said, and Avery realized he was talking about her, not Rene. Avery took a deep breath and managed to get her emotions under control. śWe’ll go get ready for our trip to the beach, then,” she said as she pushed back the chair and began to gather dishes. śCool! Can I go?” Rene asked, her bruised face lighting up like a Christmas tree. śOf course,” Avery said and managed a smile at the girl. śDon’t worry about those dishes. I’ve got it. You ladies head on back and I’ll be over in an hour or so,” Riley said as he pried the plates out of Avery’s hands. śNo, really, you’ve done too much. The least we can do is the dishes.” śYou need to keep your hand dry and I need to rewrap it. Looks like it got a little messy during last night’s incident,” Riley said with a furrowed brow. Avery looked down to see some pink color showing through the white wrap. She hadn’t even thought about reinjuring her hand during the scuffle. śAw man, I’m sorry about your hand, Avery,” Rene said as she looked at the bandages. śYou need to let other people care for you sometime,” Riley said, and Avery felt her heart swell a little. Maybe just maybe she could tell him the truth after all. Chapter Thirteen They found the beach deserted as a cool breeze greeted them during their walk. Riley wondered how to broach the subject with Avery and then decided to wait it out. He hoped she might want to open up to him as much as he wanted to learn everything about her. They left Rene on a nice spot on the beach, stretched out on a towel and listening to Riley’s iPod"ó. She told him his taste in music was śway cool for retro stuff” and he didn’t feel too terribly old after hearing that announcement. As they walked, the smell of the salty Atlantic wafted through their noses. Riley tried not to stare openly at the beautiful sandy-blonde woman to his right. She had a certain old-world beauty about her that he could not get enough of. She was already unlike anyone he had ever met, and now with her impending disclosures, she might be even more different and complex than he ever imagined. śSo, I guess you’re wondering about what happened last night?” she asked tentatively. He heard her voice quiver as she spoke. He knew this wouldn’t be easy for her, and he almost made a joke to lighten the mood but thought better of it. He decided to just stay silent and let her lead the discussion in any way she felt comfortable with. śBasically, I can see earthbound spiritsŚghosts, and I currently live with a whole family of them at the old infirmary,” she said, increasing her steps a little as the words came out. Riley felt his chest tighten at the declaration. His immediate, logical thought was that she needed serious medical attention. Then again, he’d seen something last night with his own eyes that defied explanation. His own father once told him there were spirits who refused to cross over. He was always looking for them as a boy but thought it was just something his father made up. śHave you always been able to see them?” he asked, the question just popping out without any real consideration. śEver since I was a young girl I could see them. Although, I didn’t know they were dead people at first. When I started attending church with my grandmother on a regular basis, I began to realize what they were.” Riley’s mind reeled at the possibility that a lot of spirits would be hanging around churches. He wondered if his own father had ever encountered one. śI’ll bet that was scary for you,” he said. śWell, it wasn’t too bad until they realized I could see them and hear them and then they started talking to me all the time. I thought I was going crazy. It was like a nightmare and no one believed me.” Riley pictured a young, scared girl with no one to turn to. śWhat about your grandmother? Did you tell her?” śYes, butŚshe told me if anyone ever heard me say that they would lock me up. After that, I never spoke of it and eventually I got used to it.” śHow do you cope with it?” he asked as he remembered all the times he’d seen her talking to herself. She was actually communicating with spirits. It boggled his mind. śI just live with it, but the ghosts that live with me currently are making it tough. They’ve grown very possessive of me in just a short time. They don’t like the idea of me having a roommate, so they find a way to run each of them off. They can really make life more difficult than you would ever imagine.” Riley thought about the incident with Rene’s boyfriend last night. śDo they often attack people?” he asked, feeling very concerned for Avery. śNo!” she said, turning to face him. śThey are very peaceful as a general rule. Mostly, this crew is made up of pranksters, and sometimes they manipulate electrical things such as lights and the air conditioner, but they never hurt anyone.” Riley nodded and took her hands in his. śAvery, have you ever thought about how to get rid of them?” * * * * Avery’s mind flashed back to one doctor’s appointment when she was a child. Her mother forced her to go and tell the doctor all about her śspecial friends”. He prescribed a medication for her and she heard him whispering to her mother in the hallway. He told her if she didn’t take the medication to stop her hallucinations they’d have to send her away. That was the last time Avery ever told anyone about her abilities. She pulled her hands away from him defensively. śYou doctors are all the same. You think drugs can cure everything.” She felt tears press against the back of her eyes for the second time today. Riley looked confused for a moment and then shook his head. śNo, noŚI meanŚhave you ever asked them why they’re still here? Why haven’t they crossed over?” Avery bit her lip. It had occurred to her. She thought about Charlie and Delilah and Rocki, and she had an idea about what was keeping them here. She swallowed before answering. śI’ve thought about it a bunch of times. I know there’s usually a reason why they hang around, but I never know how to help them.” Riley nodded. śWell, why don’t you tell me about them and I’ll help you figure it out.” The suggestion sounded so simple and way too good to be true. Avery squinted at him. śWhat are you up to, Dr. Donovan?” He threw his head back and laughed. śMaybe it’s me who needs the drugs, because I believe you. My father always told me there were earthbound spirits among us, but I never really believed him.” Avery was extremely surprised by the revelation. śWhat did he say about them?” Riley looked up at the sky as if trying to recall. śHe said that when a spirit is tortured by unfinished business on earth, they sometimes prevent themselves from accepting the hand of the Lord when he offers it.” śDid he mean they needed to be saved or something?” Riley shrugged. śI never really asked him specifically, but I never thought he was referring to that. I always thought he meant they died with some kind of extreme emotional pain they felt was never resolved to their satisfaction.” Avery’s mind immediately went to the child ghost Rocki who died of juvenile diabetes. śThere’s a girl, named Rocki. She lived during the early part of last century back before they invented insulin for medical use.” She began to form her thoughts into words. śShe died of type 1 diabetes?” he asked. śI believe so, based on her description of symptoms and her untimely death.” śI saw quite a few cases of that present in the emergency room when I worked in Atlanta. Some of the kids had to spend days in the pediatric intensive care unit before they were stabilized. That’s even with all the modern advances in treatment we have available today.” Avery shook her head in sadness. śSo, for instance, what could I do to help her resolve her issues?” she asked, still not able to formulate an actual plan of action. śWell, what does she talk to you about?” śMostly, she hates doctors because she feels they failed her.” Riley rubbed his chin with his hand. śShe might not want my help then, but I have an idea.” śLike what?” śTell you what, let’s head back and check on Rene and have some lunch. Then, there’s someone I’d like you and Rocki to meet.” Chapter Fourteen After a lovely lunch of homemade chicken salad sandwiches, potato salad, and sweet iced tea, the three of them went back to Avery’s house. Rene asked if she could watch television for a while and Avery agreed. She needed some time with Riley to work on their new project. She wondered if trying to help the ghosts cross over was the right course of action, but it seemed like a good plan. Riley was right that she needed a way to move on with her life, and she guessed the ghosts also needed a way to move on with their afterlife. She’d never been a super religious person, but she was glad Riley was brought up believing in life after death. If he didn’t believe in this, she was sure he would never encourage her to send the ghosts away. * * * * When Riley arrived to pick up Avery later that afternoon, he felt nervous, but excited. It seemed a little crazy to be helping the new woman in his life to cross over earthbound spirits, but he guessed it wasn’t any crazier than some of the things he’d witnessed in his work as a doctor. If these spirits really did exist here it might even explain a lot of odd occurrences he’d witnessed in his life. Perhaps, his father was right when he spoke of such things. Not for the first time recently, he wished he’d spent more time with this father before he passed away. He wished he’d paid more attention to what his father had to share and teach. He also wished he hadn’t turned away from his own faith when he became so involved in the field of science. MaybeŚjust maybe the two could coincide peacefully. Riley and Avery drove towards the home of Justine McCullough just before supper time. On the way over, Riley explained to Avery that Justine was an eight-year-old girl who was diagnosed with juvenile diabetes at the age of two. He explained the normal daily regimen a child like Justine must face. It included a moderated diet plan, multiple finger sticks, and several daily injections of insulin to keep her diabetes in good control. The most amazing thing was that Justine had just received an insulin pump. śWhat’s an insulin pump exactly?” śWhen I took over at the clinic and Justine became one of my regular patients, I discovered she hadn’t been seeing a pediatric endocrinologist regularly, due to her family’s financial restraints.” He turned down a small street on the south side of the island. śSo, I made arrangements for her to see a friend of mine in Atlanta and since that time she’s been on a pump. Basically, the device administers small amounts of insulin to her throughout the day as well as at mealtimes. Since it works more like a real insulin-producing pancreas, she’s been able to maintain much better control of her diabetes.” śThat’s amazing, but how will this help Rocki?” As Riley parked the car, he turned to look at Avery and ran the tip of his finger along her jawline. śMs. Willow, I’m hoping and praying that when Rocki sees a young girl about her age living a healthy, active normal life with diabetes, she can let go of the anger and resentment she feels for her own suffering.” Avery smiled at him and they headed inside to meet the McCullough family. After, Avery and Riley met with Justine’s parents and asked them if they could bring her back to Avery’s house for dinner and dessertŚthe girl was thrilled and her parents agreed. Now, they would introduce a modern girl to a hundred-year-old ghost and hope for a miracle to occur. * * * * At dinner, Avery felt the presence of all the ghosts hovering around her but Rocki hadn’t appeared yet. Avery had the distinct feeling the girl was jealous there was another youngster in the house. The four of them enjoyed a large pizza and some ice cream for dessert. Avery and Rene watched as Riley helped Justine check her blood sugar and then administer a mealtime dosage of insulin via a mini-size computer she wore around her waist inside a polka-dot-print belt pack. The women made a big deal out of how cute the little pump storage pack was and how brave Justine was to deal with diabetes in such an adult way. She shrugged it off and, after dinner, spent a little time running around the house and checking out all the many rooms. Riley talked loudly all night as if trying to make sure the ghost of Rocki heard him comment on all the advancements in diabetes care and how Justine was expected to live a long and healthy life despite this disease. Rene looked at Avery with a puzzled face as Riley kept raising his voice whenever he spoke about Justine’s condition. Avery brushed it aside, but found it more than a little humorous herself. She became concerned that Rocki wasn’t involved in any of the action tonight. It didn’t seem like her. She normally still had the curiosity of a real, live child. Finally, Justine returned to the living room and reported she was ready to go home. On the way there, she told them the little girl who lived upstairs said to tell Avery she could go home now. Avery and Riley looked at each other in shock and surprise. Avery knew it wasn’t uncommon for a child to see an apparition from time to time, but she didn’t exactly understand Rocki’s message. She first thought she was angry with Avery for bringing in another girl or for bringing in the doctor. They dropped off Justine at her house and headed back towards Avery’s place. śWhat do you think she meant by that?” Riley asked as he nervously strummed his fingertips on the steering wheel. śI think she’s mad at me.” He turned to her. śI don’t think so. I think it meant she was going homeŚas in moving on.” Avery wasn’t sure until she finally lay down in her bed to sleep a couple of hours later. That was when she heard Delilah whisper that little Rocki was at peace. That night, Avery slept soundly and without any bad dreams for the first time in years. Chapter Fifteen When it came to Charlie, things required a bit more work and research. Avery thought about it all morning long. She realized the reason he was hanging around was because of his feeling that he’d abandoned the woman he loved. He was haunted by the memories of her sitting and waiting for him only to have him die on the battlefield and never return. When she explained her concerns to Riley, he suggested they make a trip to the island library that afternoon and do a little research on Charlie and his ancestors. They searched for hours and finally found Charlie’s regiment listed in an old Confederate field journal. They read the brief description of the battle that took his life. What they couldn’t find was any mention of his fiancée. She would have no choice but to ask Charlie her name. śDo you think he’ll be cooperative?” Riley asked as they drove back to the house. śI just don’t know. I know both he and Delilah have to be a little suspicious now since Rocki is gone. I’m sure they figured out what we’re doing. They don’t seem angry but I’m not sure if they really want to cross over or not.” śI went to church this morning with my mother,” Riley said. Avery was surprised by the news. śHow did that go?” she asked. śI prayed about the spirits and asked my father to help guide us in our mission.” Avery saw he was full of emotion. śThat’s kind of a big deal, Riley.” He parked the car in front of her house and then reached out for her hand. śI want to help you with this, and then I want to stick around and see if we can make a go of it.” Avery blinked at him, not sure what he was asking. śWhat do you mean?” śI mean, I’ve never met anyone like you, and I want to be there for you like no one else ever has been.” The emotion caught in his voice and he waited for her to answer. She couldn’t think of any words to express how she felt. Instead of speaking, she leaned forward and lightly kissed him on the lips. She leaned back and with eyes full of feeling, looked up at him. śOkay,” she said. He reached behind her head and grasped her hair in his hand, pulling her forward with a sudden urgency. She opened her mouth in surprise and his mouth pressed deeply into hers. Their lips moved in sweet, silky caresses against each other and she felt a warmth rise in her chest. She could feel her heart increase its cadence as his hand tickled the back of her neck with warm fingers. She shivered as she leaned more into the kiss. She had to be closer to him, feel his strength and support. Something she’d not felt in so many years. Something she’d been afraid to feel. As the kiss became deeper and more passionate, she tentatively reached out to explore the side of his face and down the base of his neck. Her fingers danced across his neck and she felt his pulse thrumming a beat that matched her own. She squeezed her eyes closed tighter as she wrapped her arms around his shoulders and tried to move closer still. She wanted to drink him in and get lost in their kiss. She didn’t want to face anything else until she had her fill of the delectable hunger he was stirring up inside her. A small moan escaped her lips as his mouth moved away from hers. She didn’t want the kiss to end and her eyes fluttered open to see why he’d broken the connection. When they made eye contact, she was taken aback by the passion, lust, and emotion clearly visible in his eyes. * * * * Riley didn’t want this moment to end, but he felt more than a little bit turned on by their heated kiss. He feared if he continued to savage her mouth with his tongue and lips, he’d simply push her back on the car seat and make love to her with reckless abandon. As much as he wanted to do thisŚmore than anything else in the world right nowŚhe couldn’t let their first time be in the front seat of his car. It seemed juvenile, disrespectful, and unromantic. He’d have to wait and let the moment pass until the right time was upon them. While this decision went against his most primal urges, like the urge currently causing him major discomfort in the crotch of his jeans, he wanted to be with Avery for more than just this. He’d realized so many new things in the past few days and among them was that he was falling in love. Falling deeply in love for the first time everŚor at least for the first time in many years. He’d been so caught up in his own world of school and then career and his desire to leave his old life at Jekyll Island behind him. Who would have ever dreamed he’d have to come home to find the love of his life? As that thought trickled through his tired brain, he turned his face away from her. Scared for the first time that she’d be able to see in his eyes as if they were a window to his soulŚterrified she wouldn’t feel the same way. śIs something wrong?” she asked, her voice faltering over the words. He looked back at her and smiled brilliantly. śNo way,” he said, running the back of his fingers against the satin skin of her cheek. She blinked a few times as if trying to reconcile her own thoughts and emotions. Then he opened the car door and stepped out, circling the vehicle and opening her door so she could exit. * * * * When they stepped inside the house, Rene was sitting on the sofa with her legs curled under her and a look of concern masking her face. śWhat happened?” Avery asked, knowing a scared lookśSome stuff is moving around by itself in here,” she said with wild eyes. Avery looked at Riley. śCharlie?” he asked. Avery nodded. śWho’s Charlie?” Rene asked, the fear in her voice palpable. śYou don’t worry about that,” Avery said. śWhy don’t you go over to Dr. Donovan’s for a while and see if you can find a snack.” Riley agreed to the plan and handed her a key. Rene left without any argument. Living on the street made her wary but she knew when to keep her questions to a minimum. Avery appreciated that in a new roommate. She’d thought about it last night and realized she was going to ask Rene to stay with her for a while. She didn’t know how she’d manage the money but she’d figure it out. She wanted toŚneeded to make sure this girl didn’t fall back into another bad situation. Standing in the center of the room and looking around, Avery couldn’t see or feel any of the ghosts. śCharlie,” she called out. No response. śCharlie!” she said louder. śHe’s gone.” Delilah’s voice rose from somewhere just out of sight. śWhat do you meanŚgone?” Avery asked, turning towards the nurse’s voice. śHe wasn’t here to check on his long-lost loveŚhe was here to protect you.” Avery looked at Riley and he held up his handsŚhe couldn’t hear both sides of the conversation so he was lost. śProtect me from what?” śFrom falling for another guy like the one you had before.” śHow did he know about that?” Avery asked, swallowing back the tears that threatened to spill down her face. śAll I know is that he saw you with the doctor here and was satisfied. He said to tell you not to attempt any more home repairs.” Avery lost control of the tears and Riley wrapped his arms around her as she cried. śWhat about you, dear Delilah?” śWell, I liked the doctor from the first time I saw him,” the ghost teased. śNo, I meanŚwhy are you here?” śI’m here for the girl.” śWhat girl? Rocki?” Avery’s mind whirred around trying to make the pieces of the puzzle fit. śNo, sillyŚReneŚI’m here for her.” śReally, butŚhow? Why?” śShe’s my granddaughter.” The answer shocked Avery and she looked at Riley, who wasn’t really following the entire conversation. śShe said Rene is her granddaughter,” Avery said and Riley clicked his tongue as if understood. Avery didn’t understand at all. śI had a baby just before I was killed in a car accident,” Delilah explained as she finally appeared from the shadows. śI’ve been around almost forty years now watching over my daughter and then my granddaughter after her mother was killed in the very same way.” Avery shook her head in disbelief. śI just want to make sure the girl is on the right path before I leave. I trust you to help her, but I need to be sure.” śOf course I will. I’ll take care of her, DelilahŚjust like she was my own.” Delilah smiled at her. śI know you will and somedayŚtell her how much I loved her.” Then Avery felt a warmth spread through her and the woman’s ghost was gone. She felt a sudden emptiness and grief she hadn’t expected. She often saw the spirits as a nuisance, but now she knew she’d miss them terribly. She’d have to spend some time thinking about everything she learned today, but she saw Riley smiling at her. śAre we alone now?” he asked. śI think so,” she said, looking up into his eyes. śGood,” he said and then he leaned in and kissed her. Epilogue A couple of weeks after the ghosts left Avery was happier than she’d ever been. Rene became a permanent resident of her home and they were getting along wonderfully. Riley got her a position as a file clerk at his clinic, and Rene was doing a great job at starting a new life for herself. Riley came over almost every night to help with the remodeling on the house. Although Avery’s hand had already almost completely healed, both he and Rene agreed they should do the cooking. Avery didn’t know why they were so insistent about it, but she appreciated their generosity. Things were quiet around the house with all the spirits gone and she and Riley were developing a nice relationship, which she hoped would become something much more permanent in the months to come. Tonight, they were finishing up the paint work on the back porch, and Rene was out with one of the nurses from the clinic enjoying a movie night. Avery was painting and smiling and thinking about how tonight was the night they’d finally make love. They’d been close many times over the past few weeks, but Riley always stopped things before they reached fever pitch. She’d never had a man in her life be the one to slow the progress of passion before. She’d always been with men who wanted and demanded more from her. This was a totally new way of life for her. This was a man that she was falling deeply and madly in love with and he chose to give her time. She loved him all the more for his patience, more than she would have ever thought possible. Of course, that didn’t mean the waiting hadn’t been the toughest thing she’d ever done. Their nightly exchanges had become hot, heavy, and beyond frenzied of late. Tonight, she planned to wear a special, new sexy outfit Rene helped her choose. Tonight, she’d make love to the man of her dreams and tomorrow would be the first day of their new life as a real in-love couple. It was a big step for her, but she was ready to face her own fears now that she’d seen what the two of them could do to help the earthbound spirits. She almost wanted to find more spirits, so she could help more of them find the peace they deserved. Her thoughts were interrupted by Riley’s voice. śI’m sorry, what did you say?” she asked. śI asked if you smelled cigar smoke?” Avery glanced around and saw Mr. Pulitzer himself sitting on the porch rocking chair, reading a book. śOh, boy,” she said with a grin. śWhat is it?” Riley asked, looking around in confusion. śYou’ve been spending too much time with me. Now you’re starting to see ghosts.” Avery laughed. śI don’t see anything, but do I smell a ghost?” he asked as he looked for some sign of a spirit. śDr. Riley Donovan, may I introduce you to Joseph PulitzerŚ” she said with a grand gesture towards the rocking chair. ś The Joseph Pulitzer?” he asked incredulously. śYes, the one with the filthy cigar habit even from the great beyond.” śWow, what is he saying to you? Does he have some sort of prolific advice for us?” śHmmŚhe saysŚhe doesn’t like this color of paint,” she said. Then they both started laughing. About the Author: Kerri Nelson has always been passionate about reading books but when she wrote her first poem in the second grade, she discovered her love of writing. At the age of sixteen, she became a columnist for her local newspaper as the high school correspondent for the weekly ś Panther Tales ” column. She won the Outstanding Young Journalist of the Year Award for her efforts. After an education and career in the legal field, she began to pen romantic suspense novels with a legal or law enforcement theme. Kerri’s a true Southern belle and comes complete with her dashing Southern gentleman husband and three adorable children. When she’s not reading or writing, you’ll find her baking homemade goodies for her family or designing custom-made book trailers. Kerri is an active member of Romance Writers of America as well as numerous chapters including Futuristic Fantasy & Paranormal and Celtic Hearts Romance Writers. Read more about Kerri’s books at her website: . More from Kerri Nelson: Vegan Moon: Book One of The California Wolf Code by Kerri Nelson eBook ISBN: 9781615722051 Print ISBN: 9781615722068 Paranormal Humor Novella of 10,344 words When a vegetarian werewolf falls for a celebrity chef, will his appetite for her cause him to stray from his vegan ways? Santiago Salazar is a reformed werewolf living in sunny Beverly Hills, California. When he catches sight of celebrity chef Gabrielle Connor on television, he’s soon drooling in his tofu burger.After they meet at one of Gabbi’s book signings, Santiago is thrilled to discover that the attraction is mutual. The two hit it off in a major way but when the night takes a dark turnŚGabbi must decide if she can live with the new world that she’s discovered and Santiago must ultimately answer to the werewolf code of conduct. Take one hungry werewolf and mix with one lonely chef, stir in some hot sex and Vegan Moon delivers a tasty treat that will keep you coming back for more. Another great title from Kerri Nelson: Cross Check My Heart by Kerri Nelson eBook ISBN: 9781770650190 Print ISBN: 9781770650275 Romance Sports Novella of 19,500 words One woman running from her past, one man chasing his futureŚwhen their worlds collide, passion and danger ignite the way! She’s on the run from something ominous in her past. She escapes to a new town and a new job as the physical therapist for the U.S. Hockey Team, which is preparing for the Winter Olympics. He’s a veteran hockey player with a secret of his own that threatens his chances at making the final cut for the team. Also from Eternal Press: Gypsy Crystal by Lorrie Unites-Struiff eBook ISBN: 9781770650336 Print ISBN: 9781770650411 Thriller Paranormal Novella of 33,000 words When a ritual killer starts terrorizing her town, FBI agent Matt Boulet is sent to lead the task force to catch the murderer. While Rita feels she has a connection with Agent Boulet, she senses he is holding back a deep dark secret about the killer. Her suspicions deepen when she learns another secret about her Roma family"one she finds impossible to swallow.
