Free Energy & Technological Survival How To Make A Fake Id

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equip. needed and a very good process to make idz! enjoy
Date: 11/29/97
Time: 7:57:46 AM
Remote Name:
Ok, here it is, Long and informative. First, lets start with what you will
need to begin. You will need a photoshop editor. For example, adobe
photoshop 4.0 is one of the best out, available free in the aol warez chat
rooms. Usually a $550.00 program if you bought it from a store. Next you
will need a good printer. A very good one is the Epson Stylus Color 800, its
great for printing pictures. Also, you will need Publisher97 from microsoft,
also available in the warez rooms.Thank god for pirated software!!!! Lets
not forget the paper, use an expensive kind, dont go cheap, this is a very
important part of the id. A good kind is" Epson Photo Quality Ink Jet
Paper", good for 1440 dpi printers, like the epson stylus 800 printer prints
at. The last main item is a scanner, Hewlett Packard makes a great and not
to expensive one called the "ScanJet 5P". Now you will need a good glue that
is specificailly for paper. A very good kind is "Rollataq Adhesive" found at
your local arts and crafts stores. You'll also need an old vcr tape for the
black strip on the back of the id. Get a laminater, dont be cheap and use an
iron or anything like that. Also, you will need 10mil lamination, you will
have to order it from a company because they just dont sell this at the
local craft stores, look in the yellow pages for this.
Using publisher97 makes it very easy to change the stats unlike adobe This
is really good for printing the backgrounds then sending it through the
printer again to print the fonts and all your info.
First, You want to find the exact size your id is going to be. Then you want
to open up Publisher97 and insert the template(i.e. the state id picture) in
to the picture frame to that same size. Then you want to place a picture
frame over the place that the actual picture on the id should go. That is
where you are going to be inserting the picture that you scan every time you
make a new id. make sure you already edited the template in adobe photoshop,
what i mean is get rid of all the stuff you dont need. Like, anything that
is not on a real id, for example leave sex, height, weight, etc. but get rid
of everything like the stats, for example, 5'6, 160, blue,etc. all that
crap. Now save that as your new template for the background. Now for the
hard part, keep your template open and try to match up as best as you can
the fonts from a real id(to whatever state your making your id from) to the
fonts in Publisher97. Once you have a close match then place text boxes next
to the Height, Weight, Name, ID#, and so on, where ever you would normally
have info put in on a real id. You will have to fool around with this a
while trying to make the boxes fit right and the information your typing
into its proper form( Bold, italic, underlined, or whatever the hell color
the font might be). once you have all your text boxes complete and in
perfect alignment your going to have to cut and paste them into a new
publisher file. Just select all the text boxes when doing this, do not
select any picture frames! When you paste the text boxes into a new
publisher file they will be in exactly the same place as when you cut them
out. So dont move them or you will have to start over!!! Now save it and you
have your font template. Now open up your background pub. file again and
just print the background on your high quality ink jet paper, put the same
paper back into the printer and print the fonts over the background, your id
should look like a real one now just not cut out and laminated. Now for the
glueing and cuting out of the id. Leave a little bit of room around the
edges of your id when cutting, like about a 1/4 of an inch or so. Now, cut a
piece of white paper the size of your id out from the good printing paper
and glue it to the back of your id. Make sure you dont use to much glue!!!
Use just a little but get it everywhere expecially along all the edges. Let
it dry for about 20 minutes. Now your going to have to get out that vcr
tape, cut a piece off about 6 inches. Very important, put glue but not alot
on one side of the vrc tape, be skimpy on the glue. Now glue it to the back
off your id, about 1/4 from the top of the id. Let dry again for about 15
minutes. Do not be careless and get glue on both sides of the vrc tape, this
looks bad after laminating. A good idea is to have a universal place where
your vcr tape goes on all your id's. In lame mans term, make sure the vcr
tape is placed in the same place on all your id's that you make. this way
you and your buddies can all go out to the same bar at the same time. Now,
get out that 10mil lamination and laminate your id. Make sure have something
good to cut out your id with, 10 mil is thick lamination and scissors will
not cut straight. Any office supply store will have cutting boards for
around $40 that will do a good job. Now for the trimming the corners of your
id, get out your atm card or some kind of card that has round corners. Match
up the edges and use toe nail clippers to cut the corners. Now get a finger
nail file, and smoothly round over the corners. Now you have your self a
legitamite id. Also you might want to scratch the front of your id on the
cement a little bit to make it look used and DONT FUC#ING BEND THE
CORNERS!!! Another good idea is to make an id of a state that you dont live
in, local state fake id's get taken more than anything else, reason for this
is they see one every day!!! how hard is it to tell if it is not exactly the
way the state makes them. Also if your useing the ids for the sole purpose
of buying alcohol then put the id in your real name, this way you have
second forms of id to back up your out of state id, like your atm, or
student body card if your in college. GET IT!
WELL GOOD LUCK!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
P.S. if any of you have questions or want to trade templates please email me
Last changed: November 29, 1997
