2001 08 Installing 3D Support for Nvidia Graphics Cards

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Installing 3D Support for Nvidia cards
While in the past, computers were driven to the versions 7.1 and 7.0 from SuSE and Red Hat 7.0.
limits of their capacity by database applications Since the Nvidia driver requires at least XFree86
or scientific calculations, nowadays it s games 4.0.1, the use of older distributions is problematic
which are the greatest guzzlers of resources. and not recommended. Generally, the system should
In particular since the screen display has always be the very latest, which is why you cannot
become ever more realistic, even the fastest get away without regular updates for the driver, the
processors have broken into a sweat over the X-system and the kernel. The use of the latest driver
necessary calculations. Instead of moving flat is absolutely vital, as Nvidia is still struggling with
In order to
figures over a painted background (as used to be problems of stability, from simple graphics errors to
the case) games scenes are now depicted in 3D - in complete crashes of the Linux system.
enjoy the smooth
virtual space there are now several thousand objects
flow in most games,
spread around, with different structures, form and
SuSE 7.1
colours. But since a monitor can still only show two-
you will need 3D
dimensional images, the game scene must thus be During installation, YaST2 offers you, at the X-
hardware support. Here
photographed for each individual monitor image installation, the option of selecting the 3D driver,
from the point of view of the player or, more but you can ignore this. Integration is done later via
we explain the
correctly, it must be rendered. SaX2 or by manual adaptation of the configuration
installation for Nvidia-
To give the CPU a bit of breathing space, sub- file. As we closed for press, the latest version of the
tasks to do with rendering have gradually been Nvidia driver was Version 0.9-769, the
based graphics cards.
farmed out to the graphics card chip. Now, instead corresponding packages are called NVIDIA_GLX-
of tracing each individual beam of light, the 0.9-769.suse71.rpm and NVIDIA_kernel-0.9-
processor need only tell the graphics card the 769.suse71.rpm. If newer drivers come out in the
position and nature of the individual objects (which meantime, you should give these preference. The
are split up into small, triangular areas) - and the two packages should be stored in the /tmp
graphics card takes care of the rest. directory, which facilitates the description of the
One of the biggest manufacturers of such next steps.
graphics chips with 3D hardware acceleration is the We are assuming a SuSE-7.1 standard
chip forge Nvidia (http://www.nvidia.co.uk), which installation. To prepare the 3D installation you must
is where many graphics cards manufacturers, such of necessity leave the graphical user interface and
as Elsa for example, go for their chips. Since every change over to a text console. The first text console
chip manufacturer uses his own, well-protected can be reached using [Ctrl+AltF1], and there you
instruction set, a special driver is necessary to make should log in as root. After that, use init 3 to switch
use of the 3D characteristics. Nvidia has been the graphical user interface off completely and you
offering Linux drivers for quite some time now, can start the actual installation.
which you will find on the company s FTP server at You no longer need the mesasoft package for
ftp://ftp1.detonator.nvidia.com/pub/drivers/english/ software rendering, and can delete it using rpm -e
XFree86_40/. mesasoft. Next, the kernel and then the GLX
The driver consists of two parts: The GLX package from Nvidia are installed:
package, which guarantees connection to the X-
rpm -i  force /tmp/NVIDIA_kernel-0.9-769.susU
server, and the kernel module, which allows direct
access to the graphics card. Nvidia supplies ready-
rpm -i  force /tmp/NVIDIA_GLX-0.9-769.suse71.rpm
adjusted packages for the commonest distributions.
By the way, you will not find the drivers on our cover The kernel package must be installed by --force,
CD, since this is not possible for licensing reasons - because it overwrites the Nvidia modules supplied
they have not been disclosed. For reasons of space by SuSE. When installing the GLX package, RPM
and time, though, we are limiting ourselves to may possibly complain about the lack of the file
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switch2nv_glx, but this is not a problem. The next
Section "Module"
thing is to set a missing link for GLX: ...
Load "freetype"
ln -s /usr/lib/libGL.so.1 /usr/lib/libGL
Load "glx"
In order to activate the 3D support, you can either
edit the X configuration file by hand or use SaX2. This means the GLX-Module will be loaded on the
next startup. Now you must enter the Nvidia
module in the section Device. SuSE has the module
Installation with SaX2
nv in there as standard. Here is the changed section:
Call up sax2 -f and refuse the first 3D support
Section "Device"
offered, since otherwise SaX2, especially in the case
Driver "nvidia"
of GeForce-3 based cards such as the Elsa Gladiac
Identifier "Device[0]"
920, will not start. The settings which SaX2 now EndSection
offers you should also be rejected and instead of
these, you should select Change Configuration from Store the file with [F2] and leave mcedit with [F10].
the menu at bottom right. Then comes a query, as That s the end of installation, init 5 brings you back
to whether any allegedly missing components to the graphical log-in.
should be installed. Say no to this.
In the dialog which follows, accept your former
SuSE 7.0
X-settings with Use / change the current
configuration and click on Next until you reach Installation with SuSE 7.0 is
Graphics Device Setup. The corresponding modules significantly more time-
must be selected here. Click on Properties, Expert. consuming: Since there is no
You will be offered, under Driver, the nv module. Nvidia driver for version 4.0
Instead, choose nvidia from the pull-down menu, as of XFree86 which is
shown in Figure 2. With OK you will come back into included in SuSE 7.0, you
the graphics device setup. There you should click on will have to download
Load 3D modules, tick glx and again confirm with around 30MB from the
OK. With Next you will reach the monitor selection, Internet. Updating the X-
where, under Properties, apart from your monitor server is a subject that
model, you can also set the resolution required. If brings its own set of
you have finished this, click on Finish. problems. If it goes awry the graphical log-in will no Figure 1: The Elsa Gladiac 920
with GeForce-3 chip functions only
In the window that follows, save the settings longer function. Which is why you should not
with the latest driver version
first as in the tests, there were some SaX2 crashes, perform the update without some thought.
(from 0.9-769). The installation
programs from SuSE and
for which no configuration had been written. After You can obtain the RPM packages from
Red Hat do not yet recognise it,
saving, do not leave SaX2, but start the test mode. ftp://ftp.gwdg.de/pub/linux/suse/ftp.suse.com/suse/i
but in case of doubt the
settings for older models like
Here you can make the final fine adjustments. The 386/X/XFree86/XFree86-4.0.2-SuSE/. To update on
GeForce 2 will work.
Save Configuration button then brings you back to XFree86 4.0.2 you will need the RPM packages
SaX2, which you can then shut down. xshared, xmodules, xf86, xloader and xfntscl. Also
That completes the installation, and with init 5 advisable is xfnt100, and for installation, also,
you can get back to the graphical user interface. intlfonts-ttf and sax2 from the sax2 subdirectory.
In rare cases, it can happen that games, despite To update, you must also switch off the
apparently correct installation, do not run 3D- graphical user interface. To do so, change, using
accelerated, or even complain about the absence of the [Ctrl+Alt+F1] to the first text console, log on as root
library libGL. If this happens, call up switch2nvidia_glx and call up init 2. After that, install the RPM
as root. On one occasion, it was even necessary to play packages in the sequence mentioned above using
in the GLX package again using rpm -i --force --nodeps rpm -Uhv  force  nodeps packagename.rpm. So
NVIDIA_GLX-0.9-769.suse71.rpm. long as no error messages have popped up, you can
In order to return, in the worst-case scenario, to move on to the installation of the 3D support.
your original configuration, all you need to do is To do this, first install the corresponding
rename the file /etc/X11/XF86Config.saxsave again packages from Nvidia, in our case these were
as XF86Config. NVIDIA_GLX-0.9-769.suse70xfree86-
4.0.2.i386.rpm and NVIDIA_kernel-0.9-
769.suse70xfree86-4.0.2.i386.rpm. The procedure
Manual installation
corresponds to that of SuSE 7.1.
Editing the configuration file directly in an editor,
such as mcedit, goes much faster than with SaX2.
Installation with SaX2
Using mcedit /etc/X11/XF86Config you can edit the
central configuration file of the X-window system. Manual installation after the update is very difficult 
First, look for the section Modules and there add there is no configuration file to rely on. For this
the entry Load  glx : reason, you should use SaX2. The procedure is
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Additional preparations are not needed, and the
next thing to do is install the kernel and the GLX
package from Nvidia:
rpm -i /tmp/NVIDIA_kernel-0.9-769.rh70-up.i3U
rpm -i /tmp/NVIDIA_GLX-0.9-769.i386.rpm
RPM will tell you that diverse files have been
renamed by way of avoiding conflict. But more
about that later, for the moment we can ignore the
Manual installation
This leaves the manual entry of the correct server in
/etc/X11/XF86Config-4. The GLX-Module is already
entered in the case of Red Hat as standard, so all
you need do now in the section Device is to swap nv
for nvidia. The result should look like this:
Section "Screen"
Identifier "Screen0"
Figure 2: The nvidia identical to the installation under SuSE 7.1, except Driver "nvidia"
module is the hardware-
that you must additionally control the proposed
accelerated variant.
settings for mouse and keyboard. On the whole,
though, these can be taken over. After the end of
installation, return to the graphical log-in with init 3. That completes the 3D installation, init 5 brings you
In order to revive the old XFree86 in case of back again to the graphical log-in. On our system
error, insert the first SuSE CD (or DVD) in the text Version 0.9-769 of the driver turned out not to be
console and, as root, call up yast. Under Define very stable. If you have problems with crashes in 3D
installation/start, Change/create configuration you games, you might want to try out the forerunner -
will find a listing of the SuSE series. The packages version 0.9-6. The installation procedure differs only
required are in the series  x , marked with [i]. Now in that RPM now comes with the
go to the package thus marked and press the [R] parameter  --force .
key, which will change the marking to [R]. With
[F10] you can then leave the series and select Start
installation. At the end of installation, leave YaST
and use init 3 to return to the graphical log-in. The message displayed during the installation of the
GLX package about the renaming of four files was
intended for any later uninstallation and concerns
Red Hat
two files in each of the directories /usr/lib and
Installation under Red Hat 7.1 is something we will /usr/X11R6/lib/modules/extensions:  xxx is placed
have to owe you, sadly, as the packages offered by before their names and the ending  .RPMSAVE
Nvidia-driver for XFree86 4.0.1 Nvidia were produced for the wrong kernel version. attached, so if you want to uninstall you must
or higher: By and large, the procedure with Red Hat 7.1 is rename them as before. No other changes are
ftp://ftp1.detonator.nvidia.com/ similar to that described below. necessary.
pub/drivers/english/XFree86_40/ Red Hat 7.0 already comes with XFree86 4.0.1
Update to XFree86 4.0.2 for and therefore needs no X-update like SuSE 7.0.
SuSE 7.0: Should your graphics card not be recognised during
ftp://ftp.gwdg.de/pub/linux/suse installation, for example because you are using a Naturally there are other graphics chips with 3D
/ftp.suse.com/suse/i386/X/XFree8 GeForce 2 GTS or GeForce 3 and this is not yet support than those from Nvidia. For a few very
6/XFree86-4.0.2-SuSE/ detected, select a previous model, such as GeForce widespread chips, including ATI Rage 128, ATI
2. The Nvidia packages necessary for installation of Radeon, 3Dfx and Matrox, the DRI Project
% the 3D support are NVIDIA_GLX-0.9-769.i386.rpm (http://dri.sourceforge.net/) makes ready-made
and NVIDIA_kernel-0.9-769.rh70-up.i386.rpm. driver packages available for self-compilation  you
Both packages should be saved in /tmp to simplify can find the main ones on our cover CD. But since
matters. the drivers require Kernel 2.4 together with
With Red Hat, too, you must first swap the XFree86 4.0.1 or higher, the only suitable bases are
graphical user interface for the text console: After the latest distributions from SuSE, Red Hat or
switching over with [Ctrl+Alt+F1] log on as root and Mandrake. We will come back to this topic in a
switch off X with init 3. later issue. %
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