How to please your man using Fellatio! 3

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Fellatio: A 14 Lesson Tutorial
Right now lets discuss a technique that is probably the most common cocksucking
technique in the world. Take his cock in your mouth but not deeply. We will get to
deep throating later on. It's great, not over-rated, but if you want to be an expert at
deep throat start with the right techniques and work your way down, so to speak.
Take his cock in your mouth by sliding your moistened tongue lovingly over the
head until your lips close around the shaft at the point just behind the corona. Don't
just open your mouth and close it around his cock. Slide it in. He will enjoy it much
more. Encase the shaft of his penis with your hand. Remember the shaft is
relatively insensitive to any kind of stimulation. By enclosing his penis with your
hand you give him the sensation of having his penis encased.
Now you have several options. Try twisting your head from side to side making
sure your moist lips stay in contact with the coronal ridge. While doing this gently
move your hand up and down the shaft. When he climaxes he may want to push
your head further down the shaft of his penis. He wants to envelop you with his
cock. As you are learning his climax you will miss the fine points if you deep throat
at this time. Instead gently suck around the corona as he climaxes so that you can
intensify his pleasure and increase the force of his orgasm.
As you gain more experience you will be able to tell exactly when his climax is
approaching and you will be ready for that initial spurt out the rubber.
There is one further refinement to this basic technique which will heighten his
orgasm. If you place your thumb at the very base of the penis in such a way as to
block the tube through which the cum spurts, the semen cannot escape even
though he is spasming and going through the reflex action of ejaculating semen.
If at the same time you suck vigorously on the head of his cock you can delay his
cum for several long moments. When you finally allow the cum to spurt it will last
much longer and be just as intense as a result. Even though you delay the cum for
only a few short moments you will be surprised by the intensity of his cum.
These techniques are the basis of cocksucking. Do not go beyond them until you
have become an expert, not only in the techniques themselves, but also in the
reading and interpreting of your partner's responses to such a point that you know
exactly how he is getting off on what you are doing. When you have reached this
point, you are ready for the more subtle, more advanced techniques.
Don't be so slavish that you miss out on the fun of self discovery. Find out what
works for you and for your partner and make your cocksucking as individual as
your signature. After all, you want your man to pick you out in the dark among
hundred slobbering cocksuckers.
One of the first things you encountered when you first started to suck cock was a
gag reflex. Most men seem to want to force their cocks down your throat as far as
they can get it. Particularly at the moment when they cum!
Consider for a moment that the average length of your oral cavity is three to three
and a half inches while the average Caucasian cock length is five to five and a half
inches. The laws of nature would seem to dictate that getting all that cock into your
mouth is an impossibility.
It can be done. You probably know someone who can do it and that is why you
reading this. It is possible to master the necessary technique. I don't want to be
boring, but if you understand your anatomy you will begin to understand the
requirements that allow you to take his hard cock into your mouth and down your
throat. The biggest obstacle to taking all of his cock down your throat is the fact
that there is a bend of almost ninety degrees behind your tongue leading down into
your throat. So the first thing to do is get the cock past that angle. Get past the
angle of the dangle!
In order to practice this, get in a position where you can turn your head in such a
way that your mouth and throat lie almost in a straight line. The best position to
accomplish this is to lie on a bed so that your head is near the edge with your body
sprawled across the bed so that your head is tipped sharply back. This position will
put your mouth and throat nearly in a line and will allow your partner to approach
you in such a way that insertion of his cock can be made so deeply that his pubic
hair presses against your lips.
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