Uwaga Oszust na moto.onet.pl
Szukając samochodu znalazłem na moto.onet.pl takie ogłoszenie


Kopia ogłoszenia pod linkiem:

Zainteresowany ofertą napisałem do sprzedawcy a to co otrzymałem od niego zamieszczam poniżej:

1 odpowiedź:
The price is 4000EUR. The car is located in London/England!
It was never been involved in accidents.It has no
scratches or something else.I am the first owner of this car.This is my
last price and the car it's not in leasing so you have to pay only this
price and nothing more..The car have the steering wheel on the left. I have all the papers of the car and the
service book as well.Everything is OK with the car.

--- On Thu, 5/8/08, xxxx xxxx<www1@trader.pl> wrote:
From: xxxx xxxxx<www1@trader.pl>
Subject: moto.onet.pl - Zapytanie z serwisu moto.onet.pl
To: "frewkhs2@yahoo.com" <frewkhs2@yahoo.com>
Date: Thursday, May 8, 2008, 3:15 PM

2 Odpowiedź:
The car is located in London/England and i am located in U.S with my work .
Few weeks ago somebody from Germany told to me that want to buy my
car.I told him that is Ok,we will meet in London and we will make the
deal.I was in London in the next day but no buyer,never respond to my emails
or to my calls so here is what i am sugessting to you:
With this service i am sure that you have the money and that you will
come for sure in London.
This service name is WesternUnion Money Transfer
You must find the nearest WesternUnion agency and you will go there
with your best friend. Your friend will be the
sender and the receiver is you in London/England.
I want to be 100 % sure that you will be in London because once the
money are sent you have to be in London to get the money.
Right now i am located in U.S but after i will get
the receipt from WU i will come back in London to wait you and to finish
the deal.That's why i need to see the receipt.I don't want to buy the
plane ticket to come and then to wait you and maybe you will never come.
If i will see the receipt then i will be sure that you will come and i
will go to buy the ticket plane for London.
After the transfer is made you must scan the receipt from WU and then
send it in to my e-mail address attached so i can check.If you are agree
then i will keep the car for you and after i will see the copy from
WesternUnion then in max.1 day i will come back in London to meet with you .
When we will meet in London we will go to a mechanic to confirm you
that the car is OK and to Police so they can tell you that the car it's
not stolen.I will change the name on the documents on your name and
after that we will go both to WesternUnion to get the money sended by your
wife or friend in London/England.
If something is wrong with this car then i will give you 1000 Euros for
your trip and for your time so please troust me because the car it's
like new.
WesternUnion take comission for sending the money.This is not a problem
because when we will meet in London i will give you back the money
which you have paid for sending the money to London/England.

--- On Thu, 5/8/08, xxxx <xxxx@wp.pl> wrote:
From: xxxx <xxxxx@wp.pl>
Subject: Re: moto.onet.pl - Zapytanie z serwisu moto.onet.pl
To: frewkhs2@yahoo.com
Date: Thursday, May 8, 2008, 8:59 PM

Schemat działania taki sam jak na mobile.de

:icon_exclaim::icon_exclaim: Przestrzegam przed tym oszustem :icon_exclaim::icon_exclaim:

telefon: 7040119733
region: inne

Jak można drania załatwić może podesłać mu jakiegoś wiruska ;)

I następne ogłoszenie:

Mitsubishi Colt 1.94 2008

Swoją drogą administracja portalu autotrader.pl działa expresowo :headbang::headbang::headbang:
Dziękuję za współpracę

Kolejne 2 auta :icon_exclaim:

Audi A6 2.5


I następne 2 auta

Mitsubishi Lancer 2.0 2006 - Opolskie

Honda Civic 2.0 - Opolskie

Co ciekawe numer który podaje w ogłoszeniach jest używany przez sklep w Londynie:

GPS navigation We are a smal company located in United Kingdom.We have for sale a lot of electronics.We will shipp the items by UPS Express or FedEx Air Express and the items will arrive in max. 3 working days., Contact:

Mr. Williams Robert
Address: 21 mansfiled road
London , United Kingdom , ig1 3ba
Tel:0044 7040119733 ** Fax:
Country: United Kingdom


BMW 330 CD 2.99 2004

Suzuki Grand Vitara - 7040119733 - Opolskie

hej a tak z ciekawości - jaka jest metodyka działania tego pana ??
bo jak wpłacasz kase na swoje konto to wsumie po za wycieczką do Londynu ;) nie tracisz

Jest to bardzo prosty sposób, wpłacasz zaliczkę na Western Union sprzedawca żąda potwierdzenia tej wpłaty skanem dokumentu, na którym widnieje numer pozwalający wypłacić pieniądze dowolnej osobie. Ot i cała filozofia, jakbyś przeczytał temat o Mobile.de to byś wiedział :)