co to takiego???

lako - 10 Lut 2006 22:51
witam wszystkich. podczas zamykania windowsa XP pojawia się Kończenie zamykania programu SYS FADER. Co to jest???

szaleniec - 10 Lut 2006 23:05
This is weird no one knows for sure some say it's a file that places win into hybernation mode others say: "sysfader is used to effect fade in/out of menus and tooltip balloons. If it's persistently hanging-up, it can be disabled in Display Properties -> Effects -> uncheck "Use Transition Effects for menus and tooltips" (note: this is how it's disabled in Win2K; it might be done differently in XP)."

arnoldk_20 - 10 Lut 2006 23:07
A od czego jest

marek216 - 11 Lut 2006 00:05
google twoim przyacielem