11 11 24

This shabby blazer does not go with (match) your trendy shoes.

This tasteful dinner jacket seems to be a little too tight on you.

These unfashionable dungarees don't suit you.

She is wearing tight trousers and a baggy jumper.

I don't like wearing formal clothes, I prefer casual style.





B. Frequency adverbs

Often, sometimes, never, usually, occasionally, seldom, rarely, hardly ever

They are often too tired

Sometimes we had to

I will never forget

Parents were usually

Other never allowed

Auxiliary - operator, modal verb


I sometimes have

Sometimes I have

I have never been to England.

I always fold my clothes up

Is always borrowing

Can rarely find

Occasionally - sometimes

Tend to


Used to

I used to live in a flat but now I live in a house.

I didn't use to

Did you use to?

When/where did you use to?


I would like to go home

If I were you I would go home.

He said he would help me.


To be - state

Taste, smell, feel, love, like, see, hear, hate, understand

I used to like French fries but now I hate them.

I used to live

I would live


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